
workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work workplace Horrible Bosses employment in the workplace - 25185797

Worker contacted by shocked HR months after being told they'd been laid off in case of mistaken identity: 'It took them almost TWO months to realize'

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'I left with zero notice': Employer shocked when employee quits after 30% pay cut for a new job that pays double the amount they had offered

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Coworker gets reprimanded for not smiling: 'I don't get paid enough to deal with this'

‘He asked me how much I weighed during my interview’: Employees Share Most Entertaining Boss Stories

‘He asked me how much I weighed during my interview’: Employees Share Most Entertaining Boss Stories

Imaging technician told to take their breaks "No matter what," leaves customers waiting and stuns management: 'I'm only doing what you asked'

Imaging technician told to take their breaks "No matter what," leaves customers waiting and stuns management: 'I'm only doing what you asked'

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Worker calls out pedantic boss's ironic presentation mistake: 'Yeah, that is a careless mistake, huh?'

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'Congratulations!': HR gives worker letter congratulating them on their 4.75% raise but then says they will still be paid the same amount

‘He looked up at my boss tearfully’: Employees Share Fastest Ways Coworkers Got Fired on the Spot

‘He looked up at my boss tearfully’: Employees Share Fastest Ways Coworkers Got Fired on the Spot

workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work workplace Horrible Bosses employment in the workplace - 25296645

Worker told they're not going to be paid for overtime because they "volunteered": 'I [didn't] get paid'

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Retired employee shares 4 important rules he's learned in the workforce: 'Management is NOT your friend'

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Worker reprimanded by manager for not arriving 15 minutes before their scheduled shift: 'I argued with him'

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Coworker keeps pushing their work onto employee, they take leave and watch the project come to a standstill: 'I went to HR'

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Boss forces worker to stay and work late despite having nothing to do, gets paid to read: 'My boss was speechless'

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'It's a symptom of a wider problem but it's still theft': Barista secretly adds tip on card reader after customer declines receipt, customer conflicted

36 Memes for Employees With the Monday Blues

36 Memes for Employees With the Monday Blues

workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance work workplace workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace - 24971013

IT employee maliciously complies to new boss's autocratic dress code: '[I wore] hi-vis polo shirts'