
AITA for calling my mom when my husband refused to listen to me?

'They need to leave': Pregnant wife returns from hospital to find her brother-in-law's entire family living in their home

AITA because I make my wife dig through the trash.

Wife Doesn’t Like Husband Bringing Dirt Into the House but Refuses To Give Him Soap To Clean Himself, Soap Opera Ensues!

‘Fine, No Problem. I’ll Clean the Floor.’ : Bossy Manager Treats Overworked Employee Poorly, Giving Him Extra Duties That Are Not Part of His Job Description, Leading To Malicious Compliance

‘Fine, No Problem. I’ll Clean the Floor.’ : Bossy Manager Treats Overworked Employee Poorly, Giving Him Extra Duties That Are Not Part of His Job Description, Leading To Malicious Compliance

20+ Cleaning Fails for Both Neat Freaks and Messy Folks

20+ Cleaning Fails for Both Neat Freaks and Messy Folks

My kids haven’t cleaned their bathroom like they were supposed to. I decided to leave a note under a rag they left on the floor. Let’s see if they find it. It’s been a week already.

'If you're reading this, you've won $50': Parents bribe kids to clean bathroom but make an ultimatum

25+ Horrible Roommates Who Refuse to Clean Up After Themselves

25+ Horrible Roommates Who Refuse to Clean Up After Themselves

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Chaotic Messy Man Recounts the Horrors of His Bachelor Pad After Realizing the Simple 'Hacks' of His Genius Woman

AITA for giving my cousin's wife a Roomba?

Major Gift Fail: Woman visits cousin's dirty home and decides to buy his wife cleaning supplies for her birthday

kid won't do dishes correctly so he's forced to clean off his dirty dishes

Son Refuses to Do Dishes Right, Forced to Eat off His “Clean” Dishes, Internet Approves

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Relatable Mom Goes Viral for for Showing How Mom’s Never Actually Get a Vacation From Being a Mom, Especially While Vacationing

Tumblr post on how to not have to buy laundry detergent | Weirdly anti-millennial articles have scraped bottom barrel so hard they are now two feet down into topsoil tramampoline its so wild like this generation with no fucking money is learning prioritize essentials and all these chucklefucks can write is advertisements these companies

Tumblr User Shares Advice To Squash Laundry Industry

Security cam footage of robot vacuums stacking on top of each other in the night.

Robot Vacuums Stack On Top Of Each Other In 3 AM Chance Encounter

life hacks and tricks that work

18 Tricks That People Were Flabbergasted Actually Worked

Professional cleaners share the grossest, weirdest things they've ever found.

10 Horrible Things Professional Cleaners Have Discovered

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An Eruption of Anger and Elementary Science

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Kick Your Weekend Relaxation Off With Over a Minute of Satisfying Laser Rust Removal