

reddit thread rent renting renter landlord tenant bad clean money repair pay story plumbing remodels dirty gross terrible

'I can reimburse you up to $150': Sink erupts with rancid water, flooding a renter's apartment, then their lazy landlord risks everything to save a few bucks

The best part about being a renter is that you're not liable for explosive home malfunctions. However, if you're stuck with a lazy landlord...
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roommate roommates bad-roommates gen-x couple teenager teenagers housemate renting rent renters kicked-out deserved dishes entitled firty reddit

‘He traded his parents for you’: Gen X couple takes drastic action after the entitled runaway teenager renting a room upstairs refuses to wash his dishes

If things like ‘cleanliness’ and ‘mutual independence’ are important to you, don't be like the Gen X couple in our next story who got stuck being a runaway 18-year-old's new mommy and daddy.
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housemate roommate roomie roommates coexist house home apartment living college life-lesson lesson reddit screenshots

'Being college students has nothing to do with cleaning up after yourself: Stern housemate teaches unkempt and entitled roommates a lesson; justice prevails in a series of satisfying screenshots

Nobody likes a dirty roommate. If you somehow end up in a situation where you're stuck cleaning up after your roommate's messes, it's hard not to feel like the maid of the house… or worse, the “mommy”. But if you've ever been in a communal living situation...
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'"Have fun!" I said, as I clocked out': Hotel housekeeper 'sorts' linens exactly how boss directs them to

'"Have fun!" I said, as I clocked out': Hotel housekeeper 'sorts' linens exactly how boss directs them to

Don't tell this housekeeper how to do their job . Their boss tried, and it didn't end well. When you do something for long enough, you start to develop shortcuts to make your life easier. Maybe you have a template you use to save time while writing emails if you're at an office job. Or for those in retail, maybe you're super fast at making drinks because you're used to measuring things by sight. You get into a rhythm and try to do your job as quickly and accurately as possible. Enter this emplo…
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'My roommate told me my Social Security number': 20+ Utterly unhinged roommate stories

'My roommate told me my Social Security number': 20+ Utterly unhinged roommate stories

Living in close quarters with someone forces you to be up close and personal with their messy rooms and weird habits . Lots of people have bad roommate stories — some can only be shared anonymously! While having a terrible roommate is awful at the time, it can result in some hilarious stories to tell your friends after the fact, as these people below know all too well. Communication is key when living with other people, but some of these bad roommates are terrible at it. There are reasons why c…
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25+ Horrible Roommates Who Refuse to Clean Up After Themselves

25+ Horrible Roommates Who Refuse to Clean Up After Themselves

We've all had a terrible roommate, and if you haven't, it's because you probably are someone else's terrible roommate!
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kid won't do dishes correctly so he's forced to clean off his dirty dishes

Son Refuses to Do Dishes Right, Forced to Eat off His “Clean” Dishes, Internet Approves

Judge internet presides.
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story about rental car place tries to charge extra day so guy takes car mudding and fee gets cancelled

Guy Muds Himself Out Of Unfair Rental Charge

There are times to fight dirty.
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dirty Christmas fails

Christmas Failures That Were Unintentionally Naughty

Ho ho ho.
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Tumblr thread about rhyming with purple turns into dirty history lesson | gallusrostromegalus S aerialsquid Follow satanpositive Roses are red much is true, but violets are purple, not fucking blue. feels fictional have been waiting this post all my life. marzipanandminutiae They are indeed purple, But one thing missed concept purple" Didn't always exist. Some cultures lack names color see. Hence good old Homer And his "wine-dark sea."

Tumblr Thread On Purple Rhymes Goes Off The Rails

Would you expect anything else?
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Guy pranks friends with funny photo | Jesus Feel better bud. Pictures going ask this, is testicle? wanted pic, sorry should've sent just Yeah man. chat

Guy Worries Friends, Pulls Off A Switchadoodledoo

It's pretty straightforward.
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People fill in the blanks with funny art prompt | Show drawing skills. suggestive pic of a man and a woman MS paint drawing so that it looks like the woman shouting while a priest holding a cross and a bible performs an exorcism

People Share Their Drawing Skills With Intriguing Prompt

Looks pretty wholesome from here...
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Stupid and dirty clothes design fails | white socks NASA NATIONAL AERONSMITH AND SPACE | red shirt under jacket that appears to say ASS ASS AHAM ASS ASS ASS

Clothing Design Fails That Are Decidedly Unfabulous

Fashion has its limits.
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Stupid and funny design fails that were someone's one job | ANAL SERVICES nalt Inspektion Sanierung Flächenservices www.anlh | hot gasses surrounding e surface sun Humans eat plants or animals get their food. pic of an elderly couple running on a beach with a dog

Ridiculous and Dumb Design Fails that Could've Gone Better

People are sloughing at their one job.
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Horrible selfish moments of failure, cringe and trashiness | man in a park washing his dog in a drinking water fountain | truck with the windshield sprayed with I'M PREGNANT PREGNAT CALL ME

Trashy Moments That Stink Up The World

Trashiness can spring up from anywhere.
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Stupid, useless and accidentally filthy designs | Anxiety Disorders Now Only $45.00 Entrance Next Door FAMILIAR business shopping window glass | WORLD'S LARGEST QUALITY TOY MANUFACTURE TRADE MARK ASS TOYS 200 FIFTH AVE NEW YORK company logo

Stupid, Useless and Accidentally Filthy Design Failures

Whose job was this?
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