
blue collar

petty revenge reddit tradesman handyman blue-collar tradie work working job site worker workers employee borrow karma instant payback

'Always happy to help a fellow tradesman– but not this guy': Lazy handyman won't move his car to assist a fellow contractor, gets denied a ladder loan that complicates his own job

If you scratch my back, I'll scratch your back. Handymen and tradesmen have been living by this law for centuries and it's arguably one of the few industries left that follows the old-school, handshake contract traditions. Through the uncommunicated secret bond of fellow tradesmen, most blue-collar guys would go out of their way to help a guy out with their project, simply because they know that the good karma will come back to them at some point.
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reddit, failblog, r-work, construction-worker, carpenter, electrician, Maine-contractor, fired-at-will, rehired, unemployment-question

‘The dude "released" me without notice’: Boss fires 3-year contractor, tries to bypass giving him unemployment by rehiring him as a 'new employee'

If you have ever been fired, then you there is an emotional and mental processing period right afterwards. You go through the stages of grief. After you come out of that, you pick yourself back up and you start over—applying for unemployment, applying to new jobs, etc. However, some shady business will try to meddle in your grieving period by unfairly removing your chances at getting unemployment. How do they expect you to eat and pay rent while you're looking for a new job? When this happens,…
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road-rage, road-rage-reddit, construction-business-owner, contractor-karma, reddit, failblog, r-revengestories, revenge

'Had he shown even the slightest remorse…': Karma comes for road rage-filled contractor when guy he runs guy off the road finds out his business license is expired and reports him

‘Had he shown even the slightest remorse…': Karma comes for roadrage-filled contractor who gets his business reported by guy he
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'I was working for free': Contractor paints a curse word on his friend's wall in paint primer, outraged spouse demands an apology

'I was working for free': Contractor paints a curse word on his friend's wall in paint primer, outraged spouse demands an apology

When you're with your friends, someone is bound to play a practical joke or poke fun at one of the group members. It's just how it works. But what if the friend's spouse isn't on board and takes a joke to heart? And then your friend takes their spouse's side? That's exactly what happened to this OP when his petty joke went a little too far.
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reddit, failblog, entitled-people, r-idontworkherelady, I-dont-work-here-lady, grocery-store-clerk, grocery-store-karen

‘I don’t work here': Grocery store Karen grabs electrician by the collar demanding ‘clean up in aisle 10,' he almost actually does it due to sheer craziness-levels

Karens gonna Karen no matter your profession. So whether you work in the service industry or are the CEO of your own company, nobody is safe from a Karen. Take, for example, this electrician's story on Reddit . He was hired, as an electrician, to do some lighting work at a grocery store. This was back when he was a young blue collar worker and still new to the trade. He was alone, on a ladder, working on the lights, very much looking like an electrician and in no way a grocery store clerk. And…
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reddit, failblog, r-maliciouscompliance, malicious-compliance, reddit-work-story, blue-collar-worker-story, working-hard, construction, garage-repair

'[He] was not the brightest': Manager gets cheap, so career garage door repairman finagles himself and crew a 2-3 hour lunch and 7+ hours a person in overtime pay

Isn't it funny when managers try to act like the know what they're doing but it's actually painfully obvious that they have NO idea and they are just talking as a power move? It's so comical and, honestly, sad. If you're a clueless manager, let me let you in a on a little secret: nobody cares that you're in charge, they care about getting their job done efficiently and acting their wages. So, as a quick PSA to managers, stop making it about you being high up on the executive ladder, we all know…
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karens karen vs electrician reddit karen hardware store hardware store shopping karens in the wild electrician story karen karma karen story blue collar karen electrician - 22779397

‘I want him fired right now!’ […] ‘Ma'am, he doesn't work here': Electrician shopping at a hardware store becomes the main focus of a Karen customer's tantrum

Have you ever been thrust into the universe a Karen lives in? It's quite a bizarre place. It seems that logic does not exist in this universe and you must be a mindless worker bee for the Karen. It's obviously not a real reality that sane people live in, and yet entitled Karens all over the world seem to believe that is where we all live. It's quite mind blowing , to be honest. A blue collar electrician recently accidentally walked into the world of a Karen. He was shopping at a hardware store…
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'Don't ruin my weekend': Host scams guest who turns out to be ex-city inspector, gets property red-tagged and costs host over $70,000 in repairs

'Don't ruin my weekend': Host scams guest who turns out to be ex-city inspector, gets property red-tagged and costs host over $70,000 in repairs

If you're going to do some shady work, then you should at the very least do some research on your victims. Like, that's villainy 101. You can't scam a scam artist, ya know? You're already getting chased by karma, you shouldn't give it any reason to catch up. But, oh boy, when karma does catch up is it satisfying! This kind of justice got epically served recently by a guest who almost got scammed by the host of a condo he booked for a long weekend. According to this reddit post , he and his frie…
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'He was officially reprimanded': Salesperson tries to pull power move with the lab techs, learns the hard way how to wait 24-48 hours

'He was officially reprimanded': Salesperson tries to pull power move with the lab techs, learns the hard way how to wait 24-48 hours

If you have ever worked somewhere that included a sales department, then you are familiar with the clashing of heads. Salespersons tends to have a little bit of a more inflated ego than the other employees. Why is that? Who knows? Maybe because they think they're the money makers since they're the ones making the deals. But the deals wouldn't even be able to happen if the product didn't exist, so maybe they should be taken down a peg. Well, that thankfully happened in this story we found on Red…
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'If only he had been patient and trusted my judgement': Skilled craftsman gets reprimanded for doing his job, cleverly finagles manager to work 3 extra hours alone

'If only he had been patient and trusted my judgement': Skilled craftsman gets reprimanded for doing his job, cleverly finagles manager to work 3 extra hours alone

Do not question the skilled craftsman. That's just common sense, right? Apparently not, according to this Reddit thread . A skilled tool and die maker was doing his job when he got reprimanded. He knows, from years of experience and knowing how to do his job and do it well, that he had to wait 30 minutes before doing anything else. The machine is testy and he knows it's ups and downs. So he waited patiently so that the machine would work properly. However, the annoying manager who thinks he kno…
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‘I did as I was directed’: Camp bus driver leaves 40 blue-collar employees standing in the rain after a 12-hour shift

‘I did as I was directed’: Camp bus driver leaves 40 blue-collar employees standing in the rain after a 12-hour shift

People working blue-collar jobs are the entire reason our cities and homes are running, and they are a vital part of the system we've got pat down. Trust me when I say I've got a lot of respect for those folk… and yet, this story is still undeniably funny, because these workers in question got a pretty fair warning from OP, but ignored it, leaving them stranded in the rain after a grueling 12-hour shift. But wait, I'm getting a bit ahead of myself… so let me take a step back and start from the…
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The Best Rootin' Tootin' Yee Haw-est Memes of the Week (October 6, 2023)

The Best Rootin' Tootin' Yee Haw-est Memes of the Week (October 6, 2023)

Yee haw and party on!
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failblog reddit-summary antiwork quits construction blue collar independent-contractor - 21841669

'[I can] quit whenever]:' Contractor quits after boss snubs him on benefits, costs company over $2k and 25 days of lost productivity

There is a distinct different between working for a company and working independently. They both have their ups and downs, but it's a career choice many people make with very clear intentions on why. So when this contractor, who very much worked for a legit company, was getting treated financially as if he were an independent contractor, he decided to act accordingly. This contractor shared his story on Reddit and said that his boss was snubbing him on benefits. His boss made it very clear that…
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antiwork fired manager tradesman salary-negotiating upper management workplace Reddit job interview blue collar concrete-company-employee construction workers - 21494533

'Manager wouldn’t even look at me': New hire at concrete company gets job offer unexpectedly withdrawn, HR says he was "in no position to negotiate"

Let's start this off with saying, if you get told during a job interview that you are in “no position to negotiate” you should immediately see that as a red flag. The interview is just as much for the employer as it is for the potential employee. This is the exact time you are most definitely supposed to negotiate your salary. And if they withdraw their application because you enquires about the pay, then what else would they have dropped you on for? You make one tiny mistake or ask for water d…
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workplace-stories Truckers on the job working-life revenge tales-from-the-workplace petty revenge trucker entitled blue collar truck driver entitled people working out - 20687621

'Ohh well, I can wait': Gas pump blockers fuel truck drivers' revenge

The blocking of gas pumps is one of those everyday entitled behaviors that, while relatively innocuous, tips over into mildly infuriating levels of moderate frustration. These people probably are the same ones who cut up an empty turn lane or shoulder to dodge traffic. Their behavior isn't illegal in any sense, but it defies the sensibilities of us more civilized and compassionate folk. These truckers had had enough of people (including other truckers) blocking fuel pumps by taking their 30-min…
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stories-from-home-owners firing liar on the job fired renovations home-owning lying liars home-owner-stories workers contractor blue collar home owner home construction workers - 20196357

'Call you as soon as I leave the ER': Contractor fakes injury using a photo from the internet to avoid working, gets fired

Contractors have a certain reputation, and while that might not be fair to all contractors and may have more to do with the complicated challenges of sourcing the correct materials in reasonable timeframes, this stereotype exists for a reason. Everyone has had that experience or knows someone who has had that experience with a contractor who repeatedly fails to meet deadlines, fails to communicate, and sometimes just plain fails to show up when everything is already ready to go. Some contractor…
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