
work workplace working job business company interview interviewing job-search job-interview ceo salary manager offer manager supervisor worker

Prospective employee gets burned after 7 rounds of interviews when the company claims the job listing was ‘incorrect’, offering $70,000 less than promised: ‘Classic bait and switch’

'[He] showed up 4 hours late because he "overslept"': 25+ Workers reveal the reasons everyone at their workplace dislikes 'that one colleague'

'[He] showed up 4 hours late because he "overslept"': 25+ Workers reveal the reasons everyone at their workplace dislikes 'that one colleague'

workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work coworkers job seeker workplace Horrible Bosses job interview interview employment in the workplace - 25822981

Job candidate told by hiring manager that they won't get the role despite being the most experienced candidate: 'I'm so sick of mind games from employers'

deserved payback petty revenge customer service karen kevin customers tantrum sassy funny impolite call center workplace worker employee working job company

Customer throws a tantrum then a witty call center employee shuts them up by treating them like a toddler: 'Could I talk to your mommy or daddy?'

'[He] just wanted to see how many free burgers he could eat before getting canned': 20+ People who couldn't make it through a single day of work before getting fired

'[He] just wanted to see how many free burgers he could eat before getting canned': 20+ People who couldn't make it through a single day of work before getting fired

osha work worker workers coworker coworkers employee employees boss manager supervisor working ceo job company laborer tradesman tradesmen osha safety

Clever labor worker chastises modern tradesmen who reject safety protocol to seem cool: 'I don't care what your grandpappy used to do... I'm trying to not destroy my lungs'

'‘I literally did everything that was written on the rules’: Postal worker gets petty revenge on boss who keeps disciplining them

'I literally did everything that was written on the rules': Postal worker gets petty revenge on boss who keeps disciplining them

'You break it, you buy it': Staff member demands parents pay for damaged items at local pet shop after son ruins store

'You break it, you buy it': Staff member demands parents pay for damaged items at local pet shop after son ruins store

women woman mother single-mother fired work workplace employee employees boss manager coworker worker quitting getting-fired story hardworking working-hard working job business company pay money

'I made $140k last year and now I work for $15/hour': Admirable single mother gets fired but persists, putting her pride aside and finding a minimum wage job to bring home the bacon for her family

'It's a family secret... Karen didn't take it well': Chocolate chip cookie conundrum divides office in two

'It's a family secret... Karen didn't take it well': Chocolate chip cookie conundrum divides office in two

management boss workplace-stories employee fired hr manager job work coworkers Office human resources workplace bad bosses - 25873669

Boss gets fired, blames employees and bombards coworkers' phones with accusatory messages: 'He called me 28 times in the span of an hour'

work workplace working employee employees job worker workers coworker manager micromanager overtime pay malicious-compliance reddit

Flexi-time employee gets chewed out for 10 minutes of overtime, maliciously complies the next time their boss needs them to stay late: 'Policy is policy'

'I sat around doing nothing for the last 2 months of my job': Quitting employee stops being assigned work by petty boss

'I sat around doing nothing for the last 2 months of my job': Quitting employee stops being assigned work by petty boss

'Either I accept it or I quit': Project director gives employee ultimatum

'Either I accept it or I quit': Project director gives employee ultimatum

'[We're] making him think a huge ad campaign is live': Scorned marketing team dupes CEO into thinking he has his dream ad campaign

'[We're] making him think a huge ad campaign is live': Scorned marketing team dupes CEO into thinking he has his dream ad campaign

work workplace coworker employee employees hard-working working boss manager bonus bosses managers job ceo company money pay reddit

'I saved my company $1 Million': Overworked employee flabbergasted when they get 'rewarded' by their boss with a pathetic gift