

AskReddit replies to dating disasters that waiters and waitresses witnessed | thinkdeep 17h Bartender couple on Tinder date. They talk about an hour, he goes bathroom but left his jacket on back his chair with his wallet and keys She stole them, stole his car, and went shopping poor schmuck refused call cops an hour because going so well felt bad him.

Dating Disasters That Waiters/Waitresses Witnessed

Check please.
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Cheating ex girlfriend comes crawling back, and her advances get rejected | know probably don't want hear but my boyfriend left and don't know do with myself course don't want hear love with and cheated on with multiple guys and found out just said "shit happens" and threw away our whole relationship and only replying back tell Bye. Please want back sorry

Guy Compares Cheating Ex To McDonald's

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Girlfriend buries beans to protect them, breaks up with boyfriend over argument | Posted by u/ThrowRA_BeanDrama 17 hours ago TIFU by demanding my girlfriend show where she buried our beans woods, causing her break up with admit posted version this on relationship subreddit other day, but they closed with no explanation assume because they just decided fake can see they might think but this is true thing happened and is happening, and now there is more because actually got broken up with over .

Girlfriend Buries Beans in Woods, It Escalates

That is some heavy bean drama.
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Advice about when a relationship has probably run its course | reddit posted by 82verses- 14.9k points 1 day ago realize she's not girlfriend anymore just shitty roommate.

Signs that a Relationship is Basically Done

Sometimes it's for the best.
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Twitter users share their various breakup stories | blondehound @blondehound #ABreakUpStory He told deserving 14.50/hour because customer service rep at start-up and my job "wasn't hard Tried explaining emotional labor being nice people who berate things outside control, but he paying 0/hour.

An Emotional Rollercoaster Of Breakup Stories

Sometimes things don't work out.
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Married people on AskReddit share times that they thought they misread their partners' phones | davidjricardo My wife found contact my phone Ashley Maddison" literally week after hacking scandal. She's wife new assistant pastor at our church my wife hadn't met yet texting her because going meet moving truck at their house them they moved .

Times Married People Misread Their Partners' Phones For Cheating

It's not always as it seems.
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Woman wants to take her friend's ex as a date to her wedding | WIBTA taking my friend's ex as my date her wedding after got kicked out her wedding party? My friend is marrying my ex boyfriend four years s been pretty awkward kicked out her wedding party because uncomfortable wearing very revealing bridesmaid's gown. This wasn't big deal as not exactly close since she got with my ex. However, she still expects take on all duties bridesmaid told her ridiculous and she needed find new

Woman Wants To Take Friend's Ex As Date To Her Wedding

Probably best to just avoid the wedding altogether.
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AskReddit users share their experiences with seeing couples that realized the kid wasn't the father's | elephantidr 8h My brothers best friend didn't resemble his father while growing up, so he became more and more suspicious father eventually did DNA test my brothers friend 11 or 12) and found out 's not his parents split up with older daughter (16) going with father because she resembled him so he sure about her.

Doctors/Nurses Share Times A Child Wasn't The Father's

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Dad admits that he regrets having children during a marriage counseling session, and asks people on Reddit whether he was a jerk | AITA admitting regret having children. Not hole My wife and are both 42 and marriage counselling after our marriage basically went shit after having kids (6 and 4 year old twins lot issues and disagreements have come up our marriage have driven us apart and have been working through my resentment going back one more baby resulted twins, including one which are pretty

Dad Admits He Regrets Having Children During Marriage Counseling

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Wife gets back at her cheating husband by racking up a big credit card debt | r/ProRevenge post by Violetteashes Wife gets back at cheating husband. This didn't happen but had witnessed/ experienced use work front office an Ashley Homestore gotten call closing one night and just myself at office, sales manager, and couple sales working floor

Wife Gets Back At Cheating Husband By Racking Up Credit Debt

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A collection of AskReddit replies to men sharing what their line in the sand was with exes | Installed tracking apps on my phone, and found like clearly staring at zero doubt) doubles down and lies about

Men Share The Line In The Sand Crossed By Their Exes

Various men share what their "line in the sand" is that their exes crossed.
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Service members share their worst military wife stories on an AskReddit thread | tobiasfunke6398 3d Got back an 8th month deployment. Buddies wife six months pregnant

Service Members Share Their Worst Military Wife Stories

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FAIL cringe Awkward ridiculous breakup Video dating - 949254

Sugar Ray's Mark McGrath Gets Paid To Breakup With Chick's BF

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Sad drinking marriage emotional wife whisky husband divorce breakup Video - 100003841

Man Reviews Whiskey While Wife Packs Up And Leaves Him

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Guy's wife cheats on him with his best friend, so he revenges so hard that both of their careers are ruined and they're publicly humiliated.

Guy's Wife Cheats On Him With His Best Friend, Revenges Them So Hard They Press The Self Destruct Button

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Parking lot drama between entitled married couple results in them getting divorced amidst hefty fines.

Parking Lot Fiasco Results In Karen Getting Divorce

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