

'Drop everything now': Manager's micromanaging demand backfires after he interrupts an employee who is busy working on CEO's task

'Drop everything now': Manager's micromanaging demand backfires after he interrupts an employee who is busy working on CEO's task

Imagine you are sitting in your office at your own desk, minding your own business, when in storms your manager, unannounced, tells you to 'drop everything now' and immediately take care of a 'very important' task he gives you, which ends up being not very important at all. It shouldn't be hard to picture, as this is what managers are best known for… This manager was especially good at micromanaging his employees, and he wasn't even that high up on the food chain, so where he got all his confid…
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‘His eyes got real big’: Manager demands IT employee stop fixing laptop and work on ‘corporate equipment only’, employee calls up CEO who requested the repair

‘His eyes got real big’: Manager demands IT employee stop fixing laptop and work on ‘corporate equipment only’, employee calls up CEO who requested the repair

To put it bluntly, you want to be on an IT professional's good side. Whether your computer begins glitching, your internet goes haywire, or you can't find that email that you just know you sent, something will always pop up in the corporate world, and it is best that you befriend the IT employee. Not everyone is as smart as I am though (please detect the sarcasm), and will say the wrong thing at the wrong time to the wrong person, AKA, the IT employee. One IT employee was approached by the CEO…
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'The screen was not working...It would cost about $250': Woman breaks husbands' computer monitor while trying to clean his private room, husband takes wifes' "fun money" to pay for it

'The screen was not working...It would cost about $250': Woman breaks husbands' computer monitor while trying to clean his private room, husband takes wifes' "fun money" to pay for it

This couple has been disagreeing over how to spend their fun money . One of the best parts of adult life is having fun money left over at the end of the month to spend however you wish. After you've paid off the rent or mortgage, car payment, and bought all your groceries, having an extra 30 bucks to use on something special feels like the perfect treat. Some of us buy new shoes or clothes, while others head to the movies or plan out a weekend trip. Others love to upgrade to the newest technolo…
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'It's amazing what can be done when the CEO gets involved': Customer floods company execs with emails to get them to fix their computer

'It's amazing what can be done when the CEO gets involved': Frustrated customer floods company execs with emails to get them to fix their computer

Using a little insider knowledge, this customer decided to find a solution to their computer problems . When your computer is broken, your emotions can range from mild annoyance to total panic. After all, many of us work from our laptops, so if they break down, we're out of a place to type out our emails. Getting the computer fixed is a whole process, too. Customer service reps may try to give you the runaround, even after you've waited on the phone for ages. They might try to upsell you produc…
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'I cant take notes on my computer? Fine, I’ll use a typewriter': Teacher enforces strict no laptop policy, student maliciously complies

'I can't take notes on my computer? Fine, I’ll use a typewriter': Teacher enforces strict no laptop policy, student maliciously complies

Teachers better be careful when enforcing silly rules. As the son of a former teacher, I am sympathetic to the fear that students will just be playing games if laptops are allowed in class. That being said, wouldn't that be their loss when it's time to test them? In my experience, people will always find an excuse to zone out and not pay attention. So even if laptops are forbidden in the classroom, they will always find a way. Now, in defense of students, it is simply far easier to keep up with…
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'The final straw was when she borrowed my car [and] caused 1000$ worth of damage': Student gets even with nightmare roommate by messing with the music library on his laptop

'The final straw was when she borrowed my car [and] caused $1000 worth of damage': Student gets even with nightmare roommate by messing with the music library on her laptop

Most young people make naive decisions when it comes to who they choose to live with. Personally, I've been known to make this mistake. Even when you have the slightest hesitation when the idea of living together presents itself, you go through a process of self-denial where you essentially convince yourself that the two of you are a perfect cohabitating match, but the reality is that not all great friends make great roommates, and sometimes living together can become the beginning of the end o…
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‘She begged for my husband’: Karen attempts to get computer for free by demanding to speak to owner's husband

‘She begged for my husband’: Karen attempts to get computer for free by demanding to speak to owner's husband

Selling things online is a fickle business. It starts off fairly simple, you post an ad along with your contact info. You get a couple of replies, maybe get ghosted once or twice, perhaps a prank phone call or two. But the world of online business is a strange one, and it is bound to bring some pretty strange people to your doorstep if you are not careful. Here, in this case, OP posted an ad for a computer, stating the price of 900. Not one minute later, OP got a phone call. At first, everythin…
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'After a week with no electronics, it finally happened': Father takes son's devices, makes himself late for work

'After a week with no electronics, it finally happened': Father takes son's electronics, only to have the punishment backfire on him

It's your job as a parent to try to raise your kid right. You try to instill good values and push them to be kind, hardworking, and to follow the rules. But of course, kids definitely do not always follow rules, especially when they're young. This person remembered a funny tale from when he was in elementary school . He did something to annoy his father, though neither of them can recall what the incident was anymore. So u/Zylly's father decided the best course of action was to take away all hi…
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Update: 'This is gonna raise a lot of eyebrows': Employee spends weeks doing nothing at work after boss refuses their simple solution to computer issues

They made this dude's job too easy. A tech worker shared their story of what happened when their computer broke . Like many workplaces, some people have a knack for being able to troubleshoot technology . It's a valuable skill — many of us just don't have the technological know-how to fix these issues without recruiting someone from the IT department. To be fair, a lot of the time you only have to turn your computer off and on again, or clear the browser history, and for some reason it does fix…
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'[He] routinely attempts to fax me when I have no fax machine': Employee details their nepo-boss's workplace requests

'[He] routinely attempts to fax me when I have no fax machine': Employee baffled by their nepo-boss's odd workplace requests

This employee was surprised every day by the odd way their nepo-boss chose to run a business.
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'Too bad about those sales figures': Innovative employee improves buggy app, gets fired by bosses

This employee had to learn the hard way that many companies don't want innovation , they want employees who will keep their heads down. That is a frustrating lesson to learn if you're a bright young person in their first job, ready to tackle any issue. You find an issue, have a great idea of how to solve it and then… your boss just never implements that idea. They might ignore it entirely, or just tell you not to do that. Then you watch as your workplace carries on as usual. This guy had an esp…
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'It is like every email is a poem': 25+ Computer-challenged coworkers who needed a helping hand

'It is like every email is a poem': 25+ Computer-challenged coworkers who needed a helping hand

We can't all be the most tech savvy person in the office.
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'She was going to hire a 'professional'...': Boss refuses to stop cleaning computer until it's ruined because her method would 'really clean it out'

'She was going to hire a 'professional'...': Boss refuses to stop cleaning computer until it's ruined, because her method would 'really clean it out'

This person claims that their boss is only their boss because she just decided she was the Office Manager one day, and everyone went along with it. That seems like a recipe for disaster! You'd think that after working in an industry for ten years, this woman “Kevina” would kind of know what she's doing. The OP, u/alas_vikn, shares that they work at a stone company (and they've gotten in the habit of referring to Kevina's shenanigans as “The Flintstone Chronicles”).
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Gave my 12 y/o kid a $50 apple gift card, woke up to this, this morning. One of the charges was for $75, the lowest was $3.75, average was about $20. Did manage to get it all reversed, more in comments..

'Kid is about to lose his computer to eBay': Dad threatens to take son's computer after he runs up massive gaming bill

Owning a credit card is a big responsibility, and it definitely shouldn't fall into the hands of a Roblox-obsessed preteen. One dad found that out the hard way, as he shared with the r/mildlyinfuriating Reddit community. At first, he was just sharing a long receipt of micro transactions that his son had made at the App Store . Spend a dollar here and twenty dollars there and it can really add up fast! The kiddo thought he had a gift card to spend, but once the gift card ran out, he was able to…
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programming school funny stories malicious compliance kids cool stories gaming programmers teacher computer video games - 20474885

'The games WORKED': Kid circumvents school firewall to play flash games by learning to develop websites

The best lessons in life often can't be planned for and sometimes are born from the mistakes of authority figures and the limitations they place on you. These limitations can create situations that require creative solutions to overcome them, sparking inspiration that can lead to new pathways and ideas. This guy shared the story of his days at school, being trapped there without any access to the delightful flash games of the early 00s thanks to the school's overbearing firewall. As idle minds…
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for prioritizing my work over my partner's.

'My meeting takes precedence': Remote-working couple juggle sharing computer monitor between their two jobs

One remote-working couple is stressing each other out, writing, “This is very petty, but we need some help."
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