

Blast From the Past, Featuring Women's Suffrage!

election - 6742120960

Politics Dictate Your Alcoholism

buzzfeed election politics - 6738964480
Via Buzzfeed

Definitely Not Pro-Life WIN

costume vote election politics - 6722906624
Created by jkbaessler1

Take Note, America!

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Now That You Mention It... Yeah!

Mitt Romney election 2012 barack obama election voting - 6720640512

Thank You, God Bless America!

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I Died Right Then and There

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Created by JezkaTheChiz

Generic Political Rant!

Mitt Romney barack obama election 2012 election voting - 6695467264
Created by Brooke23

Now, Now, Wait Your Turn!

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Missing the Point

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Created by Unknown

Time For the Girlfriend Election

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Via For Lack of a Better Comic

Cover Photo. Stahp.

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FAIL Nation: Trick Question FAIL

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Vote for the Meme!

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Created by hongalabongala

Failbook: The Princess is in Another White House!

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Failbook: Is It '2012?'

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