

Guy who stole from store identified in same store | r/TalesFromRetail Posted by u/Doctor_Stonks 3 days ago Guy who stole $2,000 worth equipment our store comes back shop same day find out he looked like. Long Hey, all! First time posting on here, so here go work at relatively new grocery store small town Washington only been open around nine months now and our customer count has been going up recently, so gets bit harder keep track customers usually work as cashier most week on closing shift,

Thief Identified While Shopping at Store He Stole From

Ah yes, the idiot always returns to the scene of the crime.
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Askreddit stories of times when people were accused of something they didn't commit | PostItFrustrations 247 points 23 hours ago have lot these. But most ridiculous about 13 and got suspended getting fight on day home sick guess my friend got fight and they were so used finishing her fights they automatically assumed involved. And course my talking back gave detention wasn't reversed proved wasn't there.

People Who Were Accused of Crimes They Didn't Commit

It's hard to forget these moments, no matter how small.
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Horrible selfish moments of failure, cringe and trashiness | man in a park washing his dog in a drinking water fountain | truck with the windshield sprayed with I'M PREGNANT PREGNAT CALL ME

Trashy Moments That Stink Up The World

Trashiness can spring up from anywhere.
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Morning show truck driver interview.

Chill Burglar-Tackling Truck Driver Recounts Story on Morning Show

He seems cool.
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former mobster reviews mob scenes from hollywood crime movies robert de niro the godfather

Ex-Mob Boss Rates Mafia Movie Scenes

The Simpsons scored higher than The Godfather.
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trashy people and instances cringe bad behavior | door cam footage: Neighbor OSROO 16 03:49 CST 1.4 miles away Crime This is getting out control. This man just stopped steal box dog poo put out there. Hope he enjoys 7 days ago 1,614 views 85 Ie Helpful Tell Neighbors. Utah man accused releasing rodents hotel rooms get free stays mugshot of a man and pic of a hamster

Trashy Moments that Spilled Forth from the Heart of Garbage

How did it get to this point?
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woman arrested for stealing car then steals the cops police car wtf crime video

Woman Gets Arrested For Stealing Car, Denies Stealing Car, Then Steals Cop Car

What a ride.
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Horrible and wtf moments of people's trashiness | This champ out here digging through people's city mission donation boxes and filling her car up with all good shit and leaving rest on wet ground keepitclassy. Hey facebook stumbled across Koi fish recently s not stolen. Definitely not Olympia Orthopedics want take look at l'm holding my grandpa's place If Lacey. PM Koi fish (like New) 100 bucks. Very, VERY, flexible on price.

Moments of Trashiness That Belong on a Garbage Barge

Trashiness can strike anywhere and any time.
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Guy dodges a speeding ticket by using fart spray | tweet by FiretheGm Soooo got pulled over this morning after leaving McDonald's.l already knew why he got speeding but course gonna ask him why he stopped decided try my luck got fart spray as gag gift on xmas and decided try out

Guy Dodges Speeding Ticket With Fart Spray

Never thought fart spray could be so clutch!
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Trashy selfish moments of people being horrible | Starting realize why have never got my deposit back Landlord Round Table 11 mins O Has anyone ever had give back security deposit few months ago my long term tenants left my place surprizingly good condition and wracked my brains trying find something they broke and couldn't fault them single thing

Garbage Moments from Planet Trashy

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Guy responds to a police ad for his own "Wanted" poster on Facebook | photo of a man with a horseshoe mustache and glasses and a comments thread on facebook Anthony Akers Calm down, im going turn myself Police Department Hey Anthony haven't seen yet. Our business hours are 8:00 am 5:00 pm Monday through Friday course if need ride can call non- emergency and will pick up

Man Responds To Police Ad For His Own "Wanted" Poster

That's one way to call it quits.
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FAIL airport cringe crime TSA ridiculous Video stupid - 100920065

TSA Agent Caught Stealing iPad, Repeatedly Denies It

The audacity is mind blowing.
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pizza smart awesome crime Video win - 100871425

Woman Disguises 911 Call By Ordering Pizza

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viral videos satisfying awesome crime prank Video win - 100871169

Ex-NASA Engineer Returns With Glitter Bomb Revenge Sequel

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criminal smart crime teacher controversy education Video - 100492033

Teacher Fed Up With Students' Criminal Behavior Speaks Out

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Moments of selfishness and extreme trashiness.

Trashy Moments That Belong On Garbage Island

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