
Dating is a tricky place. Whether it's online, blind, or a witty pick up line at the bar, the ways to start that dance are nearly endless. Unfortunately, some people still don't manage to navigate its nuances, and end up a lesson what not to do.

People make fun of a pickup artists tweets about how to approach women.

The Internet Roasts Cringey 'Pickup Artist' Tweet About "How to Approach Women"

13 reddit text images discussion woman annoyed with men posting fake dog pics in dating profiles | thumbnail " wish men would stop putting fake dog pictures in their dating profile I'm on Hinge, and I think this is my third in a row click on a guy who has multiple pictures of himself with a dog, who actually doesn't own that dog.THEN, I get to talking, and say what's your dogs name? And they admit that they don't have a dog,"

Doggo Loving Woman Is Fed Up With Men Putting Fake Dog Pictures In Their Dating Profiles

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Comically Petty Reasons People Stopped Dating

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Enormous Red Flags That Made People Nope Out On Dates

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Reasons People Didn't Go On A Second Date

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Jilted Girlfriend Gets Even With Boyfriend’s Horrible Family By Ruining Their Thanksgiving When Asked to Bring the Turkey

Reasons that people noped right out of their dates.

AskReddit Thread: Reasons People Noped Out Of Relationships

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Guy Tattoos Girlfriend's Name on His Neck, She Comes to His Defense When He Gets Blasted in the Comments

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People's Best Worst Pickup Lines

date accepts drink from stranger, doesn't get why that's bad

Woman On Date Doesn't Understand Why It's Rude To Accept Drink From Stranger

Couple tells a blatant lie to cut in line at a baseball game, and it hilariously backfires.

Couple Lies To Cut In Line At Baseball Game, Hilariously Backfires

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Guy Loses Virginity to Mutual Friend, Feels Burning Regret Over His Terrible Choices

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Waitress Gets Necessary Payback After Massive Jerk Demands She Refund His Tip as Soon as His Date is Out of Earshot

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People Share Their Most Brutal Rejections

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Hilariously Bold Tinder Moments That Make The Game Worth It

Man asks if he was in the wrong for putting sauce on an expensive steak prepared by his girlfriend.

Man Puts Sauce On Expensive Steak Prepared By Girlfriend, Asks If He's In The Wrong