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David Hasselhoff Takes a "Knight Rider" Superfan for a Very Special Spin

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They Don't Even Fit in This Car

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Via theCHIVE
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Here's the Reason Why More and More People Are Getting Dash Cams

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When a Car Called Leaf Meets a Tree...

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You've Got a Little Something On You

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Via Acid Cow

Oh, So You Want to Take Up Two Parking Spaces?

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Via AnotherCJMajor
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U-Haul Break it? You Buy it!

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They Make Those Toys in Life Size Now?

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Via Bits and Pieces
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In This Video Report About Distracted Drivers, a Man in Austin Gets Caught Having a Little too Much Fun Behind the Wheel

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They Say Most Car Accidents Happen in Parking Lots. Here's Proof for That Claim.

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I Hope He's Not Driving a Stick

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Via YodasMaster6

Can't Start a Fire Without a Sparkletts

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Via Acid Cow

Dumbledore Kills Darth Vader's Father But He Was Dead the Whole Time, You've Been Warned

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Via tpolisher

The Problem With Having Political Parents

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Via Dudleysdad

This Car Crash Was Caused by a Teen Lighting the Driver's Armpit Hair on Fire. You Read That Right.

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Via USA Today

For Those About to Drive an SUV, We Salute You

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Via Mykalb

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