

‘I should've pocketed the money’: Employee finds envelope with $5000 at work and hands it to manager, who refuses to give it back after nobody claims the money

‘I should've pocketed the money’: Employee finds envelope with $5000 at work and hands it to manager, who refuses to give it back after nobody claims the money

Finding money on the street might be one of the best feelings to ever exist in human history. No matter who you are and where you are from, there is no beating that lucky feeling of finding something that could improve your life even just by a small percentage, even just by buying yourself a cup of coffee. Of course, what I mean by ‘finding money on the street’ only applies to situations in which the money you found is unclaimed and has no way of being returned to the owner, much like what happ…
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opinion ask reddit boss workplace-stories jobs job funny stories bosses work coworkers i quit askreddit quit satisfying quitting story quitting work workplace quitting story funny quitting - 26110469

'I stood up, said I refuse to be talked to like that, and left': 20+ Moments people quit their jobs on the spot

Enough is enough! A person can only put up with so much nonsense from their job before they throw their hands up and quit. No one knows that better than the 7,000+ people who shared their “F*** this, I quit!” stories to r/AskReddit.
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Girl buys overpriced Taylor Swift tour ticket from coworker only for them to demand she gives it back after they find a higher bidder: ‘Not in your wildest dreams’

Girl buys overpriced Taylor Swift tour ticket from coworker only for them to demand she gives it back after they find a higher bidder: ‘Not in your wildest dreams’

The price of attending a concert has skyrocketed in recent years so much so that it turned what used to be a relatable experience into an exclusive event. It can be extremely disappointing for fans to passionately wait for the opportunity to go see their favorite artist live, only to be met with ticket prices that could rival a plane ticket to the other side of the world. For many young adults these days, that favorite artist is Taylor Swift, much like the writer of this Reddit story. OP (origi…
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ask reddit boss jobs employee drama job work coworkers employees Horrible Bosses reddit thread red flag Reddit company job interview funny entitled people employment - 26108677

Employees expose major red flags they've encountered while working at companies: 'An overabundance of outdated motivational posters'

Have you ever come across a job listing and immediately knew you wouldn't want to work there? Maybe the listing used phrases to describe the company culture, like "we're a big family," or stated that they required candidates who could "perform well under stress," setting off major red flags in your head. That's not really the type of environment you're looking for when you're trying to find your dream job. But the kinds of red flags you can find at companies go way further than those examples.
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'She asked me to cancel my day off': Executive assistant puts foot down when coworker tries to get her to cancel her planned vacation

'She asked me to cancel my day off': Executive assistant puts foot down when coworker tries to get her to cancel her planned vacation

Who else loves when someone tries to punish you for their lack of a strong work ethic? This executive assistant did their fair share of work on a project before their planned vacation. In fact, they did not even have to pull all the files they did since it was not even their assignment, but they helped a few coworkers out of common courtesy. Still, just a day before their vacation was finally about to start, their coworker tried to convince them to cancel their day off because she found herself…
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Coworker gets fired after calling in sick to audition for The Bachelor: 'Don't ever do anything that would embarrass [our] image'

Coworker gets fired after calling in sick to audition for The Bachelor: 'Don't ever do anything that would embarrass [our] image'

Every employee is entitled to use their set number of sick days for whatever reason they see fit, even if that reason is to audition for a very popular reality TV show. Sure, this is not exactly a morally justifiable excuse for calling in sick, but it is an iconic excuse. This employee recounted how their coworker not only called in sick to audition for The Bachelor but also how she didn't exactly cover it up very well. Their president's one big rule at the company was never to embarrass the or…
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ask reddit employee fired drama job coworkers employees contract Reddit company funny entitled people employment - 26105349

Employees share hilarious stories of new hires who were fired on the first day: 'Kid lied about his experience as a foreman and drove a skid into the side of the house we were working on'

Getting a new hire at your job is always exciting. It's nice to have a fresh perspective, someone to help with the workload, and possibly a new work bestie. Unless they are a terrible employee, then it's not exciting to get a new hire. Sometimes, employees are onboarded, make it to the 90-day review period, and are let go. Or sometimes they decide that the company wasn't what they were looking for and leave on their own. That's why you can't get yourself super invested in a new coworker beca...
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dream job work workplace working worker employee employees boss manager supervisor position interesting worst jobs terrible funny interesting company

27 'Dream jobs' that are actually wack in real life: 'Working on a cruise ship sounds like a TV show, but you're worked to the bone'

At some point, every ‘dream job’ becomes a nightmare.
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'Success is my revenge': Grocery store free sampler gets back at their grumpiest coworker

'Success is my revenge': Grocery store free sampler gets back at their grumpiest coworker

You'd think being the grocery store employee who hands out free samples of food would be a pretty sweet job. No retail job is safe from the crazy customers of the world. But there are few things more universally adored than free food. If you go to certain grocery stores on weekends or at certain hours, some provide free samples all over the store. You can walk between the aisles and sample what are usually the weirdest foods you can think of. I've sampled a strange brownie-flavored dessert humm…
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'HR didn't want to have an awkward conversation: One employee's bad habit causes human resources to create brand new rule

'HR didn't want to have an awkward conversation': One employee's bad habit causes human resources to create brand new rule

One employee's bad habit was starting to impact everyone at the company. There are two types of workplaces: the kind that punish you severely for being even a minute late , and the kind where people routinely stroll in 20 minutes late without a care in the world. Lots of places that are strict about tardiness are retail places or other places that do shift work. Meanwhile, lots of offices allow their salaried employees to come and go as they please, so long as they're getting their work done. W…
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'I've decided that enough was enough': Worker quits job after tactless manager tells them their 'abilities are not worth that much'

'I've decided that enough was enough': Worker quits job after tactless manager tells them their 'abilities are not worth that much'

Workers often leave their companies for better opportunities not because of the company itself, but because of bad management . The management structure of a business has a lot to do with an employee's day-to-day life. Some people have bosses who are micromanagers who want to hold their employees accountable for every minute of the day. With your boss breathing down your neck 40 hours each week while you're trying to write your emails and do your tasks, it's easy to get sick of the scrutiny. Ot…
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workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work coworkers job seeker workplace Horrible Bosses job interview interview employment in the workplace - 26037765

Employer accidentally messages "difficult" candidate their plans to hire them and let them go: 'It might be in your best interest to take your candidates off the email chains in the future'

There are always going to be certain things that are best off communicated to only their intended audience. For example, you'd probably hate to accidentally send your parents a text detailing your weekend plans with your friends or other intimate details about another personal relationship. No matter what age you are or how close you are to your parents, certain things are better off left undisclosed. The same goes for an employee-employer relationship. Professional decorum relies on certain th…
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manager managers work workplace workforce employee employees worker workers call center health healthcare company business productivity goals reddit  quitmanager managers work workplace workforce employee employees worker workers call center health healthcare company business productivity goals reddit  quit

New manager ‘quits’ after forcing impossible productivity goals at a call center which ultimately implodes workflow: ‘Customers were NOT happy’

Why do new managers always feel like they have something to prove?
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Boss and coworkers keep calling employee by the wrong name despite efforts to correct them: 'Time to start butchering their names'

Boss and coworkers keep calling employee by the wrong name despite efforts to correct them: 'Time to start butchering their names'

Calling your employees by their preferred name seems like the bare minimum regarding proper workplace treatment. It doesn't really get more disrespectful than ignoring someone's constant corrections. This Redditor's name ends with an -a but is constantly referred to by a similar-sounding name that ends with an -e. If this were perhaps their first few weeks on the job, then the mistakes would be understandable. But there's really no excuse for the mixups at this point, especially when the Origin…
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Crystal shop owner insists on help from customs worker, ignores giant fee: 'He wishes her a nice day and tells her the bill will be coming in the mail'

Crystal shop owner insists on help from customs worker, ignores giant fee: 'He wishes her a nice day and tells her the bill will be coming in the mail'

This woman found out the hard way that she got what she paid for. She just didn't know that she was paying for something in the first place! U/OneGlassOne had an excellent tale of malicious compliance to share. They and their coworker work in a line of business that deals with commercial imports. They write that people need to fill out lots of paperwork when importing items into the country, probably in a similar way to declaring your valuables at the airport. This woman told the original poste…
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malicious compliance penny pinching reddit manager employee employees blue collar working man work warehouse coworker boss supervisor lazy callous wise trust product labor

Cheapskate manager destroys $4,000 worth of product after ignoring the advice of a wise warehouse guy: ‘You told me to use the old pallets... [so] I did'

There's a difference between being cheap and being frugal.
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