
commute work from home working job company hr boss bosses manager supervisor good-boss employee employees wholesome work-story reddit

'Good boss and a good human being': All-star employee commutes 4 hours to work, until her boss battles HR for months to advocate for her to work remote full time

Boss tells assistant to stop chatting with coworkers, she maliciously complies by giving everyone the silent treatment: 'You told me to stop talking to people [...] So I did'

Boss tells assistant to stop chatting with coworkers, she maliciously complies by giving everyone the silent treatment: 'You told me to stop talking to people [...] So I did'

'I reached a complete breaking point over donuts': New hire forced to buy everyone donuts during his first week, maliciously complies and scares off annoying coworkers

'I reached a complete breaking point over donuts': New hire forced to buy everyone donuts during his first week, maliciously complies and scares off annoying coworkers

'I'm still gloating over my [win] over corporate Karen': Worker maliciously complies with boss's request to park bike in designated spot, results in six hours of OT

'I'm still gloating over my [win] over corporate Karen': Worker maliciously complies with boss's request to park bike in designated spot, results in six hours of OT

‘I reached my breaking point’: Boss constantly singles out overworked employee, they plan to resign, only to be told by family that quitting is ‘the easy way out’

‘I reached my breaking point’: Boss constantly singles out overworked employee, they plan to resign, only to be told by family that quitting is ‘the easy way out’

'That's my boss and that's my job': Candidate calls office about marketing assistant position, turns out the current assistant had no idea she was being replaced

'That's my boss and that's my job': Candidate calls office about marketing assistant position, turns out the current assistant had no idea she was being replaced

 ‘No vacation for you!’: Overworked employee gets back at micromanager by quitting without notice the day before manager's big vacation, leaving him no choice but to cancel it

‘No vacation for you!’: Overworked employee gets back at micromanager by quitting without notice the day before manager's big vacation, leaving him no choice but to cancel it

Toxicologist gets recruited for the job they just quit: 'This position was clearly listed on my profile'

Toxicologist gets recruited for the job they just quit: 'This position was clearly listed on my profile'

'Sorry, this is a red flag': 20 unprofessional messages from horrible bosses

'Sorry, this is a red flag': 20 unprofessional messages from horrible bosses

‘You are no longer needed’: Employee gets fired by coworker via texts, so they criticize company's unprofessional conduct in response, gets blocked

‘You are no longer needed’: Employee gets fired by coworker via texts, so they criticize company's unprofessional conduct in response, gets blocked

hilarious remote zoom employee job meeting work memes work funny memes wfh company funny - 36559365

30 WFH Memes for Remote Employees Who’ve Perfected Waking Up 2 Minutes Before a Zoom Call

Karen coworker shames employee for not working hard enough: 'If I am not paid to be there, I am not going to do it'

Karen coworker shames employee for not working hard enough: 'If I am not paid to be there, I am not going to do it'

‘I was hired and fired within 3 hours’: Employee finishes first day on the job only to receive a message from manager informing them the position is no longer available, gets advised to lawyer up

‘I was hired and fired within 3 hours’: Employee finishes first day on the job only to receive a message from manager informing them the position is no longer available, gets advised to lawyer up

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Vigilante esthetician gets wrongfully fired and then shuts down her nefarious boss, prompting over $100,000 in losses and a criminal record: ‘[He was] impersonating a doctor!’

'I was kicked off the call when they were [firing] me': Employee gets access revoked so quickly they're booted off mid-call, rejoins to give them a piece of his mind

'I was kicked off the call when they were [firing] me': Employee gets access revoked so quickly they're booted off mid-call, rejoins to give them a piece of his mind

'My ex-boss refuses to send my last paycheck': Employee gets fired for calling out management on wage theft, considers class action lawsuit

'My ex-boss refuses to send my last paycheck': Employee gets fired for calling out management on wage theft, considers class-action lawsuit