

'Not my responsibility bro...': Family vacation is derailed by brother's outburst after his sister refuses to dog sit, starting a blame game among the siblings

'Not my responsibility bro...': Family vacation is derailed by brother's outburst after his sister refuses to dog sit, starting a blame game among the siblings

Your family should always come first. Conversely, setting boundaries and declining help when necessary is perfectly reasonable. The story below is an account of a confused sister. Every year, the original poster (OP) and her family take trips together. OP, however, informed her family that neither she nor her spouse would be able to attend because of her current unemployment. Things were going well at first, but when her brother insisted that she take care of his five dogs the entire journey, t…
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neighbor karen neighborhood dog dogs barking petty revenge vengeance payback deserves karens reddit thread funny

‘Two can play this game, Karen’: Dude stays up until 3 AM to get revenge on the neighbor and her barking dog, then basks in the spoils of successful petty revenge

All bark no bite
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neighbor lies to HOA about woman's dogs disturbing the peace everyday, woman's clear evidence reveals it's the neighbor's 5 untrained rescue dogs

Neighbor accuses woman's dogs of barking constantly and contacts HOA, despite woman having ample evidence it's the neighbor's 5 rescue dogs: ‘Had it up to here’

Bad neighbors will go to great lengths to make your life difficult.
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'Swinona Ryder and Bunyonce': 30 Hilariously bizarre pet shelter names

'Swinona Ryder and Bunyonce': 30 Hilariously bizarre pet shelter names

Step right up and see the silliest-named animals on the whole internet! We've got cats, dogs, birds, and more with some very silly names that they've been given by their respective animal shelters. Next up,, read about these potluck dinners that went absolutely off the rails, like one person who admitted, that “Six people brought the same Walmart potato salad.”
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Downstairs neighbor sends series of unhinged texts about tenant's dog: 'I know now to NEVER EVER give neighbors your phone number'

Downstairs neighbor sends series of unhinged texts about tenant's dog: 'I know now to NEVER EVER give neighbors your phone number'

It always starts with an innocent exchange of phone numbers. After all, the downstairs neighbor seems like a normal person, he offered, and it would be weird to turn him down. Well, it turns out you really should have turned him down because now you're getting incessant complaints about everything from noises to your dog. That's what happened to this Redditor , who started to receive a series of unhinged messages not long after exchanging numbers with her downstairs neighbor. First, it was a no…
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'There's a bear right behind you': 10+ Delivery drivers share their craziest delivery experiences ever

'There's a bear right behind you': 10+ Delivery drivers share their craziest delivery experiences ever

Delivery drivers have seen it all. Really and truly, they've found themselves involved in the craziest situations imaginable! People order delivery for all sorts of reasons. They might just want food, but they also might be in the middle of a stressful move, or trying to watch a handful of kids, or they might be some college kids who are partying. The delivery drivers never know what type of scene they're going to be walking into when they show up with food in hand. More than 2,800 people answe…
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karen karens dog dogs canine aggressive yard garden neighbor neighborhood summer clever payback mom karen reddit petty revenge

'Bye bye garden bed': Neighborhood dogs destroy their own garden after a clever mom uses their untrained aggression against the owners

The best petty revenge is self-inflicted.
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Neighbor gets pro-level revenge on the "HOA Karen" trying to kick them out: 'I began my research'

Neighbor gets pro-level revenge on the "HOA Karen" trying to kick them out: 'I began my research'

One HOA member apparently had nothing better to do with her time than police her neighbors constantly. Having a bad neighbor can be a giant pain. Some of them play loud music 24/7. Others love to leave for long weekend trips while their dogs bark and howl for hours. Some people are just inconsiderate of the others around them, and will park on the sidewalk or put up bright floodlights that keep the neighbors awake. But this person wasn't doing anything wrong when their HOA neighbor confronted t…
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Campus resident demands student leash up his dog during an evening walk, only to be told canine is a wild coyote

Campus resident demands student leash up his dog during an evening walk, only to be told canine is a wild coyote

Sometimes it seems like folks are content to listen to themselves talk. For them, having their opinions heard is more essential than having any knowledge of the topic at hand. This is the story of a Caltech student who was left speechless. A man approached the original poster (OP) while he was wandering about the campus and said something absurd about a dog. OP initially thought the man was talking to the person behind him, but he soon realized that was not the case. The man seemed to be reques…
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'I couldn't help but laugh': Spouse shares the bizarre habits of clueless husband

'I couldn't help but laugh': Spouse shares the bizarre habits of clueless husband

Things that you may think are common sense are also the things that some people have never heard of before. Next up, read about these people's terrible neighbor situations, like one person who wrote that their “ entitled neighbor wasn't happy with my parking job, so they blocked me in .”
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'The school doesn't have a problem with it, neither should you': Young mother told to stay out of kids' school park so a woman can use it for her dog instead, her son cries all the way home

'The school doesn't have a problem with it, neither should you': Young mother told to stay out of kids' school park so a woman can use it for her dog instead, her son cries all the way home

People who believe that they own public spaces should be fined. A pregnant lady lived near a school that had a perfect playground for her young son. However, the park was only open when school was out. So one Sunday afternoon, after school hours, she got dressed, packed her kid in her stroller, and began waddling to the park, thinking how much she would like to take a seat due to pregnancy pains. Looking forward to some rest, she got to the gate and went to open it when she noticed some coats s…
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Entitled neighbor won't let woman's dogs play in her own backyard, sparking feud: 'If you want something from me climb over this fence yourself'

Entitled neighbor won't let woman's dogs play in her own backyard, sparking feud: 'If you want something from me climb over this fence yourself'

Neighbors can get particularly testy with one another when it comes to their dogs. Let's be honest: people tend to go above and beyond for their own pets. If they break something, it's fine. If they go to the bathroom where they're not supposed to, they get a free pass. If they act out in public, all is forgiven and it's probably someone else's fault. However, we simply do not extend the same courtesy to other people's dogs. If they break something, they're out of control. If they go to the bat…
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karen story karens public freak out freakout karens in the wild dog dogs service animal airplane travel seat traveling payback petty revenge entitled reddit

'You're prioritizing a dog?': Entitled airplane Karen gets shut down after trying to steal a service dog's designated seat

We love our dogs. For some people, their dog is more important than any friendship and the dog's position in the household has been firmly secured as a bone-a-fide family member. Contrarily, the Karen in our next story never imagined that a dog would ever surpass her own self-imposed importance...
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'I'm not going to put up with this': Housemate stuffs his room with all his furniture after roommate overcharged him 6 dollars for rent

'I'm not going to put up with this': Housemate stuffs his room with all his furniture after roommate overcharged him 6 dollars for rent

Finding a good roommate is like searching for a needle in a haystack… it's difficult, to say the least. Even if things are good for a while, they almost always end up going south. People don't know how to communicate, let alone clean, and they can owe you money they never intend to return. So if you're living with someone you can stand, count yourself lucky. This housemate (OP) uploaded a few screenshots of a bizarre conversation he had with his roommate, who was livid after finding out he was…
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'We didn't see Zen Dude back at the park again': Entitled yogi makes enemies at local dog park, other dog owners deflates his tires

'We didn't see Zen Dude back at the park again': Entitled yogi makes enemies at local dog park, other dog owners deflate his tires

For better or for worse, parks attract a wide range of outsized personalities. There are the folks who want to keep to themselves, the ones who are actively trying to draw attention, and the ones who whether they know it or not are making everyone else's experience at the park miserable. Most of the time, we do not have the courage to confront these individuals, but every so often, the opportunity for some much-needed petty revenge arises. With this particular scenario, which was shared by u/No…
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French Fry Freddie and Goose Willis: 30 Pets with funny names

French Fry Freddie and Goose Willis: 30 Pets with hilariously weird names

Each year, millions of cats and dogs get adopted out, and someone at the shelters will have to name them. According to Forbes, the number of pups who got their fur-ever home in the US last year was 1.5 million. That's just counting dogs—but shelters also house plenty of cats, and about 978,000 of the little scoundrels were adopted last year. Now, there aren't millions of pigs, lizards, rabbits, or birds sitting in the shelters, but a few of them always come through these shelters' doors, too! A…
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