

It's under construction careful of falling memes and jokes. Keep your eyes peeled and laugh at everything and anything industrial.

Man seizes brother's house after shameless bid for free renovations, sparking heated family feud

Man seizes brother's house after shameless bid for free renovations, sparking heated family feud

It's commonly believed that it's improper to mix business and pleasure. However, what would you say if, after all of your effort, your sibling refused to compensate you for your labor and time? The story below is an account of a frustrated brother. For a living, the original poster (OP) remodels houses. So when his brother asked whether he would be willing to refurbish his house, he immediately said yes. OP even gave his brother a discount in exchange for his devotion and good name. However, th…
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entitled construction workers not abiding by neighborhood code results in man getting fined 200 euros so he bites back with a delicious petty revenge

Man gets fined $216, bites back at entitled construction workers after they failed to follow neighborhood codes: ‘Traffic Enforcement number is on my speed dial’

Illegally reserving parking spots using heavy cinderblocks is one way to make a neighborhood enemy
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homeowner property property-owner remodel secret plans reddit aita reddit reddit-thread friendship drama story contractor construction remodeling

Homeowner catches their new housemate secretly planning an overhaul remodel of her property behind her back, friendship fallout ensues: ‘[So] I kicked her out'

When you're looking for a roommate, there are a few key things to consider before inviting someone to come live in your home. Are they hygienic? Are they courteous of your sleep cycle? Do they wash their dishes? Will they permanently alter the aesthetic of your property with a secret remodel through an elaborately deceptive web of lies?
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'The concrete bags... begin to harden into just big rocks': Construction worker lets thousands of dollars of concrete get destroyed by following boss's orders

'The concrete bags... begin to harden into just big rocks': Construction worker lets thousands of dollars of concrete get destroyed by following boss's orders

What was this construction boss thinking? His employee, u/Stumpy6464, was baffled by the instructions they received by their boss, but they did their job as directed. Some workplaces are just chronically understaffed. This makes for an unpleasant work environment for the employees: they're going to be dealing with annoyed customers, or they're going to be rushing around trying to get all of that extra work done. For this person, their construction boss decided to interfere with their normal dai…
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20+ DIY projects that never should've seen the light of day

20+ DIY projects that never should've seen the light of day

All of these DIY projects started with the best intentions! A person saw a problem or felt inspired, and started their craft. Too bad that doing a DIY project isn't always as easy as it looks. No matter how well you follow that YouTube video or set of directions, some things need to be left to the pros. While I'm a big fan of the Spaghetti-O Furby and other art projects , it's harder to love all of the wild car DIYs (as you can see below). For example, one person built a fan into the roof of th…
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neighbors employee entitlement drama job neighborhood blue collar workers construction blue collar worker story entitled people karma entitled reddit thread Reddit entitled people employment construction workers - 35729157

Neighbor gets ultimate revenge on entitled construction workers who constantly break noise rules and steal electricity from his outdoor outlets: 'Cue the whining and complaining'

No one likes the sound of construction in their neighborhood. Sure, it's necessary, but after a long day of work, the last thing you want to come home to is constant hammering and beeping from loud construction equipment. Even worse, when all that noise wakes you up in the morning before you have the chance to snooze your alarm. This guy lives in an area where there are rules for noise. Noise is allowed from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., and there is no construction or industrial noise on Sundays. Seven in…
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FAILS errors construction comedy DIY building mistake funny home apartment - 25616901

20 Construction and DIY Flaws That Lack All Common Sense

If you pay attention to your surroundings, you are likely to discover a series of design choices that make absolutely no sense. You know, the kind of aesthetic decisions that make you wonder who in their right mind signed off on this? You might stumble upon these design and structural flaws on the street, in a public restroom, or even in your friend's house. Sometimes, these flaws are too hard to ignore. I distinctly remember touring the so-called “perfect apartment” and informing my roommate t…
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Construction worker offers former micromanager a job, setting the record straight and teaching him a valuable lesson in humility despite of the claim that he will ‘never amount to anything’

Construction worker offers former micromanager a job, setting the record straight and teaching him a valuable lesson in humility despite of the claim that he will ‘never amount to anything’

There will be those who want you to fail and those who want you to succeed. However, regardless of who is around you, you should constantly strive to be the best version of yourself. The story below tells the tale of a resentful construction worker. Despite all the challenges, the Original Poster (OP) started his own construction company. To put things in perspective, during his undergraduate years, OP looked for a part-time job that could help him balance his academics and become somewhat fina…
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homeowner home house property property-lines line land land-owner owner reddit petty revenge county payback deserves free

Property owner devises a plan to get back at the county after they tried to steal 3,750 square feet of his land: ‘They won’t be extending the road after all'

Property lines are sacred. Even in the frontier days when cowboys were hijacking their neighbor's land over a sack of potatoes, the two most important things about land ownership were that you had your name on the deed and that the property lines were drawn extra dark on the map.
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'You dug that hole yourself’: Contractor works on resident's property without permission, creating damage that costs $100,000

'You dug that hole yourself’: Contractor works on resident's property without permission, creating damage that costs $100,000

Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. So if one messes things up, one is probably going to have to face the consequences, that is simply how the world works, although there aren't many people who actually live by those rules. Many people in this Reddit story had to face the consequences of their actions, and not all of them did such a great job. First, there was the terrible neighbor who started the whole drama simply by being a terrible neighbor, but also because he ordered a contra…
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Professional Home Inspector Goes Viral for Posting Videos of Inspecting Newly Flipped Homes and Showing Off Their Shoddy Handiwork

Professional Home Inspector Goes Viral for Posting Videos of Inspecting Newly Flipped Homes and Showing Off Their Shoddy Handiwork

Why do it correctly when you can just “flippity flip” it?
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college college-girl parents parent elderly illegal contractor contractors construction project legal lawyer legal-shark illegal illegally daughter reddit

Fierce college girl legally annihilates the shady contractor trying to rip off her elderly parents: 'I was possessed by the ghost of a prosecuting legal shark'

Who knew you could win a legal battle with the jargon you learn in a college freshman's 101 class?
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'The exec told me that the seal was fine': Construction boss insists on running broken cement mixer, gets humiliated and covered in dust

'The exec told me that the seal was fine': Construction boss insists on running broken cement mixer, gets humiliated and covered in dust

Leave it to an executive with no common sense to make a huge mess. As so often happens, this higher-up wanted to prove that they were the head boss in charge, and made everyone else's days a little worse for it. Our society would be nowhere without the folks who work in construction. Concrete is in just about every modern building, not to mention sidewalks and roads. Construction crews can make quick work out of this. In just a few hours, your company can go from having a broken slab of concret…
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work worker diy employee employees smug advice wisdom ignored professional construction deck decking home-improvement reddit malicious-compliance

'Okay, have it your way': Smug DIYer losing $3,000 dollars worth of decking after ignoring the sage advice of a professional

These days, every DIY enthusiast sees ‘amateurs’ online who are achieving their home improvement goals without any experience. Armed with a flathead screwdriver, hand-me-down power tools, and a whole lot of gumption, a lot of DIYers feel builder's confidence flowing through them before ever setting foot into a hardware store.
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blue-collar blue-collar-memes work-memes work memes meme funny relatable tradesman-memes construction manager worker supervisor working-class working-class-memes

42 Blue-Collar Memes for Good Ol' Boys Cracking a Cold One on a Friday Afternoon

Kick off your work boots and throw your hard hat in the passenger seat of your truck – you've earned a reward after the day you've had
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Boss says "If you're 1 minute late I'm docking 15 minutes from your time" gets mad when I don't work the 15 minutes I was docked for free.

'I enjoy what I do but I don't do it for free': Construction worker stands up to boss after getting docked 15 minutes for being one minute late

This dude created a wave of malicious compliance seemingly by accident!
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