
entitled people

'Below is my list for Christmas': Choosing beggars pretend to be a kid in Santa Wish List letter to nonprofit, asking for pricey, luxurious gifts

'Below is my list for Christmas': Choosing beggars pretend to be a kid in Santa Wish List letter to nonprofit, asking for pricey, luxurious gifts

Imagine the kind of level of desperation one would have to exhibit to draft a Santa Wish List letter as a 12-year-old child in order to get expensive Christmas gifts. These are the kinds of letters to nonprofit organizations where billionaires purchase Holiday gifts for underprivileged kids. These are the kinds of organizations that are meant for children in need, not fully grown choosing beggars with a whole lot of audacity.
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'Am I in the wrong here?': Top Roommate Stories of the Week (November 23, 2023)

'Am I in the wrong here?': Top Roommate Stories of the Week (November 23, 2023)

One thing no one is thankful for is their nightmare roommate who has made the year exponentially more difficult than it needed to be. Thankfully, my year of having a nightmare roommate is long over, but I remember it like it was yesterday. I'm sure I am not the only person who will tell you that these experiences stick with you. Sure, you might go through a process of convincing yourself that it was an important chapter of your life and one that helped you grow into the person you are today, bl…
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company-boss, entitled-management, retired, rich-people, entitled-rich-people, the-bourgeoisie

'What a joke': Retired 55-year-old millionaire claiming he made all of his riches entirely on his own gets called out for what he truly is, a nepo-baby

Do you know a nepo-baby? The term was coined very recently, but “nepotism” has been around since the dawn of material riches. If you didn't know, it's when someone already in power favors someone they know, say a family member, friend, or whatever, and provides them with things like a job. Basically, it means you need money to make money. And I mean a lot of it… To add insult to injury, most nepo-babies will deny being one. They will claim they just worked harder than anyone else and made their…
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r-amithejerk, reddit-post, sisters, sibling-squabble, sibling-fight, sibling-argument, family, siblings, older-sister, younger-sister, sisters

'[She] got served a massive tray of humble pie': Older sister thinks younger sister's graduation is beneath her, so younger sister gets karma with a classic 'uno-reverse' move

Calling all siblings, this one is a familiar burn. Parents, partners, and besties are supposed to take the high road, but siblings get a pass to the low road. If you're a sibling, you get what I mean. Nobody can talk badly to your sister or brother, that is YOUR job. If you need to teach your sibling a lesson and fight fire with fire, then light it up! Because nobody else is allowed to do that. In this story, however, things may or may not have gone too far… The sisters were prone to squabbling…
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'I threw it back': Karen customer throws card in cashier's face repeatedly, cashier gets wholesome payback

'I threw it back': Karen customer throws card in cashier's face repeatedly, cashier gets wholesome payback

Sometimes, the only way to deal with a Karen customer is to give them a taste of their own medicine. Here, we have a rare instance of a revenge tale that ends up having more of a wholesome ending. Who knew that getting payback could actually lead to positive change in your adversary's behavior? That's what this Redditor learned after they refused to let this regular customer get away with nonsense at the fast food restaurant where OP worked.
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'My ultimate dream car': 20+ folks share the first thing they would buy if they were the richest people alive

'My ultimate dream car': 20+ folks share the first thing they would buy if they were the richest people alive

There is nothing like a hypothetical question to figure out who amongst us is selfish and who is caring. Some of you are far greater individuals than I would be in this situation. But then again, this is all incredibly theoretical. For instance, let's give a warm shoutout to the Redditor who said they would buy up vacant hotels and convert them into affordable housing. Perhaps if I became the richest person in the world, that would be the second or third thought that would cross my mind. Unfort…
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'I could not believe how perfect the timing was': Thai restaurant employee tricks customer in front of entire restaurant

'I could not believe how perfect the timing was': Thai restaurant employee tricks entitled customer in front of entire restaurant

No offense to this woman, but if you're in a super big rush , why are you stopping at a restaurant? We've all been there: you're out on the go somewhere, maybe between jobs or between meetings, and you suddenly get that rumble in your stomach. When you're hungry, every restaurant looks appealing. If you have an hour or two to spare, stopping into a sit-down dining establishment is a great way to have a break and refuel.
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'She blamed him for EVERYTHING': 20+ spouses and family members of Karens speak out, commiserate, and provide tips on how to cope

'She blamed him for EVERYTHING': 20+ spouses and family members of Karens speak out, commiserate, and provide tips on how to cope

It's certainly not easy to deal with a Karen customer or a Karen coworker, but what about having to deal with being married to one? Or rather, having a Karen in your immediate family? There are several tips and tricks for how to cope with this unfortunate but very real phenomenon. Firstly, find someone else to confide in, whether that's another family member or, ideally, a professional because this Karen is probably going to cause you to go into therapy at some point anyway. Second, draw bounda…
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'The literal self-absorbed nature of society': Top 25 minor inconveniences that annoy folks to no end

'The literal self-absorbed nature of society': Top 25 minor inconveniences that annoy folks to no end

Whether we like it or not, life is full of nuisances. We try our best to muddle through these struggles, but that does not stop us from being overdramatic and drawing attention to ourselves as we express our frustration over the smallest of problems. Yes, we're aware that there are bigger problems in this world than our in-grown toenails or the 10-minute wait time for the next subway, but that won't stop us from acting like we are the most aggrieved people in the world. Call it main character s…
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'Where's my salute?': Military wife insists on being saluted, accidentally creates brand new rule for the entire base to 'salute vehicle stickers'

'Where's my salute?': Military wife insists on being saluted, accidentally creates brand new rule for the entire base to 'salute vehicle stickers'

Being a military spouse is a big deal to some people. Their husband or wife joins the military, and in order to go with them, they travel to whichever base their spouse happens to be stationed at. It can oftentimes be a lonely life. So the military spouses become a tight-knit group. After all, who else can you spend time with while you're at the base? Maybe that's why so many military spouses take their partner's ranking so seriously. They think that because their husband or wife is an official…
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'Your adult children don't talk to you and you don't know why': 20+ signs of a trashy parent

'Your adult children don't talk to you and you don't know why': 20+ signs of a trashy parent

It's no secret that part of being a parent is messing up. Ideally, like in all things in life, we learn from our mistakes, but there are some parents out there who will never learn and who are practically walking red flags as a result of how they treat their kids. As these folks on Reddit pointed out via this r/AskReddit thread, there are countless signs that you or someone you know may be a trashy parent. Whether it's yelling at your kids in public or refusing to believe your kid could possibl…
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'I can't do ANYTHING if you're both YELLING AT ME': Karen customers messed up their own payment, accuse front desk agent of fraud, she claps back

'I can't do ANYTHING if you're both YELLING AT ME': Karen hotel guests messed up their own payment, accuse front desk agent of fraud, she claps back

Accusing a hotel front desk agent of fraud is probably not the best way to get them to help you. Remember: these are the people that can make your stay exponentially easier or exponentially more difficult. It's also worth noting that so much of this drama can be easily resolved if people remember to book their hotel stays directly on the hotel website rather than through a third-party site. The number of instances in which we have seen irate customers make this mistake through Internet stories…
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'You better cough up the dough': Bridezilla demands maid of honor purchase a dress she'll never wear again, divides Internet

'You better cough up the dough': Bridezilla demands maid of honor purchase a dress she'll never wear again, divides Internet

The amount of money people are expected to casually spend on their friends' weddings is one of society's greatest ills at the moment. From exorbitant costs spent on flights and hotels for bachelor/bachelorette parties to money spent on bridal showers and gifts for the actual wedding weekend, the expenses can feel endless and can almost certainly put someone into debt. No one said anything about how budgeting for your best friend's wedding would be as hard to do as budgeting for your own adult l…
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antiwork workplace-stories employee work stories toxic-workplace job work coworkers toxic-boss entitled reddit thread Reddit entitled people toxic-work-environment - 23055109

'[He] thought it was appropriate to call me at 10 p.m. to berate me': Workers retaliate after wage changes; boss blames the one employee who had no idea about it

This boss had it coming . The OP practically ran the whole show at the company—hiring, training, fixing things, coming up with ideas, etc. The place couldn't function without him, and it seemed like the boss wanted it that way. Whenever something went wrong, it was never his fault. The OP was getting worn out. Constant calls and texts after hours, always there to fix things. But not this time. When the higher-ups announced wage changes, something the OP had nothing to do with, the employees wer…
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'A guest should eat what they are given': Guy gets even with Karen mother-in-law after 10 years, hosts dinner with food she can't eat

'A guest should eat what they are given': Guy gets even with Karen mother-in-law after 10 years, hosts dinner with food she can't eat

When Karens put negative energy out into the universe, they are bound to get that same energy in return. Here, we have a Karen who purposely disregarded her son-in-law's dietary issues and served a Christmas dinner with nothing for him to eat. He never forgot that feeling and it wasn't until a decade later when he finally got some payback. Sure, it's polite for a guest to eat what is served to them, but in this instance, these were known health issues that the Redditor made sure his monster-in-…
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'If you think I'm the only one mad and upset with you two, think again': Aunt returns Christmas card and pens note telling her nephew and his wife off

'If you think I'm the only one mad and upset with you two, think again': Entitled aunt returns Christmas card and pens a scathing note telling her nephew and his wife that they should "be ashamed"

Some people get really hung up on thank-you cards . Plenty of folks place a high value on gift-giving, and for some reason, they are also very insistent on receiving a thank-you note. Thanking the gift-giver as you open their present should be enough, right? When you can look the person in the eyes and genuinely appreciate their thoughtfulness and chat about the gift, that seems like it should be sufficient. But some people believe that if you don't send a physical thank-you card as soon as pos…
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