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'Happy V day, chump': Anti-cupid cancels a stranger's dinner reservation on Valentine's Day to get payback after a wrong number mishap leaves him repeatedly spammed

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'They said they needed to "focus on their plants"': 25+ Awkward reasons people gave for dumping their significant other

'She told me she had no money and then ordered the most expensive beer on the list': 20+ immediate red flags people discovered midway through the date

'She told me she had no money and then ordered the most expensive beer on the list': 20+ immediate red flags people discovered midway through the date

'Their date must have the same brand of toothpaste preference': 20+ Dating rules that are utterly bizarre

'Their date must have the same brand of toothpaste preference': 20+ Dating rules that are utterly bizarre

'He assumes he's better': Ex-boyfriend tries to show off to ex to bring them down a peg

'He assumes he's better': Ex-boyfriend tries to show off to ex to bring them down a notch

'I sneezed at least 100 times on our 45 minute date': 20 cringeworthy first date mishaps

'I sneezed at least 100 times on our 45 minute date': 20 cringeworthy first date mishaps

'Eating together on a date is awkward and weird': Top Unpopular Opinions of the Week (January 14, 2024)

'Eating together on a date is awkward and weird': Top Unpopular Opinions of the Week (January 14, 2024)

'Do you even see yourself?': Guy goes on first date with a non-stop texter, he stands her up mid-date, she barely notices

'Do you even see yourself?': Guy goes on first date with a non-stop texter, he stands her up mid-date, she barely notices

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'I poured the shot in his shoes': Creeper gets what he deserves after pestering a woman on a date all night; ends up wearing the drink he insisted on buying her

'My date asked if we knew each other': Guy goes on cringe first date when he discovers his waitress is the other girl he was messaging that day

'My date asked if we knew each other': Guy goes on cringe first date when he discovers his waitress is the other girl he was messaging that day

'He wouldn't stop singing Hamilton': 30 Reasons People Dumped Their Exes

'He wouldn't stop singing Hamilton': Top 30 Funniest Reasons People Dumped Their Exes

'It was very awkward': Couple ditches double date after other couple shows up extra late

'It was very awkward': Couple ditches double date after other couple shows up extra late

Guy tips big to impress date but returns afterwards to take money back

'The man was staring daggers': Big tipper tries to take back $100, so waitress humiliates him in front of his date

AITA for asking to split the check?

'Where's the red flag?': Awkward date dinner ruined by woman's faux pas after her date orders expensive food

What’s the worst thing a person has said to you while on a date?

'Can we wrap this up? I have another date at 8': Redditors share the worst things people said on first dates

'I felt like the queen of petty': Waitress shares her politely shady method of salvaging her coworkers' tips

'I felt like the queen of petty': Waitress shares her politely shady method of salvaging her coworkers' tips

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