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If You Attempt to Jump Over a Moving Vehicle, You Deserve All the Pain You Get

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Always Read the Fine Print

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Via theCHIVE

What Would You Call This Car?

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Via Aerolas

Tight Fit?

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Via kamehamehameow

This isn't an Ordinary Paint Job, it's All Sharpie!

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Via granthem7
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This Car is so Cool it's Basically Incapable of Driving Anymore

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This Way to the Beach, Right?

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Via Acid Cow

Time to Collect the Insurance Money on This Car

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Via Brown Cardigan

One Cyclist Has Had Enough of Dealing With Cars in His Grill

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Via alreadytakenusername

When You Forget to Put Up The "Wet Paint" Sign

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Via Izismile

Anyone Who Says You Need More Than These Two Things is Lying

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Via Brown Cardigan

Mind if I Squeeze in Here?

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The Car of Wisdom

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Via weightliftin4life

Revenged of the Cheated

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Watch This New Tesla Model Drive Itself With the Press of a Button

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Space Isn't Too Far Away

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