
Dating is a tricky place. Whether it's online, blind, or a witty pick up line at the bar, the ways to start that dance are nearly endless. Unfortunately, some people still don't manage to navigate its nuances, and end up a lesson what not to do.

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Girlfriend Says She's Unroastable, Gets Toasted By A Blazing Inferno Of Roasts

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Dude Runs The Sad Math On The Chances Of Finding His Soulmate

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15 Tinder Wins And Fails From The World's Winners And Losers

Girl gets revenge on her cheating ex by organizing a sting operation with another woman, and he ends up jobless and homeless.

Girl Organizes Sting Operation On Cheating Boyfriend, Leaves Him Jobless And Homeless

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21 Mixed Moments from the Wild World of Tinder

Guy's girlfriend cheats on him so he asks people to roast him on Reddit.

Guy's Girlfriend Cheats On Him So He Asks Reddit To Roast Him

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AskReddit Users Respond With Their Wholesome Stories Of Lost Love

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Smooth Wingman Assists A Dude Struggling To Lift A Girl

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25 Dating Red Flags That Made People Lose Interest Immediately

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19 First Dates That Didn't Go So Well

Funny tinder fails that are just as good as any relationship memes out there | Woman - Mindy 19 acc run by mindy's bf butI need someone take her off my hands she on my last nerve

10 Sloppy, Shameless, And Ridiculous Times Tinder Lived Down To Its Reputation

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Guy Gets Friend Zoned, Asks The Internet If He's A Jerk For Giving Extra Concert Ticket To Different Girl

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20+ Of The Dumbest Things People Have Done In The Pursuit Of Love

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18 Twitter Users Share Their Worst First Date Experiences

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Guy Edits His Girlfriend's Forehead Size On Pictures In Hilariously Petty Revenge

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Boyfriend Of 5 Years Cheats On Girlfriend, So She Ruins His Runescape Account