
'I'm not on duty, back off': Doctor refuses to provide medical care on flight, passenger tries forcing him to do so anyway

'I'm not on duty, back off': Doctor refuses to provide medical care on flight, passenger tries forcing him to do so anyway

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‘I wasn’t allowed to call out sick’: Employee scores a $14,000 severance after his boss denies him sick days and refuses to acknowledge a legitimate doctor's note

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'Send them a bill for $150': Patient gets threatened with $150 appointment cancelation fee for attempting to reschedule within 48 hours; doctor bails on him 20 minutes before they are supposed to meet

‘You get what you asked for’: Doctor gives employee 5 days off every month for 1 year after company changes attendance policy

‘You get what you asked for’: Doctor gives employee 5 days off every month for 1 year after company changes attendance policy

employee employees boss salary hospital work coworker raise working money pay  denied money

'I was offered $74 an hour': Penny-pinching hospital denies their top doctor a raise, he seeks another position and gets offered 3x the salary

'They folded quickly': Car dealership tells doctor she can't test drive a vehicle without her husband

'They folded quickly': Car dealership tells doctor she can't test drive a vehicle without her husband

'She was finally caught on camera': 20+ Employees who got stuck with the worst coworkers ever

'She was finally caught on camera': 20+ Employees who got stuck with the worst coworkers ever

'My job can be done 100% remotely': Sick employee has to get doctor's note in order to work from home, doctor writes sassy message

'My job can be done 100% remotely': Sick employee has to get doctor's note in order to work from home, doctor writes sassy message

'We were all left stunned': Doctor refuses to page cardiac team for patient with heart palpitations, warns patient not to leave ward; so patient complies and calls team from hospital bed

'We were all left stunned': Doctor refuses to page cardiac team for patient with heart palpitations, warns patient not to leave ward; so patient complies and calls team from hospital bed

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'I was called into a meeting with the big boss': Medical worker with sick child is that their days off are 'suspicious'

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'I cost my surgeon her job': Heroic surgeon hooks it up for a desperate patient, committing insurance fraud to save their family $30,000

'It's all in your head': Top cringe comments from unprofessional doctors

'It's all in your head': Top cringe comments from doctors with poor bedside manner

‘Surgeon smiled and told me not to worry’: Surgeon grants patient 18 months' worth of business-class flights, amounting to $20,000 in company expenses

‘Surgeon smiled and told me not to worry’: Surgeon grants patient 18 months' worth of business-class flights, amounting to $20,000 in company expenses

‘You won't be paid, but need to stay here anyway’: Team of physicians are told by boss ‘not leave the clinic’ during unpaid work hours

‘You won't be paid, but need to stay here anyway’: Team of physicians are told by boss ‘not leave the clinic’ during unpaid work hours

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'[He] doesn't fill out forms. He just throws those away': Epilepsy patient gets back at lazy doctor who refuses to do his job

‘My boss ate my lunch’: Employees get even with boss who eats their lunches, boss pays hundreds of dollars to eat leftovers

‘My boss ate my lunch’: Employees get even with boss who eats their lunches, boss pays hundreds of dollars to eat leftovers