

wtf lol 90s weird stupid dinosaurs t rex - 107496193

The Trailer For The Forgotten Woopi Goldberg Dinosaur Buddy Cop Movie

Wow, it's kinda like Bright.
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A collection of funny updates from Jurassic Park Updates on Twitter.

31 Amusing Updates From Jurassic Park On Twitter

It gets wild out there.
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A funny Tumblr thread about the ridiculous adventures of a toy T-Rex | walking through toy aisle at Target found this thing and had VIOLENT AND IMMEDIATE FLASHBACK JP first came out and they had bunch REALLY COOL T Rex toys would have sold one my scrawny small-child limbs but my mother wouldn't get one because they were "too violent and also ate people bunjywunjy hnn WANT SO BAD

Tumblr Thread: Wholesome Adventures Of Wexter The T-Rex

Wexter is the light the world needs right now.
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funny video of guy impersonating dinosaur

Man Impersonates Dinosaur, Should Be In Next Jurassic Park

The man has a gift.
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A collection of funny updates from Jurassic Park On Twitter | Jurassic Park Updates @JurassicPark2go JURASSIC PARK have decided cancel today's dinosaur talent show after every single dinosaur wrote down "unthinkable chaos" as their talent

Funny Updates From The World Of Jurassic Park

This account is dropping gold left and right.
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Fun Tumblr thread looks at the timeless gem that is Jurassic Park | alessariel Did not know this, had reblog awesome movie history insights. brainsforbabyjesus So knew about animatronics bit but did not know raptors were guys suits and malfunctioning t-rex sounds terrifying.

Tumblr Thread: Insightful Conversation On Jurassic Park's Visual Effects

They spared no expense.
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steven spielberg dinosaur abuse on set of jurassic park

Interviewer Asks People If Steven Spielberg Actually Hurt Dinosaurs

The confusion is strong with these ones.
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Tumblr thread on Jurassic Park's crazy special effects | uneditededit Remember 1993 Jurassic Park like end all, be all special effects? scene where a huge dinosaur eyes looks at the girl Spielberg movie

Tumblr Thread: Jurassic Park Is A Timeless Treasure

Someone sold their soul for those special effects.
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A viral video of people in dinosaur costumes crossing the street is the best part about Halloween.

Video Of Dinosaurs Crossing The Street Is Halloween At Its Finest

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editing action lol jurassic park classic funny stupid dinosaurs t rex - 97810433

Jurassic Park but with Pee Wee Herman Is a Hilarious Nightmare

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jurassic park tumblr

Tumblr Thread Dissects the Sheer Insanity of Producing the Original Jurassic Park

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cool wholesome kids creative awesome parenting sand building fossils dinosaurs win - 7760389

Father Win: Dad Builds His Kids a Sand Box with Built-In Fossils

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overhearing stupid things

25 of the Dumbest Things People Have Ever Heard

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dinosaur roast

Strangely Proportioned Toy Dinosaur Gets Roasted Back Into Extinction

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optical illusions

19 Perspective Melting Pics To Get Your Mind All Bent Out Of Shape

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quit your bullshit throwback cringe ridiculous interview funny dinosaurs - 435718

Cringe Through An Interview Of Couple In Nevada Claiming They Found Dinosaurs In Their Backyard

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