
workplace-stories employee toxic-workplace Office workplace reddit thread Reddit toxic-work-environment - 19965701

‘The work I did wasn’t on him, it was on you’: Leadership tries to block employee from opportunities, he ends up with a more senior position than them

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'I officially resigned': Company approaches contractor they ghosted with generous offer of a 50% lower rate

Manager tried throwing me under the bus, so I showed everyone her incompetence.

'Small win against toxic management': Employee pushed out by toxic manager, exposes that they have been doing manager's work for over a year

Relatable Coworker Memes for Broke Employees Who Laugh At Their Boss's Jokes In Hopes of a Promotion

Relatable Coworker Memes for Broke Employees Who Laugh At Their Boss's Jokes In Hopes of a Promotion

customer service ghost-quitting employee generational millennials i quit quit no-call-no-show gen x gen z workplace workforce quitting retail-jobs - 19947269

'Are they just [THAT] afraid of confrontation': Millennial boss sparks discussion about "ghost quitting" and whether it's a Gen Z thing or a minimum wage job thing

‘My car was hit by your car, I'm just stating the facts': Entitled executive hits employee's car; denial leads to petty revenge

‘My car was hit by your car, I'm just stating the facts': Entitled executive hits employee's car; denial leads to petty revenge

workplace-stories employee work stories manager lunch workplace reddit thread Reddit - 19851269

'If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it': Manager creates mandatory lunch break schedule, employee finds loophole to get paid overtime

employee toxic-workplace job mildly infuriating reddit thread Reddit job interview interview toxic-work-environment - 19838981

'I do not schedule interviews for candidates who are currently employed': HR shows true colors with bogus hiring policy, internet reacts

'Too bad, I don't care, you HAVE to come in': Burnt out employee falls asleep at the wheel OTW to work after begging for a mental health day, tyrannical boss gets snubbed when he ends up needing 4 weeks medical leave

'Too bad, I don't care, you HAVE to come in': Burnt out employee falls asleep at the wheel OTW to work after begging for a mental health day, tyrannical boss at fault gets snubbed

aita employee retail customers cashier business karen - 19801093

'AITA for being Karen-ish with retail workers?': Customer flips out on retail workers after they ignore him for a half hour

‘I couldn't believe she got away with it’ : Unhinged Karen calls police in attempt to avoid paying for services, places false accusations on employee and gets away with it

‘I couldn't believe she got away with it’ : Unhinged Karen calls police in attempt to avoid paying for services, places false accusations on employee and gets away with it

'Mom's in the hospital? Sorry, you're fired': Trainee gets pink-slipped by hostile employer after choosing to take care of her hospitalized mother instead of clocking in for one shift

'Mom's in the hospital? Sorry, you're fired': Trainee gets pink-slipped by hostile employer after choosing to take care of her hospitalized mother instead of clocking in for one shift

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'I don't work there anymore. Please don't call me': Worker gets phone call from somewhere they haven't worked for 8 years

‘I took my first chance at revenge’ : Entitled boss applies for new job, ex-employee sabotages his efforts following tyrannical reign

‘I took my first chance at revenge’ : Entitled boss applies for new job, ex-employee sabotages his efforts following tyrannical reign

AITA for not letting entitled regular customer come into an employee only area?

'She has threatened to call corporate': Entitled customer keeps barging into thrift store's backroom as employee tries to stop her

tales-from-the-front-desk workplace-stories employee hotel entitled reddit thread Reddit entitled people - 19705861

'I was that lady who checked you in last time. And I did not say that': Entitled hotel guest tries to cheat his way to a cheaper rate, gets caught in a lie