
Dating is a tricky place. Whether it's online, blind, or a witty pick up line at the bar, the ways to start that dance are nearly endless. Unfortunately, some people still don't manage to navigate its nuances, and end up a lesson what not to do.

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Girl Quickly And Hilariously Learns That Online Dating Isn't For Her

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15 People Share The Cringiest Things They Did In Their First Relationships

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14 Times People Got Ruined By Words Of Savagery

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Witty Guy Makes Awesome Tinder Bio After Getting Crushed By 3000 Pounds

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NFL Football Player's Wife Scorches Crazy Side Chick On Twitter After She Leaks Texts

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Panicked Boyfriend Pulls Prank To Sell Girlfriend On eBay And It Backfires Hilariously

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16 Dirty Times Tinder Lived Up To Its Terribly Senseless And Immature Reputation

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Dude's Epic Response To Girlfriend's Texting Meltdown Has The Internet Dying

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10 Notable Times People Broke Up On Text

Guy live-tweets the implosion of his buddy's marriage and it's horrifically epic.

Guy Live-Tweets Legendary Implosion Of His Buddy's Marriage

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Cringey Guy Throws a Tantrum When He Gets Rejected

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Man Accidentally Makes Girlfriend Think He's Proposing To Her And Max Cringe Ensues

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10 Times People Made Shameless Fools Out Of Themselves On Tinder

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10 People Share The Most Frustratingly Painful Stories Of Their Friends Dating Waking Nightmares

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14 Horribly Unfair Rules People Have For Their SO's

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Tinder Glitches Out And Hilariously Matches Two Dudes Together Without Them Knowing