
'He's not your son!': Sister-in-law decides to name her unborn nephew behind the mother's back, family fallout ensues right before Christmas

'He's not your son!': Sister-in-law decides to name her unborn nephew behind the mother's back, family fallout ensues right before Christmas

'A quality salami log': 30 A+ last-minute Christmas gifts

'A quality salami log': 30 A+ last-minute Christmas gifts

Update: 'Her boss does this every year': Boss makes workers fight over a piñata filled with money at the Christmas Party

Update: 'Her boss does this every year': Boss makes workers fight over a piñata filled with money at the Christmas Party

not-invited-to-holiday-work-party, work-party, reddit, failblog, r-work, work-drama, grade-school-pettiness, grade-school-behaving-coworker

‘She [laughed] and hoped I was happy having to work alone': Employee is the only one not invited to the company holiday party due to grade school level pettiness, HR does nothing

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'Screenshots live forever': Boss shares tone-deaf anecdote about making employees stay late on Christmas Eve, internet takes the side of her employees

'Are you refusing to help your coworkers?': Manager pressures employee to help with holiday decorating competition, employee resists then maliciously complies

'Are you refusing to help your coworkers?': Manager pressures employee to help with holiday decorating competition, employee resists then maliciously complies

Update: 'Clearly this woman is full of Christmas spirit': Karen demands a particular Christmas carol every year, choir director refuses

Update: 'Clearly this woman is full of Christmas spirit': Karen demands a particular Christmas carol every year, choir director refuses

‘I’m sorry, there has been an issue with your room payment': Hotel guest gets even with youngsters who throw Christmas parties in the middle of the night

‘I’m sorry, there has been an issue with your room payment': Hotel guest gets even with youngsters who throw Christmas parties in the middle of the night

antiwork work workplace coworker coworkers employee employees boss manager managers supervisor working reddit-thread christmas holiday holidays shift pto vacation time-off

'I'm quitting in January': Manager doesn't ‘feel like’ working on Christmas then tries to guilt-trip an employee into covering their shift; he flat out refuses

'We call each other by our middle names on Christmas Eve': 20+ Holiday traditions that people thought were normal, but were actually unique to their family

'We call each other by our middle names on Christmas Eve': 20+ Weird holiday traditions that people thought were normal, but were actually unique to their family

'They nervously laughed that the meeting was timed badly': Employee fired 1 hour before office Christmas party that he already paid for

'They nervously laughed that the meeting was timed badly': Employee fired one hour before office Christmas party that he already paid for

'‘Christmas bonus… [was] a $20 off coupon for a frozen turkey': 20+ Merry mildly infuriating moments from the holiday season

'‘Christmas bonus… [was] a $20 off coupon for a frozen turkey': 20+ Merry mildly infuriating moments from the holiday season

'You're not getting in': Front desk clerk denies guest's wife access to hotel room, refuses to give her a key

'You're not getting in': Front desk clerk denies guest's wife access to hotel room, refuses to give her a key

'I call it karma': Worker gets even with non-tipping customer after crossing paths with them at their workplace

'I call it karma': Worker gets even with non-tipping customer after crossing paths with them at their workplace

‘I couldn't even look at him': Inconsiderate husband gifts wife vacuum cleaner for Christmas so that she can 'clean his garage'

‘I couldn't even look at him': Inconsiderate husband gifts wife vacuum cleaner for Christmas so that she can 'clean his garage'

'Grandma got me a dollar store electric toothbrush': 40+ People who were startled by the presents they received on Christmas morning

'Grandma got me a dollar store electric toothbrush': 40+ People who were shocked by the terrible presents they received on Christmas morning