

dogs dog pets pet pet ownership pet owners aita entitled people karens

Karen gets upset about other dogs and their owners during official park "dog party": 'I have a right to be here'

I'm a dog lover and owner, but the first thing that I'll recognize about dog ownership is that a lot of people are wildly irresponsible with and about their pets. Still, it seems almost impossible to get things exactly right in the modern world of dog training and ownership; everywhere you look, there is conflicting advice and strategies that the people pushing them swear you must follow. Some are based on research and empirical evidence, while others are theoretical and hokey. And, yet, even t…
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Entitled resident's dog goes to the bathroom on neighbor's lawn every day, neighbor finally gets payback: 'I emptied that box into their garbage can and waited'

Entitled resident's dog goes to the bathroom on neighbor's lawn every day, neighbor finally gets payback: 'I emptied that box into their garbage can and waited'

This wasn't exactly neighborly behavior on both sides of the situation. However, the Redditor ended up doing what he had to in order to make the message to his entitled next-door neighbor clear. That resident allowed their dog to go to the bathroom on the Redditor's lawn every day. The first time, of course, the Redditor excused it. The second time, he thought about bringing it up. By the fifth time, he needed to communicate to the dude next door that this was beyond forgiveness. The best way t…
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Guy Takes the Wrong Dog Home From the Dog Park, Has a Heartwarming Laugh With the Other Owner When He Returns With Doppelgänger, 'Not-Max'

Golden retriever behavior
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reddit neighbor neighbors neighborhood aita dog dogs rescue rescued canine pooch golden retriever wholesome foster rescue-dog stories

‘He's family to me now’: Kindhearted neighbor saves a golden retriever when the couple next door abandons it in the yard on moving day, when they come to reclaim the dog 6 months later, she refuses

Not all heroes wear capes
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‘It's your dogs isn't it?’: Entitled manager tries to force employee to work longer, employee claims he has a 5 and 7-year-old at home to care for, it's his dogs

‘It's your dogs isn't it?’: Entitled manager tries to force employee to work longer, employee claims he has a 5 and 7-year-old at home to care for, it's his dogs

Fur babies are JUST as important...
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relationship advice dogs aita entitled parents pets ex girlfriend relationship-drama girlfriends relationships girlfriend entitled online dating dating entitled people - 37026821

Boyfriend insists on receiving 2/3 of woman's lottery winnings for his dog, demanding an additional $10k: 'My boyfriend is now dead serious about wanting me to give [him] "Baxter’s share" of the money'

We all get a little weird and crazy about our pets; that's part of what you sign up for when you devote a significant portion of your time, energy, and financial resources to a fluffy little ball of chaos living with you in your home. I'd argue that, in fact, the entire concept is a little bit crazy, and if you weren't already when you decided to get a furry friend, I promise you that you will soon be driven so. Still, no matter how much we consider our pets members of our families, even the mo…
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 neighbors walking floors Floor Apartment building dogs loud noise malicious compliance malicious-compliance-reddit malicious compliance reddit

'We're not stomping or jumping or running. We're living': Neighbors squabble over volume, upstairs neighbors agree to "walk normally"

What would we ever do without our neighbors? If you've got kind neighbors, it can be such a blessing. If you've got a few cranky neighbors making your life miserable, however, you'll wish you lived miles from any other people! U/PaludisVulpes had a bad experience with their neighbor. For those living in any downstairs apartment , they're always going to have to hear some sounds. If the neighbors are having a party, they'll hear music and tons of feet walking around. Maybe they'll hear the dog s…
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karens hoa dogs house home owners association demanding grass karens in the wild entitled karen story home karen entitled people - 36704261

'I'm pretty sure she's complained about everyone with a dog': Entitled neighbor insists HOA control neighbor's grass growth

Just how much should you care about your neighbor's yard ? It all depends how well you can mind your business, which this woman has yet to do. Instead, she's content to stick her nose into everyone else's business, and she's trying to involve the local HOA, too. Most of us have a hundred things on our plate at any given time, between work, school, childcare or caring for parents, hobbies, and having a social life. We're often juggling so many things that it can be completely exhausting. But not…
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'My dog once ate a feather duster': 20+ Pets who kept their owners in stitches with their hilarious antics

What would we ever do without our silly precious pets to cheer us up? If you own a pet , you already know how much they can brighten your life. Your pet always wants to see you, because you're their favorite person. Your cat probably wants to snuggle 24/7 because they're obsessed with you. Your dog probably always wants to play catch or snore loudly next to you on the couch. And, as you'll definitely know if you've had a pet, they are not always the brightest bulbs. Some animals are really, rea…
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'Not my responsibility bro...': Family vacation is derailed by brother's outburst after his sister refuses to dog sit, starting a blame game among the siblings

'Not my responsibility bro...': Family vacation is derailed by brother's outburst after his sister refuses to dog sit, starting a blame game among the siblings

Your family should always come first. Conversely, setting boundaries and declining help when necessary is perfectly reasonable. The story below is an account of a confused sister. Every year, the original poster (OP) and her family take trips together. OP, however, informed her family that neither she nor her spouse would be able to attend because of her current unemployment. Things were going well at first, but when her brother insisted that she take care of his five dogs the entire journey, t…
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neighbor karen neighborhood dog dogs barking petty revenge vengeance payback deserves karens reddit thread funny

‘Two can play this game, Karen’: Dude stays up until 3 AM to get revenge on the neighbor and her barking dog, then basks in the spoils of successful petty revenge

All bark no bite
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neighbor lies to HOA about woman's dogs disturbing the peace everyday, woman's clear evidence reveals it's the neighbor's 5 untrained rescue dogs

Neighbor accuses woman's dogs of barking constantly and contacts HOA, despite woman having ample evidence it's the neighbor's 5 rescue dogs: ‘Had it up to here’

Bad neighbors will go to great lengths to make your life difficult.
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'Swinona Ryder and Bunyonce': 30 Hilariously bizarre pet shelter names

'Swinona Ryder and Bunyonce': 30 Hilariously bizarre pet shelter names

Step right up and see the silliest-named animals on the whole internet! We've got cats, dogs, birds, and more with some very silly names that they've been given by their respective animal shelters. Next up,, read about these potluck dinners that went absolutely off the rails, like one person who admitted, that “Six people brought the same Walmart potato salad.”
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Downstairs neighbor sends series of unhinged texts about tenant's dog: 'I know now to NEVER EVER give neighbors your phone number'

Downstairs neighbor sends series of unhinged texts about tenant's dog: 'I know now to NEVER EVER give neighbors your phone number'

It always starts with an innocent exchange of phone numbers. After all, the downstairs neighbor seems like a normal person, he offered, and it would be weird to turn him down. Well, it turns out you really should have turned him down because now you're getting incessant complaints about everything from noises to your dog. That's what happened to this Redditor , who started to receive a series of unhinged messages not long after exchanging numbers with her downstairs neighbor. First, it was a no…
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'There's a bear right behind you': 10+ Delivery drivers share their craziest delivery experiences ever

'There's a bear right behind you': 10+ Delivery drivers share their craziest delivery experiences ever

Delivery drivers have seen it all. Really and truly, they've found themselves involved in the craziest situations imaginable! People order delivery for all sorts of reasons. They might just want food, but they also might be in the middle of a stressful move, or trying to watch a handful of kids, or they might be some college kids who are partying. The delivery drivers never know what type of scene they're going to be walking into when they show up with food in hand. More than 2,800 people answe…
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karen karens dog dogs canine aggressive yard garden neighbor neighborhood summer clever payback mom karen reddit petty revenge

'Bye bye garden bed': Neighborhood dogs destroy their own garden after a clever mom uses their untrained aggression against the owners

The best petty revenge is self-inflicted.
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