entitled people

HOA Karen forces neighbor to take down his kids' tree house: 'Your act of casual cruelty was successful'

HOA Karen forces neighbor to take down his kids' tree house: 'Your act of casual cruelty was successful'

'I don't think you understand': Customer breaks into unopened store to shop for camping supplies

'I don't think you understand': Customer breaks into unopened store to shop for camping supplies

'I sneezed at least 100 times on our 45 minute date': 20 cringeworthy first date mishaps

'I sneezed at least 100 times on our 45 minute date': 20 cringeworthy first date mishaps

'I'll keep it safe for you...': Irresponsible woman tries getting her hands on the $20,000 her daughter won in a lawsuit

'I'll keep it safe for you...': Irresponsible woman tries getting her hands on the $20,000 her daughter won in a lawsuit

HOA tries to fine non-HOA homeowners for violating their rules: 'We didn't join an HOA when we bought the house'

HOA tries to fine non-HOA homeowners for violating their rules: 'We didn't join an HOA when we bought the house'

'She's trying to overcharge me!': Fast food employee and manager bewildered by customer who won't pay an extra penny for meal

'She's trying to overcharge me!': Fast food employee and manager bewildered by customer who won't pay an extra penny for meal

'Is this a prank?': Demanding couple ask business class passenger to switch seats, she agrees, only to find out they were seated in economy

'Is this a prank?': Demanding couple ask business class passenger to switch seats, she agrees, only to find out they were seated in economy

‘Her manager called the next day, profusely apologizing’: Customer gets back at retail employee for refusing to help her 30 minutes before store closing time

‘Her manager called the next day, profusely apologizing’: Customer gets back at retail employee for refusing to help her 30 minutes before store closing time

'THIS EMPLOYEE IS STEALING': Drive thru worker gets caught adding unauthorized 20% tips to orders

'THIS EMPLOYEE IS STEALING': Drive thru worker gets caught adding unauthorized 20% tips to orders

‘You’re a grown woman, figure it out': Demanding guest blames hotel clerk for failing to book her room after she disappeared for days

‘You’re a grown woman, figure it out': Demanding guest blames hotel clerk for failing to book her room after she disappeared for days

workplace-stories employee job retail tales-from-the-workplace reddit story entitled customers workplace Reddit funny entitled people - 24894981

'Don't clock in, don't get paid': Company stops paying employees who fail to clock in on time, leading to a legal dispute

guests employee hotel absurd karen-customer tales from the front desk hotel room ridiculous karens in the wild karen kevin entitled people - 24882181

Karen hotel guest has outburst over unanswered room service call': 'She then proceeds to take out her MOBILE PHONE, press 0 and show me how that is not dialing to our reception'

'The meanest girls I know are all nurses': 20+ occupations that attract the worst people

'The meanest girls I know are all nurses': 20+ occupations that attract the worst people

'In your dreams...': Queue jumper waits 3 times as long for assistance after demanding store manager grant him VIP access

'In your dreams...': Queue jumper waits 3 times as long for assistance after demanding store manager grant him VIP access

Karen calls neighbor's boss to try to get him fired, falsely accuses him of theft: 'It was so embarrassing'

Karen calls neighbor's boss to try to get him fired, falsely accuses him of theft: 'It was so embarrassing'

'Karen was annoyed that I didn't evenly divide 7 by 2': Karen throws tantrum after her daughters were not picked as volunteers in school assembly

'Karen was annoyed that I didn't evenly divide 7 by 2': Mother throws tantrum after her daughters were not picked as volunteers in school assembly