

Guy breaks up with girlfriend, forces her to move out, feels guilty.

Guy Breaks Up With Girlfriend, Tells Her To Move Out, Feels Guilty

Sounds like there isn't any other way.
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Woman's ex-boyfriend wants to get back together, claims he isn't seeing anyone, gets caught, damages car.

Woman's Ex Wants To Get Back Together, Lies About Being Single, Karmic Justice Ensues

Sweet, sweet karma.
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An ex-boyfriend takes advantage of the lease, so he proceeds to get reported to the landlord.

Ex-Boyfriend Takes Advantage Of Lease, Proceeds To Get Reported To Landlord

Serves the dude right.
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Guy demands that his girlfriend sign a financial agreement before she moves in.

Guy Demands Girlfriend Sign Financial Agreement Before Moving In

Tough move there, my dude.
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relationships breakup Video dating tiktok - 2673926

TikToker Films Boyfriend Checking Out Girl Right In Front Of Her

Not the move, my dude.
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Cheaters explain the various reasons that they decided to cheat in the first place.

Cheaters Describe Why They Cheated In The First Place

Oh boy, these are rough.
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stories about people who chose between relationship partners and pets

People Who Had To Choose Between Partners and Pets

The usual outcome is either surprising or not, depending on your opinion of pets.
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TikToker confronts her cheating husband at the airport.

TikToker Confronts Cheating Husband At Airport

She even brought the other partner who was cheated on.
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Girl's ex buys himself a gift, gives it to her, and then petty revenge ensues. | r/pettyrevenge Join u/ImOnAnAllCarbDiet 5d 5 1 S 7 8 3 Ex bought himself gift as gift So did same This happened couple Christmases ago but someone told post this story here so Here am. About 4 months before Christmas 2018, my boyfriend at time accidentally spilt drink on his laptop and wrecked thing. He couldn't afford new one and his main source entertainment, so said he could borrow mine since didn't use often.

Ex Buys Himself Gift As Gift To Girlfriend, Petty Revenge Ensues

Dude brought this on himself.
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A collection of breakup texts between partners | hand written note Alexander Im sorry but dont want boyfriend anymore wanna break-up and no dont want be with any friends. Jenny

Breakup Texts That Ended Things In A Blaze Of Glory

Some people can't end things peacefully, and need to burn that bridge like no other.
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Ex wife demands guy remove his stuff from their storage unit, so he maliciously complies | r/MaliciousCompliance Join u/vark4731 3d 2 1 2 1 3 1 Ex Wife Told Remove All My Stuff Her Storage Unit. So Did M My ex wife and split because she cheated. So our separation quite tumultuous (she still hasn't apologized act cheating and still denies even though know beyond any reasonable doubt she did incredibly hurt at time and l'll admit wasn't acting my best. But still tried treat her fairly

Ex Wife Demands Man Remove Stuff From Storage, Malicious Compliance Ensues

The universe was on his side.
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A revenge story about crazy ex girlfriend that steals guy's truck, and paints it pink | r/ProRevenge Join u/360Entertainment Not Car, Lady! So this happened around 2008. My buddy Brock had gotten out military after 10 years. He'd started Marines but transitioned into Army last 4 years before buying house Texas he got out he did variety jobs before landing gig with Repo service. He worked there year and had lot wild stories but this one sticks out most as he helped fellow soldier get

Psycho Ex Steals Man's Truck, Kind Karen Saves The Day

Finally, a kind and heroic Karen.
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A petty revenge story about an ex taking advantage of lease, and getting reported | r/pettyrevenge Join u/dppick09 Informed Our Landlord About Non- Leased Tenants Screw Ex Over TL;DR on bottom. On mobile etc. This quite long time ago my early twenties and had just gotten out relationship separation wasn't exactly pretty one had lived together and beyond ready move out and never speak him again. There just one problem were only five months into one year lease at our duplex had 2 bedroom

Ex-Boyfriend Takes Advantage Of Lease, Gets Reported To Landlord

Seems fair enough.
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Woman gives neighbor her number, and guy's girlfriend proceeds to freak out | r/tifu u/-Lawyer--Pink TIFU by giving new neighbor my number. M few days ago met girl who recently moved into my building on my way do laundry were both elevator heading machines and got talking about people leave laundry room an absolute disaster. She said something effect my husband and l can't stand disgusting gets Eventually, she left.

Woman Gives New Neighbor Phone Number, Breakup Ensues

No good deed goes unpunished.
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A Tumblr story about a trainer's boyfriend cheating on her, and then real life avengers assembling | throwtime about have fun afternoon. So my trainer's bf cheated on her. She broke up with him. He's holding her stuff hostage until she agrees talk with him. Which she refuses.

Trainer's Boyfriend Cheats On Her, Real Life Avengers Assemble

A little harmless vengeance for the win.
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People describe their most brutal breakup lines in an AskReddit thread | _iPood_ 4h Hey baby, are tunnel? Because breaking up.

People's Most Brutal Breakup Lines

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