
It's under construction careful of falling memes and jokes. Keep your eyes peeled and laugh at everything and anything industrial.

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'Over 400 hectares [burned]': Arrogant supervisor pushes his railroad workers to bend the rules on safety protocols; starts a raging wildfire, then gets justly fired for negligence

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'Trust me, just do it': Contractor scores $12,000 extra on a job because a know-it-all client insists his measurements are accurate; they are not

Grandpa Builds Tallest House in Town for Family, Only to Drain the Equity, Leading to Foreclosure

Grandpa Builds Tallest House in Town for Family, Only to Drain the Equity, Leading to Foreclosure

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'[I can] quit whenever]:' Contractor quits after boss snubs him on benefits, costs company over $2k and 25 days of lost productivity

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'You told me to sort this out myself, this is me sorting this out': Construction boss forced to move one ton of sand after he refuses to update his phone number

'To use the disabled lift, please come upstairs': 30 People who had just one job and still goofed it up

'To use the disabled lift, please come upstairs': 30 People who had just one job and still goofed it up

'He quit immediately on the spot': Construction worker quits job after discovering hidden coins planted by coworker

'He quit immediately on the spot': Construction worker quits job after discovering hidden coins planted by coworker

‘You Gave the Wrong Employee Demerit Points…’ : New Supervisor Ultimately Gets Himself Fired When He Messes With Invaluable Machinist, Leading to Malicious Compliance and Chaos in Production

‘You Gave the Wrong Employee Demerit Points…’ : New Supervisor Ultimately Gets Himself Fired When He Messes With Invaluable Machinist, Leading to Malicious Compliance and Chaos in Production

'I Ain't Shy' : 15 Best Bluntly Dumb Signs That Tell It How It Is

'I Ain't Shy' : 15 Best Bluntly Dumb Signs That Tell It How It Is

Stupid woman bests water department workers

'According to these guys... I did not know what I was talking about': Clever homeowner gets petty revenge on water department after they belittle her intelligence

‘My Old Boss Demanded I Put Domain Names on My Personal Credit Card. I Said No Problem, Then Quit.’ : Employee Sets Petty Terms When Company Begs for Domain Names They Forced Employee to Put On His Personal Credit Card

‘My Old Boss Demanded I Put Domain Names on My Personal Credit Card. I Said No Problem, Then Quit.’ : Employee Sets Petty Terms When Company Begs for Domain Names They Forced Employee to Put On His Personal Credit Card

‘He Couldn’t Fathom Why a Woman Was Interviewing Him in This Industry’ : Potential Employee Messes Up Job Interview Big Time for Discriminating Against Female Boss

‘He Couldn’t Fathom Why a Woman Was Interviewing Him in This Industry’ : Potential Employee Messes Up Job Interview Big Time for Discriminating Against Female Boss

‘The first thing you learn in the trades is don’t be a [jerk]… Sometimes people don’t learn it fast enough’: Ex-Employee Gets Epic Petty Revenge on Nightmare Coworker

‘The first thing you learn in the trades is don’t be a [jerk]… Sometimes people don’t learn it fast enough’: Ex-Employee Gets Epic Petty Revenge on Nightmare Coworker

Can't you just unload around me?

'Her face go[es] to shock as she realized she just did all of that in front of a police officer': Rude Karen dismisses construction workers, proceeds to ruin her own life in one afternoon

AITA for telling my BIL to get over himself and to quit holding a 10 year old grudge?

'You and your family sound massively entitled': Guy tells BIL to 'get over' his 10-year grudge so their families can vacation together

‘What Are You, a Snowflake?’ : 20 Blunt Signs That Don’t Beat Around the Bush

‘What Are You, a Snowflake?’ : 20 Blunt Signs That Don’t Beat Around the Bush