
choosing beggars

'Looking for a nanny to move in [and] pay rent': Top Choosing Beggars of the Week (July 17, 2024)

'Looking for a nanny to move in [and] pay rent': Top Choosing Beggars of the Week (July 17, 2024)

Everyone has at least one person in their lives who demands way too much and offers next to nothing in return. What remains a mystery when it comes to these unicorn individuals is where on earth their audacity lies. Seriously, if there is one thing we can learn from these folks, it's the shocking confidence to ask for (nay, demand) services they simply do not deserve. For instance, one of these folks had no shame posting on Facebook for a live-in nanny who would ostensibly cook, clean, take car…
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'Choosing beggar influencers will call the hotel...they demanded a nice hotel room': Hotel staffers develop hilarious scheme to get even with social media influencers

'Choosing beggar influencers will call the hotel': Hotel staffers develop hilarious scheme to get even with obnoxious social media influencers

At this “ tourist hotspot ,” a lot of guests demand only the finest treatment. They want the nicest, biggest rooms, the most photogenic food choices, and of course, massive discounts. Why? Well, because they're influencers, of course. They're basically celebrities in their own minds. After that, check out these design fails that were dubious from the start, like the stairs that are sure to take out an ankle or two.
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Employee goes out with Karen coworker, Karen makes a scene at the restaurant, then demands to be driven home: 'I've never invited [her] out since'

Employee goes out with Karen coworker, Karen makes a scene at the restaurant, then demands to be driven home: 'I've never invited [her] out since'

Hanging out with coworkers outside of work hours is always a strange experience at first. Some people get along in a work environment, and it doesn't take until meeting up in real life for you to realize that the two of you just don't gel outside of work hours. This employee discovered a bit too late that his coworker was not just a strange person to hang out with outside of work, but it turns out they're a Karen. Sometimes you really don't know these things until you see someone ordering food…
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entitled entitled parents choosing beggars choosing beggar entitled people entitled customers - 35261701

Professional pet sitter asks for someone to watch their own pets for free, community criticizes their request: 'People are just delusional'

Running a business is challenging, especially once you expand to the point that you need to hire people to help you manage the workload. Turns out you have to pay people to have them do work for you… Can you believe that??? The irony of wanting someone to do something for you for free that you yourself do as a profession is palpable, requiring leaps and bounds in logic that bottle the mind. These types of “choosing beggar” posts seem to almost always consist of some kind of child-care or pet-si…
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'Having a graduation party. Please supply me!': Top Choosing Beggars of the Week (May 31, 2024)

'Having a graduation party. Please supply me!': Top Choosing Beggars of the Week (May 31, 2024)

Whether it's replacing furniture and appliances or planning graduation parties and gender reveals, the choosing beggars of the world have been out to play this week. For many folks, summer is the time for rest and relaxation. For others, it's a time of desperation. A family friend of mine organizes a yard sale every summer, and it always seems like the people who ruin the whole experience year after year are the choosing beggars that pop up out of nowhere demanding the quality of luxury brands…
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'My manager asks Karen exactly what she wants': Helicopter parent refuses to accept dorm roommates for her college-aged son

'My manager asks Karen exactly what she wants': Helicopter parent refuses to accept dorm roommates for her college-aged son

Being a helicopter parent to a toddler is one thing, but if your kid grows up and you're still acting that way, it's going to get awkward real fast. When you're raising a toddler, it makes sense to keep a close eye on them. They're whirling dervishes of destruction who can color your couch with markers one minute and climb inside the dishwasher the next. But over time, you've got to let your kids gain independence by seeing the world on their own. Too bad no one ever told this college kid's mot…
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customer service karens entitled parents choosing beggars karen-customer customers karens in the wild entitled karen entitled people - 25457157

'Anyone want to donate a $15k Rolex?': 20+ Choosing beggars who are making the world a place

There are a whole lotta people in this world and plenty of winding paths down which you can walk. While some choose the long and winding paths toward making the world a better place… or at least being a decent contributing member of society… a bunch of them are walking the short path of entitlement instead. At a certain point, you might expect that grifting would be more work than learning or earning an honest means of getting what you need, but that would defeat the purpose, which somewhere al…
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'This isn't a paid gig': Top Choosing Beggars of the Week (March 25, 2024)

'This isn't a paid gig': Top Choosing Beggars of the Week (March 25, 2024)

People seem to be asking for a lot more than they can give these days. We understand that sometimes desperate times call for desperate measures, but most of these instances really just come down to entitled people with a whole lot of audacity. Hopefully, they can read the comments and see what the sane folks on the internet are telling them because that's the only way choosing beggars will come to learn that they are acting like choosing beggars. Otherwise, they will simply resume their “ignora…
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'I want to sit there, so can you move?': Karen and Kevin demand for bus passenger to move for the extra leg room

'I want to sit there, so can you move?': Karen and Kevin demand for bus passenger to move for the extra leg room

We all know that bus people are way worse than plane and train people. Sure, there are always exceptions, and sometimes you end up on a plane next to someone who is acting like this is a bus. However, for the most part, bus people refuse to make room for other passengers even if the vehicle is clearly full. Bus people also love to talk on the phone for long stretches of time, as if there is no one else around. They love snacking on smelly food and not cleaning up after themselves. And they love…
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Top Choosing Beggars of the Week (February 18, 2024): 'Please be my personal assistant with no guaranteed pay'

Top Choosing Beggars of the Week (February 18, 2024): 'Please be my personal assistant with no guaranteed pay'

Sure, desperate times call for desperate measures, but no one anticipated this level of desperation. It's funny to see where the choosing beggars of the world decide to reveal themselves online. It's often on online marketplaces, social media direct messages, and job site postings. However, regardless of what they want and regardless of where they post, these individuals have no self-awareness, too much confidence, or all of the above. The following collection of this week's top choosing beggar…
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customer service karens entitled parents choosing beggars karen-customer customers karens in the wild entitled karen entitled people choosing beggar - 24052741

Guy wants someone to pay him to come and remove his dilapidated shed: 'It will need some attention'

We'd all like to think that we have something to offer to this world. If we didn't, what would be the point? While this is kind of a baited question, the easy answer is that there's more to life than your monetizable value, despite what society might otherwise try and tell you... So, go outside and smell a flower, for gosh sake, and stop overcomplicating a life that is already overcomplicated enough. Still, because of our obsession with our own value and the value of things in our possession, i…
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craigslist entitlement choosing beggars online sales entitled used goods facebook marketplace entitled people choosing beggar selling - 24052229

Entitled dude messages seller wanting a free motorcycle, won't take no for an answer: 'I can file a lawsuit'

When we were kids, bratty kids on the playground would claim that their dad, uncle, or other random family member worked for Nintendo. They'd always be spouting some bogus insider information or rumors as if they were undeniable facts, all in the name of getting much-needed attention and clout. These were the days when the internet was just getting started, so it was never really possible to prove their audacious claims to be false, but there certainly were some heated 'uh-uh's' and 'yeah-huh's…
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reddit choosing beggars beggar car trouble broken down vehicle pay paying begging tow towing tow truck mechanic repair bill

‘This apparently flagged me as a cash cow’: Good Samaritan spends his last $110 to help pay for a woman's tow truck, she begs him to pay for the repair too

There are the ‘givers’ of the world and the ‘takers’. Givers are generous and caring, trying to do their best to return a piece of karma to the world. Takers are a different story– If you give an inch, they'll take an entire yard.
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reddit reddit-thread choosing-beggars beggars seeds garden flowers wild-flowers gardening gardening-fail story demands

'I'm not driving 250 miles to look at some soil': Gardener shares wildflower seeds with a fellow hobbyist, they demand an in-person follow up when the seeds don't grow

Gardening is a challenging, yet rewarding, hobby that some people were born to do. However, if you're as horticulturally hopeless as I am, you'd know that it's a gift to have a green thumb. Personally, I'm the kind of gal who accidentally kills every house plant that crosses the threshold of my home and I am certainly not a green-thumbed individual– but at least I know my limits when it comes to garden work!
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customer service karens entitled parents choosing beggars karen-customer customers influencer karens in the wild entitled karen entitled people choosing beggar - 23473413

'A meal on the house in exchange for Instagram coverage': 20+ Top Choosing Beggars of the Year (2023)

This world is full of a whole bunch of really great people who are there to support you, encourage you on your way, and want nothing more than for you to thrive. These people may be friends, they may be family, or they might be benevolent strangers who are carrying the light of altruistically looking out for their fellow man.
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'The audacity to complain about a $500 gift':Choosing beggar throws tantrum at coworker over a $500 holiday gift card

'The audacity to complain about a $500 gift': Choosing beggar throws tantrum at coworker over a $500 holiday gift card

As much as it is the season of giving, apparently, it is also the season of complaining. Now, I have never been one of those lucky employees to receive a sizable bonus for the Holidays. One has to assume it is the price for not going full corporate. That being said, if I were to receive such a gift, I would try not to take it for granted and remember the days when I would never have gotten this kind of special treatment (meaning, these days). So if this choosing beggar has no interest in using…
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