
choosing beggars

'I lost my job': Influencer gets tattoo artist fired for refusing to serve her first

'I lost my job': Influencer gets tattoo artist fired for refusing to serve her first

The queue is a foundational structure of society. First come, first served—it's as simple as that. This serves as a great equalizer of man. Every person's status is one and the same when they are in the queue—all are equals and must wait their turn. If you refuse to wait your turn, you'll be That's all well and good, except people with status, particularly entitled people with status, keep looking for loopholes to avoid waiting in the queue like everyone else because they think they're better t…
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'The least you can do is get me... a small bottle of Chanel No. 5': Top 20 Choosing Beggars of the Week (June 14, 2023)

'The least you can do is get me... a small bottle of Chanel No. 5': Top 20 Choosing Beggars of the Week (June 14, 2023)

These people are ready to haggle themselves the best possible deal. These “ choosing beggars ” are among the funniest this week. People from all over post their random sightings of people who need things, but really don't want to pay much for them, and also, they don't want to put much effort into getting these things. Some people really have the audacity to ask others to do chores for them — like removing a lengthy fence — and then want to be paid so that the buyer can take the scraps, which i…
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Top Choosing Beggars of the Week (June 12, 2023)

Top Choosing Beggars of the Week (June 12, 2023)

It's time to take a look at this week's collection of needy, entitled folks!
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'That's ripping people off BIG time': Choosing beggar cat lady argues with sublessor about renting out a room with her three cats

'That's ripping people off BIG time': Choosing beggar cat lady argues with sublessor about renting out a room with her three cats

Three cats and one crazy cat lady is a big ask.
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'I blocked her account': Librarian gets revenge on a rude patron, unearthing a $480 late fee that had been previously waived to freeze the account for good

'I blocked her account': Librarian gets revenge on a rude patron, unearthing a $480 late fee that had been previously waived

If you've ever worked in customer service, you know you have dealt with some dicey patrons. Not everyone has the guts to do what needs to be done with every customer confrontation and most folks lean on their one sassy manager who walks fast, talks loud, and shuts down every local Karen before they can get too ramped up. However, as a librarian, you can't necessarily strong-arm every bad patron with your big voice in the ‘Quiet Reading’ section.
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FAILS karens list choosing beggars entitled funny entitled people choosing beggar - 20419845

Top Choosing Beggars of the Week (May 9, 2023)

It remains baffling how demanding choosing beggars can be. Every week, there’s another seemingly desperate person who ends up making the most entitled demands despite having absolutely no right to do so and no power In the situation. But let’s remember that there’s nothing like pride when it comes to transforming a beggar into a choosing beggar. Keep scrolling below for this new collection of the top five choosing beggars from this past week. For more compilations like this, here are some top K…
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karens entitled parents funny texts drama choosing beggars pokemon go entertaining-stories text messages karen-stories pokemon cards karens in the wild karen entitled people choosing beggar - 20401669

'Quite sad. I spend more time with your son than you do': Karen demands free $20k Pokemon card for her son, guy mercilessly claps back

Pokemon cards are something that, at this point, are loved by kids and adults everywhere. As the original Pokemon has aged into adulthood, we've continued to share that joy with the youngsters. Of course, there are always going to be people who, thinking they're clever, seek to turn a profit off of the altruism of others, disguising their wants as needs and playing the victim card whenever possible to try and guilt trip people into giving them things beyond their better judgment. This must work…
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insane artists text message choosing beggars instagram artist dms entitled karen choosing beggar - 1837063

'That is an insane amount for a f-ing blanket': Choosing beggar wants a hand-made blanket but is outraged at the cost

Dealing with people is the worst part of any job. Even those who have somehow escaped a 9 to 5 existence and have managed to make a living or side hustle — doing gig or contract work — still have to deal with this.
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karens entitled parents choosing beggars karens in the wild entitled karen entitled people choosing beggar - 20109829

'You'll get paid in garlic': 10+ Top Entitled People, Karens, and Choosing Beggars Who Wanted Everything For Nothing

This world is jam-packed with all sorts of wonderful people: people who are empathetic and honest, generous and fair, responsible and humble. Unfortunately, the yin to that yang comes in the form of an onslaught of entitled, cruel and selfish people who want everything for nothing and everything for themselves. They care not about anyone or their negative impact on the society that they benefit from—like a leech that's had more than its fill, growing fat unnoticed on a swimmer's leg. This is a…
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workplace-stories in-the-workplace choosing beggars interviews workplace reddit thread job interview interview choosing beggar job application - 19688197

Employee stands their ground after employer tries for an unpaid trial

Unpaid working trials are a thing of the past—well… they should be according to the labor laws in a lot of states and countries. The unfortunate reality is that this is still a practice that takes place in a lot of industries and in even more organizations. There's nothing like having someone actually do the work to ensure that they can do it… right? Companies often have other goals in mind with this strategy, lot of clever-as-they-are-unethical hiring managers will use these “working interview…
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choosing beggars wedding reddit thread Reddit fundraiser funny money American Idol - 19637253

Former American Idol Contestant Turned Choosing Beggar Crowdsources for Third Wedding, Internet Reacts

Beggars can't be choosers, not even if you were on American Idol!
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Posted my CB encounter earlier until the good people of Reddit told me I’d accidentally doxxed myself. here it is again in all it’s glory..

'I want my bed back': Entitled choosing beggar refuses to pick up free bed on time in unhinged text exchange

It turns out people really can be that crazy and that entitled.
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When your friend blocks you because you didn’t give her money after your mom died.

'Did you really unfriend me?': Grief stricken friend gets blocked by entitled person for not sending money to baby registry

It doesn't get more entitled and tone-deaf than this...
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Top 10 Choosing Beggars of the Week (February 6, 2023)

Top 10 Choosing Beggars of the Week (February 6, 2023)

They say beggars can't be choosers, and yet these folks said, "Yes we can!"
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terrible coworkers antiwork employee coworkers dickhead co-workers awesome co-workers not workplace coworker employment workplace-stories choosing beggars entitled entitled people choosing beggar

Coworker calls woman a "nasty girl" after throwing trash in her candy bowl

What is it about the workplace that causes grown-ass adults to lose all common sense? Sure, they probably don't want to be there—but none of us do either, and we're not going around making life more intolerable than it already has to be. The similarities between what you experience in the workplace and middle school classroom are just a testament to the fact that most people never mature; instead, living their lives in the same perpetual state of petty behavior and hatred as they did when they…
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Insane Choosing Beggar Makes Unreasonable Demands After Insulting Stranger's Generous Offer to Let Them Stay For Recovery From Voluntary Cosmetic Surgery

Insane Choosing Beggar Makes Unreasonable Demands After Insulting Stranger's Generous Offer to Let Them Stay For Recovery From Voluntary Cosmetic Surgery

When you're a guest in someone else's home, you're on your best behavior; the last thing you'd ever want to do is upset the delicate balance of their lives and impose yourself further upon them. That's how I feel when I'm in someone else's home, and I had always assumed that others shared in my anxiety-riddled tiptoeing. This turns out to not always be the case — in fact, there are those who would not only invite themselves into your home but expect you to finance and facilitate every facet of…
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