
entitled people

'It needs to be cleaned up': Hotel guest's kid makes a mess in the hallway, demands front desk guy to clean it up and slams the door in his face

'It needs to be cleaned up': Hotel guest's kid makes a mess in the hallway, demands front desk agent to clean it up and slams the door in his face

Whatever happened to cleaning up your own mess?
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'It is not possible to do what you actually wanted in three hours': Choosing beggar tries to trash auto shop online, owner reacts

'It is not possible to do what you actually wanted in three hours': Choosing beggar tries to trash auto shop online, owner reacts

Pretty sure the owner's response was not exactly what this student was expecting.
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'There was a queue of people waiting to be seated!': Entitled customers think they don't have to wait like everyone else

'There was a queue of people waiting to be seated!': Entitled customers think they don't have to wait like everyone else

To echo some of the sentiments expressed in this post, it's important to remember that members of every generation can be just as entitled as the next—by no means does one generation have a monopoly in entitlement. The baby boomers have their “Karens,” we millennials have our "Heathers," and Gen-Z has, well, whatever they have. (Madison?) There's a reason why you need to constantly be on your guard when working in the service industry, and that's because you never know where your next encounter…
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property house home military moving military-family karen delusional insane entitled entitled-people reddit creepy neighborhood neighbors army navy kids parents story wholesome happy-ending

'Get off my property!': Delusional Karen breaks into a military family's garden, threatening to run them out of town to acquire their property; police remove her, justice ensues, and the family lives happily ever after in their forever home

Military kids can all agree that moving sucks. After packing up your belongings for the 15th time before you even hit 8 years of age, the whole process starts to become numbing and the idea of a forever home becomes more of a fantastical dream than a reality. However, for some army brats, their dreams come true when their parents get stationed in a long term, or even forever, location.
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karens Music entitled parents choosing beggars mother teenagers airpods karens in the wild entitled reddit thread Reddit funny karen entitled people choosing beggar - 20980741

'We have a HUGE PROBLEM': Dramatic Karen demands her teenage daughter's AirPods be replaced with a newer model

The best part of the whole story is that the teenage daughter has absolutely nothing to do with this.
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'Your date just stole all the tips your friends left for me': Server gets back at prom kid for taking all the tip money from group hibachi dinner

'Your date just stole all the tips your friends left for me': Server gets back at prom kid for taking all the tip money from group hibachi dinner

Hats off to this server for making sure this kid's prom night did not go as planned.
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'I’m going to complain to your manager about how long you took': Karen demands to watch cleaning lady clean the toilet, lady takes her sweet time

'I’m going to complain to your manager about how long you took': Karen demands to watch cleaning lady clean the toilet, lady takes her sweet time

Karen got exactly what she wanted, just not as quickly as she wanted.
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customer service tips manager malicious compliance server waiter revenge customers restaurant entitled reddit thread Reddit tales from your server entitled people - 20976389

'If she wants large tables, she can have them': Server makes sure annoying coworker gets overwhelmed on the job after getting embarrassed in front of customers

Sometimes the best lessons come from giving someone exactly what they wanted.
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'Karen thinks that she is more important than the other 400 people': Woman reports train attendant who wouldn't give her coffee fast enough

'Karen thinks that she is more important than the other 400 people': Woman reports train attendant who wouldn't give her coffee fast enough

They say you should choose your battles in life, but some people love to fight every single battle that comes their way. Maybe it's just the way they were raised, being taught that confrontation will always get you your way. But in reality, treating every minor issue like a huge deal just makes everyone around you roll their eyes. In a story told to the r/EntitledB**** subreddit, u/HBiggle shared a story of a Karen who accosted them while they worked as an attendant on a train. Being a train at…
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karma couple entitled entitled-people plane airline flight flight-attendant instant-karma seat first-class ticket airplane airlines flying karen kevin

'Karma is real': Couple gets what they deserve after harassing their chubby neighbor on a plane; flight attendants enjoy petty revenge in the form of a cold shoulder and TSA bombardment

Nobody likes being in a plane. The food is gross, the air is stale, and for some reason, you're always fighting your neighbors for every spare inch of leg room. But even when you're vying for space between an ex-football player and a woman holding a screaming newborn, it's still far worse to be caught in the cross-hairs of a Karen on a tirade.
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drive aita Italy car demanding flooding Hawaii Travel entitled leave traveling road trip entitled people flood update - 20992261

Update: 'I told her she is not going anywhere': Uncooperative traveler refuses to end trip early, then demands to be taken to Hawaii

These vacations to Italy and Hawaii sound incredible, so it's a shame it didn't work out as the vacationers planned. Traveling with your friends always seems like a good idea until it's actually time to go. You really find out who people are when they're under stress, and if you've ever traveled at all, you know that things never go completely as planned. Vacationing, as relaxing as it is, involves a lot of moving parts and planning things in advance. Depending on what you do, the planner has t…
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'Put my order in first! I need it NOW': Top Karens of the Week (June 21, 2023)

'Put my order in first! I need it NOW': Top Karens of the Week (June 21, 2023)

On this week's Top Karens list, we're covering a lot of ground: stage moms, posh customers, and even vegan Karens.
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karens airport security malicious compliance airport malicious-compliance-reddit entitled stories karen karen-story entitled people flying airport-karen - 20983557

'I very much doubt he made his flight': Dude is rude to airport security, they select him for a thorough search

Being rude to people in customer service is only going to make your life more difficult, and it's really not a good idea to tempt someone who has the federal-granted authority to give everything you own—including your own person—a very thorough search. Further, if you're being overly aggressive and disruptive, you may be detained or banned from flying ever again altogether—which would be mightily more inconvenient than waiting for a disgruntled agent to rifle through your bag. But—hey—flying ca…
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'I’M SICK OF THIS AIRPORT HIRING THESE IDIOTS!': Irate Kevin makes a scene at airport security, staff makes sure he misses his flight

'I’M SICK OF THIS AIRPORT HIRING THESE IDIOTS!': Irate Kevin makes a scene at airport security, staff makes sure he misses his flight

Here's a travel tip for everyone out there: don't upset the airport security staff!
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'My trap had worked': Touring Karen demands to be taken into bear territory, tour guide gives her a scare

'My trap had worked': Touring Karen demands to be taken into bear territory, tour guide gives her a scare

This seemingly dangerous story has an unexpectedly wholesome ending.
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'Bird lady was enraged': Karen disturbs beachgoers by feeding seagulls, kids get back at her

'Bird lady was enraged': Karen disturbs beachgoers by feeding seagulls, kids get back at her

Sometimes the best way to confront a Karen is to give her a taste of her own medicine.
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