
entitled people

reviews owned karens review 1-star-review entitled karen entitled people - 20545029

'I was immediately accosted by an employee': Guy tries to sell his personal items at a shop, gets banned, leaves 1-star review

The problem with giving everyone a platform to voice their opinions is that not everybody is going to have good ones. You're always going to end up with people whose internal bias prevents them from looking at something objectively. Heck, all of us have that going on to an extent—it's just a part of being human. We're all the unreliable narrators of our of own experience and so our account of our experiences should be taken with a grain of salt. Take this guy, for example. For some reason, he t…
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karens karens in the wild entitled reddit thread Reddit funny entitled people choosing beggar - 20570885

Top Choosing Beggars of the Week (May 19, 2023)

I guess in today's cultural climate, beggars can be choosers!
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Don’t want my help? Sure! Go ahead and get yourself fired

'Go ahead and get yourself fired': Movie theater worker tries to help out entitled coworker, he refuses, cue petty revenge

This entitled, annoying coworker definitely had it coming!
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customer service manager malicious compliance customers entitled reddit thread Reddit karen entitled people - 20543749

'Where's my 40% coupon?': Karen demands multiple discounts on her order, manager steps in and sides with employee

It's rare when the manager intervenes and stands up for the employee, so let's savor this moment.
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family drama aita vindicated cheating husband family-drama-story Reddit satisfying-vindication karma entitled people - 20539909

'You probably learned how to use chopsticks by eating his wife’s leftovers': Entitled cousin gets put in her place while out for sushi

Encountering entitled strangers is already a frustrating situation, but when it's your own family member being the mean entitled one then it's a whole other ballgame. You'd think your family is supposed to support you and encourage you to learn new things and better yourself. But sometimes family members can be jealous, egotistical, mean, and entitled. Sorry you're just trying to live your life and you crossed their path! It's easier to put a stranger in their place, but your own flesh and blo0…
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aita flight entitled reddit thread Reddit karen airplane entitled people - 20540165

'The mom went off on me': Parents change baby's diaper at their seats on the plane, passenger asks them to stop, flight crew intervenes

There are a few grey areas when it comes to appropriate behavior on a flight, but this is way too far. This couple was sitting near the bathrooms, where it was confirmed that there was a changing table. Instead, however, they decided it was totally acceptable to change their baby's stink diaper right there at the seats in a row they were sharing with a total stranger. This thread was posted to Reddit's r/AmITheA**hole subreddit, and you can just imagine how the ruthless judges of the AITA commu…
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neighbors neighborhood revenge petty revenge entitled reddit thread Reddit entitled people - 20506885

'He called [...] for noise complaints any chance he got': Kevin gets neighbor fined $800, neighbor gets petty revenge

This hypocritical Kevin needed to be called out when it came to making noise.
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children karen kids entitled things kids say revenge entitled parents karens entitled people karens in the wild karen-stories - 20525829

'She needs a time out': Karen gets shut down by a 5-year-old

There is nothing more brutally cutting than the honest remarks of a child. Their lack of filter and a forming understanding of the world can bring forth some surprisingly perceptive comments that no adult would ever dare think—let alone utter out loud. These comments are usually directed at family or caretakers. They can sufficiently ruin days and demolish the egos of those people. That alone can be a lot to handle, but when they're directed toward complete strangers, it can be humiliating. Tha…
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customer service repair internet cable karens in the wild entitled reddit thread Reddit karen entitled people - 20505605

'NO DRILLING IN MY HOUSE': Karen makes it impossible for cable guy to fix internet issues, she tries to get free TV from him

The audacity to intervene and then ask for free stuff!
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Entitled sister in law stole our baby name. Now she regrets it

'Sister in law stole our baby name. Now she regrets it': Entitled SIL burns bridges over name dispute

While they certainly aren't the first family to squabble over baby names, this SIL sounds especially toxic to her other family members . People oftentimes feel strongly about the names they choose for their babies. After all, a name is the first thing someone knows about you, and it sticks with you for life. Some siblings choose the same name , fall in love with it, and fight about the name with their family, but not quite to the extent that this person did, as they shared in a post to r/Entitl…
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customer service server waiter entitled reddit thread Reddit tales from your server entitled people - 20496133

'Now. Dear. I ordered [...] quite some time ago': Server takes drink orders for group of 18, customer demands for their drink before all the orders are taken

It sounds like posh lady either knew how difficult she was being or has no sense of the laws of physics.
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toxic relationships family drama relationship entitled parents toxic toxic-family relationship-drama relationships entitled parents entitled people - 20417285

'Hey, wanna destroy a party?..': Couple counters step-mother when she tries to hijack their baby shower

Aren't families wonderful? Having someone in your life who insists on making everything about themselves is challenging… to say the least. Hijacking events to suit her own preference is probably only the tip of a very large hidden iceberg when it comes to dealing with this stepmother. This couple found themselves the target of the husband's evil stepmother after her efforts to claim a grandchild from her own children were thwarted. Her ambivalence and disinterest toward them and their pregnancy…
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reddit-recap a-person-with-a-visual-impairment handicapped handicap people-with-disabilities karens in the wild visual-impairment Reddit karen legally blind entitled people person-with-a-disability - 20486917

'I don’t owe you an explanation': People with disabilities share their stories of Karen encounters

Karens are Karens to everybody, no one is safe. Unfortunately, if you have something that they don't understand, it makes you even more of a target to entitled Karens. So this is bad news for people with disabilities, especially people with a disability that isn't immediately visible. Karens aren't going to do any research on any disability and yet they will still act like they went to medical school. A person who is legally blind took to Reddit as an outlet to share a frustrating story of a Ka…
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failblog epic-karma karen-roast entitled-karen Reddit karen-justice roasted karma entitled people - 20467461

'[Everyone] beside me bursts into laughter': Witty woman epically roasts grocery store Karen

If you have ever encountered a Karen throwing a tantrum, we are truly sorry for you. It is annoying and usually absolutely mind-boggling. The reasoning of Karens never makes any sense and the amount of entitlement and audacity is insane. So when you witness a Karen mid-tantrum get roasted it is more than satisfying, it is witnessing karmic energy at work. One Redditor shared their own story of when they witnessed an epic burn happen to a Karen in a grocery store in Australia. Apparently there y…
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1-star-reviews entitled-influencer 1-star-review influencer karen-reviews entitled influencers karen entitled people - 20444421

Influencer leaves 1-star review when restaurant refuses to comp her meal in exchange for "exposure"

There seems to be no end to the number of people who think they're entitled to getting things for free just because a few people follow them on the internet. Asking for something for free after you've already eaten is kind of like scratching off a lotto ticket and then trying to return it. At that point, the transaction has already taken place—pay for your dang food and leave. The reality is that no one will give you something for free after the fact—that's not how it works. "Free" things in ex…
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customer service pro revenge retail revenge karen-customer revenge-stories fire entitled customers entitled entitled people work-story workplace-stories workplace-story - 20476677

'[One] crushes the front of his hood...': BMW driver refuses to stop blocking emergency parking, firefighters crush his car

Play stupid games… Win stupid prizes. Every now and then, you run into someone who thinks they are above the rules of society. These individuals think they are so clever and have it all figured out when they are really just ignorant of the fact that some rules are there for a reason. A firefighter encountered one of these individuals at the local grocery store, where their friend was the general manager. The individual in question was a gentleman who felt that they were above any sort of specia…
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