
Coronavirus, no we don't mean when you drink one too many cervesas. Covid-19 has turned the 21st century on it's head, thrusting the world into facing an incredible challenge unlike one most of us have seen in our lifetimes. So why not laugh about it, it's healthier.

Coronavirus Bohemian Rhapsody Twitter Parody | Dana Jay Bein DJB danajaybein lost my mind wrote Coronavirus Rhapsody: Is this sore throat? Is this just allergies? Caught lockdown No escape reality. 12:02 PM 3/18/20 TweetDeck | Don't touch eyes Just hand sanitize quicklyyyyy just poor boy, no job security Because easy spread, even though washed hands, laying low look out window curve doesn't look flatter

Dude Tweets Entire Quarantine-Themed Bohemian Rhapsody Parody

People share the various plans that they cancelled in response to the Coronavirus outbreak | reddit posted by Iforgotmyother_name 14h My gym time. And apparently eating since everyone wants buy up everything at stores. pic of a grocery store

Plans People Cancelled Because Of Coronavirus

Video of John Lajoie song thank god for the nerds

Jon Lajoie Releases First Song in Forever to Thank All the Nerds

Doctor debunks multiple Coronavirus myths on Twitter with facts | Separating facts and fiction started this tweet Faheem Younus, MD @FaheemYounus So hearing many myths about #COVID-19 and would like quickly clear record. Coronavirus will go away Sumer months. Wrong. Previous pandemics didn't follow weather patterns plus as enter summer, there will be winter Southern Hemisphere. Virus is global. O137K 12:06 AM Mar 17, 2020

Doctor Debunks Ten Coronavirus Myths

Tumblr thread about different animals exploring during quarantine | taylorswifh third day italian quarantine: everything is closed, everyone is at home and so WILD BOARS ARE MY TOWN WITH THEIR BABIES laughing so hard

Quick Tumblr Thread Shows Random Animals Coming Into Towns During Quarantine

News in Florida reports a beach full of people during the Coronavirus pandemic.

Florida Beach Packed Despite Social Distances Measures

Tweets and funny memes about self quarantine, panic buying and coronavirus | birdsrightsactivist @ProBirdRights WASH FREQUENT. MANTAIN SOCIAL DISTANCE. bird in a birdbath and two birds fighting | People with unwiped butts Peoplewho boughtall toilet paper.

Coronavirus Tweets and Memes to Hoard like Toilet Paper

Brit living in Italy during Coronavirus lockdown talks some sense about the results | As Brit living Italy, here are some things need know: Our supermarkets HAVE STAYED OPEN. They are on slightly reduced hours and have queue get yes s ball-ache) but they are OPEN. EVERY DAY. Deliveries continue arrive so fucks sake, shop like NORMAL HUMAN BEINGS!

Brit Living In Italy Talks Some Sense About Coronavirus

Video news report of a man who bought tons of cleaning products to sell at a higher price.

Jerk Idiot Stuck with 18,000 Bottles of Hand Sanitizer He Tried to Flip

dutch netherlands toilet paper warehouse coronavirus

Dutch Bro Reports From Toilet Paper Warehouse

Shopper gets petty revenge on toilet paper hoarding karen by pretending to buy all the wipes | r/pettyrevenge Posted by u/ashtins89 2 days ago Screw toilet paper Karen Ok y'all 's been shitty week and just not having anymore last night at grocery store meander through aisles buying my Corona snacks (which already ate shocker) and know need toilet paper hit up TP aisle see six 24 packs Charmin stoked stock and good stuff at There middle aged Karen on phone standing front stack so stupidly wait

Shopper Gets Petty Revenge on Toilet Paper Hoarding Karen

People share their journal entries from self-quarantine on Twitter | Sir Michael @Michael1979 QUARANTINE DIARY Day 1:1 have stocked up on enough non-perishable food and supplies last months, maybe years, so can remain isolation as long as takes see out this pandemic Day 1+ 45 minutes am supermarket because wanted Twix

People's Absurd Journal Entries From Self-Quarantine

Twitter thread breaks down the progression of Italy's Coronavirus experience | Yano @JasonYanowitz If still hanging with friends, going restaurants/bars, and acting like this isn't big deal, get shit together following thread is taken an Italian citizen. As they put rest world have no idea 's coming." As think everybody knows, Italy is on quarantine because coronavirus outbreak. This situation is bad, but 's worse is seeing rest world behaving as if isn't going happen them know thinking because

Twitter Thread: Italy's Coronavirus Experience

The dumbest things that people have done because of Coronavirus | reddit posted by NyxPetalSpike Buying newborn size disposable diapers use as masks | image of a scientist wearing a hair net looking into a microscope

Stupidest Things People Have Done Because Of Coronavirus

Video of officials telling people to not touch their face to prevent the spread of coronavirus, then touching their faces.

Officials Telling People Not to Touch Their Face, Then Touching Their Face

man pretends to have coronavirus on a plane for a prank video

Soundcloud Rapper "Pranks" Plane With Fake Coronavirus

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