
blue collar

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'He said he didn't care, right?': Flooring contractor literally turns the tables on an entitled lawyer by flipping a desk full of documents

I object!
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'His truck was literally bent': Boorish customer gets led down a rocky road after expecting free labor from his mechanic

This customer made a wrong turn down 'Entitled Alley' and found out pretty quickly that his truck couldn't handle the terrain. Overinflated by unchecked arrogance, the guy in our next story got more than what he asked for at the auto shop.
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'What kitchen utensil would you be?': 25+ of the Worst Job Interview Questions

'What kitchen utensil would you be?': 25+ of the Worst Job Interview Questions

Imagine getting asked what kind of tree you think you would be while interviewing for a welder position?…
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Professional Home Inspectors and Recent Homebuyers Explain How Bad is 'BAD' for Inspection Results

Professional Home Inspectors and Recent Homebuyers Explain How Bad is 'BAD' for Inspection Results

“An inspection report with 50+ items is actually pretty typical for a home built in the late '70s.”
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20+ Fail Memes of Shoddy Handiwork That Awakens the Handyman in You

20+ Fail Memes of Shoddy Handiwork That Awaken the Handyman in You

If you're debating on hiring someone or DIYing it, this is your sign to hire a professional.
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‘Nothing I tried worked on this broadzilla’: Lawn irrigation tech gets reprimanded for doing his job, karma ensues when Karen customer leaves her stuff on his tool truck

‘Nothing I tried worked on this broadzilla’: Lawn irrigation tech gets reprimanded for doing his job, karma ensues when Karen customer leaves her stuff on his tool truck

You think you're good at handling high-intensity situations until you encounter a Karen…
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work workplace working coworkers worker employee employees boss manager bathroom breaks job supervisor reddit antiwork blue collar cashier gas station

'It's a paid bathroom break': Gas station employee scrutinized by a nitpicking boss after taking 'too many bathroom breaks', goes viral

When we all graduated high school, we thought that that would be the end to the restroom tyranny, but for the gas station employee in this next story, the obsession with bathroom breaks followed them into the working world.
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'My work-life balance is so much better': Employees discuss a four-day work week with 10-hour shifts versus a five-day work week with 8-hour shifts, sparks debate

'My work-life balance is so much better': Employees discuss a four-day work week with 10-hour shifts versus a five-day work week with 8-hour shifts, sparks debate

Whether working from home or commuting to a physical spot, finding a work schedule that works for you is key. It's important to find that work-life balance. Some people want to stick with the usual eight-hour work day, Monday-Friday. However, many are finding much more benefit in the four-day work weeks that require more hours during the day…
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malicious-compliance reddit reddit-thread work workplace coworkers coworker worker employee employees boss micromanager micromanaging manager supervisor revenge payback

'I crashed her computer 3x that day': Delivery driver gets digital revenge on a micromanaging boss by flooding her inbox with 100's of updates

Special requests are rarely taken seriously. When you're getting a haircut, asking for menu substitutions at the restaurant, or when you're begging the DJ to play your favorite song, it seems like you're talking to a brick wall. However, if you're a micromanaging boss with a particularly petty employee, you sometimes get exactly what you asked for…
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therapist boss employee job malicious compliance revenge petty quitting work rage quit Horrible Bosses contractor blue collar entitled people - 24275205

"[My therapist] told me to quit, which I immediately did': Entitled contractor tells employee to get a therapist, employee maliciously complies

Talk about instant karma. In this story, an employee had been diligently contributing to his team's project, all while putting up with the constant yelling and overwork from his new contractor. Eventually, feeling completely burnt out, the employee decided to take a much-needed break. When he approached his boss about it, the reaction was far from supportive. The boss threw a tantrum , yelling obscenities and insisting the employee didn't need a break, but he actually needed therapist instead.…
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‘We should just all collectively start lowballing sellers’: First-time homebuyers discuss their dream of becoming first-time homeowners in a currently overwhelming market

‘We should just all collectively start lowballing sellers’: First-time homebuyers discuss their dream of becoming first-time homeowners in a currently overwhelming market

You don't have to be in search of buying your first home to know how abysmal the current housing market is. Many potential homebuyers go in with stars in their eyes, but return, defeated, to renting due to the high costs of it all. Their only consolation? They're not alone!
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blue-collar blue-collar-memes work-memes work memes meme funny relatable tradesman-memes construction manager worker supervisor working-class working-class-memes

42 Blue-Collar Memes for Good Ol' Boys Cracking a Cold One on a Friday Afternoon

Kick off your work boots and throw your hard hat in the passenger seat of your truck – you've earned a reward after the day you've had
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War-Veteran Mechanic Wins a $400,000 Settlement After Calling His Dirtbag Ex-Boss's Bluff

Not many of us have the financial luxury to sue anybody. Even if we have a case of a hostile workplace or cut wages or unpaid overtime, usually the cost of a lawyer is enough to dissuade us from pursuing justice. Unfortunately, this is how a lot of blue-collar and minimum-wage employees are exploited time and time again... But there are stories of fabled heroes standing up for the little man, where justice prevails and dirtbag bosses get exactly what they deserve.
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boss forklift employee satisfying malicious compliance revenge factory petty Reddit blue collar entitled people - 24016133

'I put the BMW on a stack of pallets': Entitled man refuses to move his car, forklift driver maliciously takes matters into his own hands

If there's anything to learn from this story (and the comments), it's not to mess with a forklift driver. The OP was doing his usual day-to-day job of stacking pallets with a forklift. In enters an entitled sales rep, who parked his BMW on the loading dock. It was the OP's job to make sure that the dock was clear, so he chased down the representative to politely ask him to move his car to the car park. But the entitled guy was not having it. He made a snarky comment, essentially saying he was...
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work work-stories reddit job-site job hobs contractor contractors building builders welders plumbers blue-collar handy handyman handymen employees

'All that for a pitcher of lemonade': 17 Handymen share wholesome tales of gracious clients whose kindness made them go above and beyond

Time to show some appreciation to our boys with blue collars
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'You asked for this!': Team of employees humble micromanaging boss by taking four times as long to complete a task

'You asked for this!': Team of employees humble micromanaging boss by taking four times as long to complete a task

I think we've all had to deal with a smug and entitled manager at some point in our lives. My personal experience has shown me that it's simpler to find a method of working with them as opposed to confronting them outright. The story that follows is about a dissatisfied employee who works in a shipyard that specializes in ship repair and refitting. We are talking about a hardworking blue-collar worker. But things take a bitter turn when the entitled manager—who is occasionally referred to as EB…
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