
'I'll make the quesadillas exactly as ordered, but you pay the dry cleaners': Cheap manager changes restaurant recipes, gets covered in molten cheese in front of his corporate bosses

'I'll make the quesadillas exactly as ordered, but you pay the dry cleaners': Cheap manager changes restaurant recipes, gets covered in molten cheese in front of his corporate bosses

'No other pizza place would do that for him': 30+ Customers who requested waiters bring them the weirdest food ever

'No other pizza place would do that for him': 30+ Quirky customers who requested waiters bring them the weirdest food ever

cringey workplace-stories jobs waiters job waiter work coworkers customers cringe food service workplace food eating waitress cringeworthy tales from your server dining dumb humor kids customer entitled - 22823429

'I don't want my server to have a sense of humor': Waitress faces online backlash for her jokey sense of humor with customers

'The auditor shows up for their surprise inspection, right in the middle of the lunch rush': Food service employee labels restaurant food to pass an audit

'The auditor shows up for their surprise inspection, right in the middle of the lunch rush': Food service employee maliciously complies with labelling restaurant food to pass an audit

'You told me today I couldn't cook without permission': Boss wants employee to ask him before cooking anything, employee complies on 'the busiest night'

'You told me today I couldn't cook without permission': Boss insists employee ask him before cooking anything, employee complies on 'the busiest night'

'Don't want to sit inside even though a storm is coming? Okay': Diners ignore waitress' weather warning, get drenched in a storm after restaurant won't serve them indoors

'Don't want to sit inside even though a storm is coming? Okay': Entitled diners ignore waitress' weather warning, get drenched in a storm after restaurant refuses to serve them indoors

ask reddit waiters waiter customers Kitchen Confidential restaurant chef food service chefs kitchen food eating dining red flags - 22491909

'A seafood restaurant should not smell fishy': 25+ Restaurant workers explain the red flags hiding in plain sight while dining

'My teacher asked me to order 60 cans of peas… I typed 6000': 25+ Chefs tell all about the biggest mistakes they ever made while cooking for customers

'My teacher asked me to order 60 cans of peas… I typed 6000': 25+ Chefs share the biggest, funniest mistakes they ever made while cooking for customers

'She broke multiple heirloom china plates': Dinner host gives sister in law sippy cup and child's plate after she repeatedly drops dishes

'She broke multiple heirloom china plates': Dinner host gives sister in law sippy cup and child's plate after she repeatedly drops dishes

Dinner guest tells host she's not honoring tradition because she won't eat mayo

'I did not think I was the entitled one here': Dinner guest tells host she's being 'unappreciative of their traditions' because she won't eat mayo

family drama meals chicken cooking malicious compliance malicious-compliance-reddit husband dinner mother in law family food eating - 21881093

Update: 'I told you that in confidence': Woman critiques daughter in law's cooking, receives plain meal in return

'She flags down a manager': Diner orders plain omelette, is shocked to receive a plain omelette

'She flags down a manager to complain': Diner orders plain omelette, is infuriated to receive a plain omelette

30 Majorly messy meals that really needed plates

30 Majorly messy meals that really needed plates

'My boss walks in and sees the steak lying on the window sill': Husband acts out at business dinner with wife's boss

'My boss walks in and sees the steak lying on the window sill': Cringy husband embarrasses wife, acts utterly bizarre at business dinner with her boss

'It was very awkward': Couple ditches double date after other couple shows up extra late

'It was very awkward': Couple ditches double date after other couple shows up extra late

roommates roommate psycho rules bad fridge food eating eat stolen thief stealing-food rage revenge petty-revenge petty reddit call-center call work harassment prank prank-call

'I spent 2 hours making his life miserable': Dude gets revenge on his roommate for eating his food; terrorizes him at work at the call center with hours of silly prank dials