

wtf men dates romance brutal red flag funny weird dating - 16177669

Dudes Share The Red Flag Moments That Made Them Walk Out On Dates

Getting to know someone can be tricky. You never know if they're gonna seem cool for a while and then hit you with a “oh yeah my husband is getting out of prison today and boy he's angry.” Luckily, these people were very up front with their personality faults and communicated the up front. Doesn't it make things so much more efficient when people let their true selves shine? Here are some more first date moments that made people go “screw this I'm out.”
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A collection of rare insults that left their mark on their recipients.

Rare And Extra Spicy Insults That Hit Different

Ah, some good old rare insults.
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A collection of absolutely brutal insults that people used without relying on swear words.

Ruthless Insults That Didn't Require Profanity

Oh boy, these are great.
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woman makes her ant farms meet and they end up in an all out war

Woman Tries To Make Ant Farms Meet, Ends In Colonial Horror Show

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A restaurant ends up getting absolutely wrecked in the comments section over ridiculous flyer.

Tacky Restaurant Gets Wrecked Over Abrasive Flyer

Serves them right.
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stories of brutal ways parents tried teaching kids

Extreme Examples of "Sink-or-Swim" Parenting

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A collection of times that people got destroyed online | nathanwpyle Then again country doesn't use metric system is only one have landed men on moon, so D 6 16 13h About NASA uses lo gical system and only time someone tried use Imperial space they ended up crashing Mars.

Times The Written Word Crushed People Online

Never underestimate the power of the written word!
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People that were fools online and got served an extra does of reality | Adrian Adriviix 1h Replying CyberpunkGame Fun fact game is gonna die lest then year if don't bring multiplayer 242 2721 65 Witcher O @witchergame ·52m Ok. Q 42 27 102 1,611

Clueless People That Got Extra Large Servings Of Reality

No coming back from that.
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A collection of clever comebacks that destroyed their recipients | Can do $250? Only have 100 Then don't need bill counter

Mercilessly Clever Comebacks And Rare Insults

No coming back from these.
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Funny honest business owner declines stupid offer | rest is up guys impress enough l'll go with winner gets business and all exposure comes with an exciting new start up company already has 1k followers on social media. Good luck!  Hi No. Good luck Hi Well 's definitely lost opportunity on behalf may ask why though?

Startup Tries to Get Business to Compete for Bad Job, Soundly Denied

This level of brutal honesty is refreshing.
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People describe their most brutal breakup lines in an AskReddit thread | _iPood_ 4h Hey baby, are tunnel? Because breaking up.

People's Most Brutal Breakup Lines

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Girl complains about her looks so her boyfriend suggests makeup or surgery | AITA suggesting my girlfriend she start wearing makeup again? Asshole My (24M) girlfriend "Maya 26F) is most beautiful woman on Earth, literally perfect top bottom. She drafted by really big modeling agency LA while were college met) and she made an unbelievable amount money, enough pay off all her student loans and buy us house also have 1yo son.

Girlfriend Complains About Looks, Man Suggests Surgery

Could've handled that better, bud.
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A collection of times that people got ruined by words | My daughter scored 93 10th very disappointed, should Punish her 1 Answer Last followed July 2 Answer Follow 1 X Pass 000 Having parent like is already Punishment her | Nickolas Boylan @Boyl 17 Jul v Replying FlatPlana and @FlatEarthOrg Did know flatearther" is actually latin need feel special so bad ill literally just deny obvious shit so people know much free thinker am" 13 Flat Earth Expedition 18 Jul Ancient Romans are criying un their g

Clueless Humans That Got Scolded By Cold Logic

Can't argue with the facts.
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The pettiest things people did after breakups | Gingerrevamp 1y took everything but spoon and can beans.

Pettiest Things Women Did After Breakups

Sometimes the pettiness is deserved.
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A collection of rare insults that wrecked people with words | BULL PENIS X Kommentarer 24.535 Ahaan 2 måneder siden Justin looks like he would kidnap Justin 10 years ago 10.320 41 ?50 50 SVAR | trapcard Chicken doesn't need SEASON ING scotchtapeofficial amazing he resisted temptation devour sign long enough this picture be taken, given much he loves taste cardboard

Rare Insults To Spice Up The Vocabulary

Insults not like the others.
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A collection of brutal and funny insults to people on social media | Oops She Did she_oops asked my husband if l'm only one he's been with. He said yes others were all nines and tens. Send bail money.

Brutal Insults That Roasted Their Recipients To Oblivion

Witty and plain nasty.
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