

Air Canada Doesn't Even Know How to Deal With the Crazies

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Via engineeringscientist

Conspiracy Confirmed!

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We Want to Believe - Yahoo Answers

Yahoo Answers NASA space battles covered up by thunderstorms they invented?
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Tupac Piloted the Plane, It's True

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This Started Out as Such a Promising Comment

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What Was Likely a Freak Plane Accident? Clearly the Apocalypse.

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Listen Everybody, Courtney Love Has this Plane Disappearance on Lock

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You Can't Argue With Stupid

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Conspiracy Confirmed!

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Hang on, I Need to Run These Findings by My Reptilian Overlords

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This Guy is CLEARLY too Cool and Edgy for Facebook

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Failbook: Hurricane Isaac Delays RNC, Displays Clear Liberal Bias

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