

Wouldn't it be Nice to Live in This Kind of Fantasy World?

conspiracy what - 8313242112
Via TheLegendOfGir

Attacked by Gluten

conspiracy facepalm spelling - 8293088256
Via ergister

Is There a Hashtag for "WAEK UP SHEEPL PLS"

conspiracy rebel hashtag - 8276851968
Created by Unknown

You Can't Argue With Stupid, That's the Rule

conspiracy argument - 8271599616

Because Believing in Magic is Easier Than Believing in Creeps

conspiracy what magic - 8271598080
Via menameisalexjones

Here We Go With the Nonsense Again

conspiracy moon landing satire the onion - 8263261952
Via Literally Unbelievable

Tendons Are a Huge Medical Plot Made Up to Take Our Grandmothers' Cash

conspiracy hospital science - 8240553216
Via Bro My God

The President Doesn't Even Care About Android Users

barack obama conspiracy iPhones - 8240705024
Via izzyboo411

This Starts Off Health-Crazy, Then Just Goes to Normal Crazy

conspiracy diet health - 8240705536
Via burace17

False, JFK Was Clearly a Lizard Person Trying to Make the Time Cube

conspiracy what jfk - 8236870656
Via itsmrsiglesias

The CIA Joined Twitter With the Perfect "Hello World" Message

twitter conspiracy politics - 8213421312

Oh Right, Almost Forgot About the Whole Satan Thing

vaccines conspiracy facepalm hoax failbook - 8208911360

So That Explains the Goblins in My Brain

cars conspiracy bumper sticker - 8159874048
Via shan3isg0d

This is the Kind of Person You Keep as a Friend Just to Hear the Nuttiness

conspiracy what - 8176289280
Via ShaneEnochs

GMOs Are a Lot of Things, But They're Not This

conspiracy gmo food - 8175258624
Via Redacted

For the Record: Yes, People Believe This

obamacare affordable care act conspiracy politics - 8175256832
Via throwmesomebread