
'I am actually the manager on duty': Customer gets his card frozen after messing with the wrong employee

'I am actually the manager on duty': Customer gets his card frozen after messing with the wrong employee

‘You need to pay me now’: Contractor gets paid for 600 days of work in advance after writing a script to auto-complete 6000 reports in one day following boss's demands

‘You need to pay me now’: Contractor gets paid for 600 days of work in advance after writing a script to auto-complete 6000 reports in one day following boss's demands

'I just proved my worth to another company': Overworked analyst attempts to climb the corporate ladder, but is dismissed by higher management

'I just proved my worth to another company': Overworked analyst attempts to climb the corporate ladder, but is dismissed by higher management

'Fine, I’ll stick to the terms of the contract I do have': Company refuses to renew senior employee’s contract, so employee quits on old contract terms

'Fine, I’ll stick to the terms of the contract I do have': Company refuses to renew senior employee’s contract, so employee quits on old contract terms

workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance revenge work petty revenge workplace employment in the workplace client contract contractor - 23232773

'You should fire us!.. Ok': Freight company calls client's bluff and fires them as a client

'Read your lease! We were doing you a favor': Renter tries to leave apartment, management insists they pay fees hidden in the lease

'Read your lease! We were doing you a favor': Renter tries to leave the 'worst apartment,' management insists they pay fees hidden in the lease

'He eventually settled for a multimillion dollar payout': Company accidentally gives lawyer employee free pension after trying to push him out of his job

'He eventually settled for a multimillion dollar payout': Company accidentally gives lawyer employee free pension after trying to push him out of his job

'[It] was the end of the HOA': HOA president's plan backfires after recruiting landowner only to revoke his property rights, forcing president to resign after misidentifying property

'[It] was the end of the HOA': HOA president's plan backfires after recruiting landowner only to revoke his property rights, forcing president to resign after misidentifying property

'The install guy had to call me three times': Internet provider refuses to cancel customer's service, customer makes them drive to the middle of nowhere to prove they can't install satellite internet

'The install guy had to call me three times': Internet provider refuses to cancel customer's service, customer makes them drive to the middle of nowhere to prove they can't install satellite internet

‘You built a house on land you don't own’: Lawyer flips the script on builder whose poor craftsmanship led to client's ranch house getting foreclosed

‘You built a house on land you don't own’: Lawyer flips the script on builder whose poor craftsmanship led to client's ranch house getting foreclosed

Company policy outranks a written contract? Okay, we'll stick to policy then.

'We just wanted them to honor the contract': Couple moving for work discover they won't be fully repaid, HR director steps in to enforce policy

'Don't wanna give me a new contract? Fine': Employee quits job after boss refuses to make them an official manager

'Don't wanna give me a new contract? Fine': Employee quits job after boss refuses to make them an official manager

'Fine, I'll honor our contract': Man gets even with ex-girlfriend when she demands he honor their $700,000 housing contract, costs her over $62,500

'Fine, I'll honor our contract': Man gets even with ex-girlfriend when she demands he honor their $700,000 housing contract, costs her over $62,500

Salaried (exempt) employees have to punch a time card now? Ok. It would sure be a shame if someone notified the labor board about your illegal PTO practices, though

'I approached HR. They looked at me like I had two heads': Employee ignored by HR, so they contact the labor board instead

My boss is making us sign an NDA that states we cannot speak about what we see or hear at work to anyone outside of our business for 25 years. We also are told we cannot talk about our coworkers outside of work for 25 years,and we cannot speak about the business at all. Is this normal?

Unhinged Manager Makes Servers Sign Ridiculous NDA That Bars Them From Gossiping For 25 Years

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