
customer support customer service karens talesfromthefrontdesk customers karen-customers customer service Reddit - 20767237

'She straight up called a tow company to tow seven cars': Karen tries to tow other hotel guest's cars

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'[I] hope you have the days you deserve': Barista shuts down angry customer online

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'[Now] she can't check out anything until the fine is paid': Karen messes with the wrong librarian, who rediscovers $450 in old unpaid fines

'I blocked her account': Librarian gets revenge on a rude patron, unearthing a $480 late fee that had been previously waived to freeze the account for good

'I blocked her account': Librarian gets revenge on a rude patron, unearthing a $480 late fee that had been previously waived

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'They must have been crying at the computer': Customer frantically withdraws their complaint when worker gets fired because of it

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'Your new total will be...': To save $2, penny-pinching Karen disrespects a retail employee, catching karma and losing money because of an expired coupon

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'Does not even turn on': Confused buyer leaves 1-star review for a fake phone because it doesn't work

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Guy leaves bike shop 1-star review for helping him for free

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'I'm a big fan of Gatorade': Entitled dude buys every bottle of red Gatorade from a shop and refuses to relinquish a single ounce

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'Did I stutter': Biker dude wants a coffee with no coffee, gets his wish

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'We've decided we can't meet your expectations': Dealership deals with an entitled customer

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'Apparently she thinks knowing this allows me to hack her': Karen insists custom computer guy is trying to hack her and her child

'Fine, I'll Book My Own Table Then' : Petty Customer Claps Back At Hostess Who ‘Smiles Rudely’ at Him, Controversy Ensues in the Comments

'Fine, I'll Book My Own Table Then' : Petty Customer Claps Back At Hostess Who ‘Smiles Rudely’ at Him, Controversy Ensues In the Comments

customer service barista customers customer coffee entitled cafe entitled people service industry - 19148037

'She [...] told my mom [...] the milk would taste better anyways': Barista repeatedly gets an order wrong and refuses to use the correct milk

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'I work for my dad': Customer tries to name-drop owner to strong-arm cashier, cashier is owner's son

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'He smirked [...] we'd have to wait 30 minutes': Smug waiter charges couple for coffee they didn't have and refuses to remove it from their bill, they refuse to leave