
burger king

Top 15+ Fast Food Memes for Lovers of Big Macs and Fries

Top 15+ Fast Food Memes for Lovers of Big Macs and Fries

Sometimes, there is nothing better than a late-night fast food order. Who wants a salad after a night out? Nine times out of ten, these fast food cravings could be resolved by just forgetting about it and going to bed, but where's the fun in that? The reality is there is a rush of adrenaline and excitement that comes when you decide to stop monitoring yourself for a moment and let yourself be free. By freedom, of course, we mean the freedom to order a quarterpounder, chicken tenders, or whateve…
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Ads, toys and pictures from 80s and 90s fast food nostalgia | wwen PAPY oe PLUNAS McDonald's Happy Meal ty teenie BEANIE BABIES PAMINIO teenie GOE April 11-May 15, 1997 HOO TUILE Also available! New Toddler Toys | bucket s finger lickin good Kentucky Fried Chicken

An Unhealthy Indulgence of Fast Food Nostalgia

There were so many rumors about the ball pit.
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Rude customers get called out for being rude to a hard working employee.

Rude Customers Get Called Out For Being Entitled And Impatient

Kevin and Chad asked for it.
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Burger King unveils their french fry sandwich on Twitter, and gets roasted on Twitter | tweet by Wendy's @Wendys literally anything would be better on bun than their beef. burger buns filled with fries and ketchup and no patty

Burger King Unveils French Fry Burger, Gets Roasted

So that happened.
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Weird Burger king commercial features a man eating a hamburger like a snake.

Guy Eats Like A Snake In Old Korean Burger King Commercial

It has its own song.
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Vegan customer sues Burger King because they claim the "Impossible Burger" was contaminated.

Chill Vegan Explains Silliness Of Lawsuit Against Burger King

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Burger King brutally shuts down an ignorant Twitter user who questions their "special crew."

Burger King Flame-Broils Ignorant Twitter User

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viral videos mean restaurant old people ridiculous ignorant racist burger king fast food - 98348545

Burger King Manager Kicks Out Two Racist Ladies When They Tell Him To Go Back To Mexico

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twitter trolling McDonald's social media ridiculous burger king funny fast food - 8296197

Burger King Gets Flame-Broiled On Twitter For Fake Wokeness

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crazy public freakout ridiculous burger king fast food Video - 96625153

Woman Tries To Get Refund From A Burger King While It's On Fire

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drive-thru stories

20 of the Strangest Things Drive-Thru Employees Have Heard over the Mic

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trolling McDonald's restaurant ridiculous burger king funny fast food - 477190

Burger King Hilariously Trolls McDonald's With One-Cent Whopper Deal

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burger king and budweiser troll twitter

Burger King And Budweiser Troll Twitter With An Intensely Mindless Conversation

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promotion russia advertisement world cup soccer football burger king burgers - 6013445

Russian Burger King Astounds Twitter With Delusional World Cup Promo

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ihop twitter

IHOP is Getting Flame Broiled By Every Restaurant on Twitter

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cake FAIL expectations vs reality hot dogs pools dessert food burger king funny - 5632517

10 Times Expectations Got Chokeslammed by Reality

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