

low budget fixes and diy solutions | Alright everyone Let this sink moment car gear stick replaced with a glass bathroom knob | pipe with holes poked in it as a shower head

Low Budget Solutions and Fixes

It's not stupid if it works. Okay it might be really stupid.
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Funny low budget do it yourself fixes and creations | filling up a pool with water from a rain gutter installed on a roof | shaving blades attached to broken plastic forks

Low Budget Fixes and DIY Solutions

It might be an ugly or bad idea, but it still works.
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An apprentice engineer pisses off their crew, and gets left 250 miles from home | r/ProRevenge Join u/GhostOfSorabji 122d 1 3 2 Apprentice engineer pisses off crew gets left behind 250 miles home Lordy reminded this story after recent phone call an old friend. Rather long one, so sincere apologies advance s part O r/ProRevenge, part O r/EntitledPeople. Some years age got gig working weekend music festival. Fairly simple too: ten bands per day and all pretty standard rock 'n' roll fare. Bossman p

Apprentice Engineer Angers Crew, Gets Ditched 250 Miles From Home

Lad got taught a lesson.
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Funny low budget DIY engineering and solutions | slice of cheese with the words BUY POST IT NOTES carved into it | sink faucet installed in place of a shower head

Bad but Awesome Low Budget Solutions

Not stupid if it works.
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child realizes his dad is driving a train

Engineer's Son Realizes Dad Is Driving Passing Train

Doesn't get much cuter than that.
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automobile FAIL engineering ridiculous funny Video stupid - 97223681

Woman Rolls Backwards Into River After Failed Job By Her Mechanics

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Excited Train Guy Is Proof Adults Can Still Feel Something

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tweets about a guy learning about the imperial system

Hilariously Enraged Dude Has Meltdown On Twitter After Discovering The Imperial System

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Genius Engineering Bros Attach Chainsaw to Trike, Proceed to Mob It Around Campus

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Cannot Compute Letters

Via Tumblr

Too High

Via Subvs
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Nightmare Fuel of the Day: Terrifying Robotic Cheetah Has Learned to Jump

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This Totally Absurd Jet-Kart Rips Up the Track

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Father and Daughter Create a Hilariously Flawed Cereal Machine

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There Is Only Big FAIL

construction engineer engineering Hall of Fame road - 5902508288
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These Guys Made a Scary-Good Self-Guided Paintball Turret. TF2 Engineers in the Making!

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