

Optical illusions caused by strange weird perspective double take eye trick | shiba inu dog sitting in the passenger seat of a car appearing extremely buff and leaning its massive bicep on the window. wedding photo groom in white shirt holding up a bride with a long veil that appears to be coming out of her butt.

Strange Photos of Deceptive Perspective

Double-take away!
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Stupid and bad design fails | cardboard box folded in a way that makes the warning "do not microwave" as "microwave". utility pole in the middle of a road.

Dumb Design Fails That Were Someone's One Job

It doesn't hurt to get a fresh set of eyes.
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Stories and moments of bad roommates | glass jar surrounded by a yarn rope: ur petty af decide start labeling dirty dishes like an art exhibit roommates always leave around apartment

Bad Roommate Moments and Stories

There's nothing quite like living with someone who can't even take care of themselves.
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Design fails, stupid construction mistakes and funny accidental signs.

Dumb Design Failures That Don't Quite Cut It

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Stupid and dirty design fails.

Design Fails That Need Some Work

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Supercut of preacher telling audience to come

Preacher Desperately Wants You To Come

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Wtf images of trashy moments and selfish behavior.

Wildly Trashy Moments That Belong Deep In A Landfill

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A collection of dirty Tinder pickup lines from various Tinder users.

Dirty Tinder Pickup Lines With Zero Shame

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Photos of a funny sign for a gentlemen's club featuring jokes and sayings.

Funny Sign at Gentlemen's Club Delivers Hole-Some Laughs

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Silly and inappropriate names from wedding announcements.

Silly and Inappropriate Wedding Announcements

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People doing selfish, trashy, greedy things and other antisocial behavior.

Trashy Moments That Belong In The Dump (25 Images)

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awkward misunderstanding about disney rides during a chat on tinder

29 Wild, Exciting and Stupid Tinder Conversations

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A guy writes a sonnet for a girl on Tinder, and asks her for nudes using the first letter of each line of the sonnet.

Guy Asks Girl On Tinder To Send Him Nudes By Writing A Sonnet

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dark and twisted Tumblr

10 Times Tumblr Proved There Are 2 Types of People

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roomates from hell

35 Maddening Pics of the Wake Left by Bad Roommates

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old people t-shirt fails

Old People Wearing Filthy And Inappropriate Shirts

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