

panera charged-lemonade charged lemonade lemons drink controversial reddit reddit-thread fast-food cashier employee worker working

'I'm surprised people still order this drink': Cashier calls out a fast food chains infamous 'charged lemonade', cautioning guests to avoid it at all costs

We've all heard about the drama around a particularly amped soft drink from a popular lunch franchise. With some folks comparing it to the original Four Loko, there has been some backlash surrounding the controversial drink that is confusing employees. Even amidst the controversy, workers are flabbergasted that the lemonade-nitrous is still being sold to customers– albeit with a severe warning sign on it, that apparently nobody reads.
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bar bartender creepy creep creeper date drinking drink drink-to-the-face weekend reddit revenge deserves payback

'I poured the shot in his shoes': Creeper gets what he deserves after pestering a woman on a date all night; ends up wearing the drink he insisted on buying her

Creepy dudes at a bar rarely catch a hint. You could literally tell them to their face that you're uninterested and the persistent vultures just think you're being coy. If only there were some audaciously insulting way that the victims of creepy bar flies could get payback against their leering peers? In this story, there definitely is.
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Funniest Boozy Memes for People Who Can Turn Any Gathering Into a Lit Function

Funniest Boozy Memes for People Who Can Turn Any Gathering Into a Lit Function

Bringing 3 bottles of wine to a one-year-olds birthday seems about right
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AITA for refusing to take down a video of my kids father dancing at my brother's wedding?

'He demanded that I take it down but I declined': Guy demands ex-wife take down embarrassing video of him at a wedding

We're conflicted about this one...
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AITA for punishing my daughter for making us all worried?

'16 years ago [...] I slept with another woman which resulted in another child': Cheating husband punishes daughter for acting out after she felt excluded

This guy refuses to take any responsibility for his actions.
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Man With Fear of Any Liquid Besides Water or Milk Tries a Multitude of Drinks for the First Time, His Genuine Reactions Wow the Internet

Man With Fear of Any Liquid Besides Water or Milk Tries a Multitude of Drinks for the First Time, His Genuine Reactions Wow the Internet

The man did not wanta any Fanta
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humor drinking milk ridiculous funny Video - 107186433

Guy Carbonates Milk, Proceeds To Question Existence

A natural enough reaction there, bud.
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Entitled customers want bigger glasses for their wine and the bartender maliciously complies | r/MaliciousCompliance wworrall They wanted bigger glass, so he gave them bigger glass. My parents and were on vacation few years back, and hanging out at Hotel bar. This place one those places cheap, but everyone who stayed there thought they were better than everyone else couple (Male Female) walked talking about Nice and quaint bar looked. They sat down at table next us were supposed order

Customers Want Bigger Wine Glasses, Bartender Maliciously Complies

Their entitlement was off the charts.
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customer service bar drinking manager FAIL cringe ridiculous - 106461441

Manager Of Failing Bar Called Out For Acting Like A Hotshot

An unforgiving reality check was served that day.
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Customer tries to scam a bar for free drinks, and then a non-alcoholic petty revenge ensues. | r/pettyrevenge Join u/dearghewls 6d 8 e 8 3 3 1 8 2 Lady wanted get drinks free, so made them worth price bartender and area work is upper class and petty as hell. As tell people all time don't go out here just work here One random night not too long ago l'm making drinks at well servers take their customers at their tables while other bartenders handle our bar top guests.

Customer Tries To Scam Bar For Free Drinks, Non-Alcoholic Revenge Ensues

Nice try.
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An entitled Karen assumes that customer works at store, and then learns otherwise. | r/IDontWorkHereLady Join u/throwralco 3d 1 Just take warm winecoolers and go, Karen. XL excited type this story, so my apologies if 's all over place dealt with Karens before, but not like this never thought l'd encounter one wild. Last night took trip my local liquor store get some bourbon my apartment admit l'm there often employees are cool, lowkey, and most importantly they don't judge frequent visits pick

Karen Assumes Customer Works At Liquor Store, Reality Check Ensues

Karen definitely thought wrong.
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young child attempts to buy beer

9-Year-Old Tries To Buy A Pint

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People on Twitter are going in on Hawaiian Punch drink | tweet by happienatalie love twitter is randomly coming Hawaiian Punch. Isolation really got us thinking

Quarantine Moment: Twitter Goes In On Hawaiian Punch

Hawaiian Punch is getting lit up.
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teacher funny greet as he enters the classroom

Professor Greets Class Everyday With "Whazaaaa" From Budweiser Commercials

That's one way to start class.
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A collection of AskReddit replies to things people think are healthy, but actually aren't healthy | Low Fat 100% Fat Free

Unhealthy Things That People Think Are Healthy

People need to do their own research.
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drinking irish Ireland ridiculous funny Video pubs culture - 101044225

Irish 6-Year-Old Insists On Going To The Pub

She manages to make one very compelling argument.
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