

‘I simply didn't want you to come’: Entitled coworker gets excluded from coworker's birthday party, confronts entire office about it, but gets shut down by the birthday celebrator

‘I simply didn't want you to come’: Entitled coworker gets excluded from coworker's birthday party, confronts entire office about it, but gets shut down by the birthday celebrator

Is there a stage in our lives when we should stop throwing birthday parties to ourselves? Probably. Birthday parties are overrated, pointless, and most importantly, a cause for drama. It does not mean one should not enjoy their birthday and celebrate the day they were born, but when you are 30 and still get excited about balloons and birthday cakes, drama is surely on the way. This Reddit story is a good example of that drama, and although I do not think the drama was the fault of the birthday…
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'Pay her? Get outta here, I'm her dad': Woman sells husbands watch to pay for his birthday cake

'Pay her? Get outta here, I'm her dad': Woman sells husband's watch to pay for his birthday cake, infuriates entire family

The dynamics in this family are a big mess. U/F54tughi556 can tell you all about it, because they had an interesting question for r/AmItheA******. The tale revolves around a birthday cake . Some people don't care at all about their birthday cake, and just bring out a package of cupcakes from the grocery store. But to others, especially those who love to share their lives online, having a pretty cake is a major part of a birthday celebration . It's a nice way to remember your special day. This p…
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'[You're] 30 years old and still acting like an entitled child': Only child flips out at mother for planning birthday celebration after their actual birthday

'[You're] 30 years old and still acting like an entitled child': Only child flips out at mother for planning birthday celebration after their actual birthday

Have you ever had a birthday celebration so bad that you threw a fit over it? Maybe if you're a toddler strapped into your high chair and given a cupcake to destroy while your family laughs at how messy you're getting. But in this story, it's a person who has just turned 30 who is throwing a tantrum, and the internet is telling them just how childish they really are. Everyone has different expectations for their birthdays . You learn this as soon as you meet the first person in your life who wa…
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Entitled Karen Mom throws her own 40th birthday, then has an outburst at her husband and kids in front of guests: 'My plans put theirs to shame'

Entitled Karen Mom throws her own 40th birthday, then has an outburst at her husband and kids in front of guests: 'My plans put theirs to shame'

Imagine being a teenager and having your Mom shame you for not planning an adequate 40th birthday for her… This kid was 16 years old! What exactly did she expect? We understand that this lady wanted something special after always planning birthday extravaganzas for her spouse and kids. That being said, as she herself acknowledged, not everyone is good at planning parties. Therefore, if she felt that she was more capable of throwing her own 40th birthday celebration rather than handing the dutie…
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'She will straight up ignore you': New sister in law gets called out for avoiding everyone in group setting

'She will straight up ignore you': New sister in law gets called out for avoiding everyone in group setting

This person is baffled by her SIL's decision to attend family events— and then refuse to say a word to anyone. Maybe there's at least one person like this in every family. Sometimes there are underlying reasons why people aren't talkative at the function. If you go to a party and one person just won't chat with anyone, they tend to get ignored. If that's what they want, that's what they'll get. This person wasn't about to ignore the non-speaker at this family party, though. It seems like this w…
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'She called me spoiled and entitled': Rich kid doesn't get extravagant 18th birthday party, accuses parents of picking favorites

'She called me spoiled and entitled': Rich kid doesn't get extravagant 18th birthday party, accuses parents of picking favorites

For once, the ruthless folks of the internet sided with a potentially entitled rich kid. What backward universe are we living in? Well, it turns out the only thing worse than clueless, entitled kids are their clueless, entitled parents. This thread was posted to Reddit's r/AmITheA**hole subreddit by u/Odd_Emotion662 , a young man whose sister got to have an extravagant party for her 18th birthday. Clearly, the original poster got it in his head that when he turned 18, he would get similar treat…
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'A friend's birthday dinner [cost] me $1100': Entitled rich friends throw lavish party without informing guests they will be charged $540 per person

'A friend's birthday dinner [cost] me $1100': Entitled rich friends throw lavish party without informing guests they will be charged $540 per person

There are plenty of conflicts that can cause a rift in adult friendships, but perhaps the most common one is money. Obviously, there are other worthy candidates such as difficulty with communication, differences in ideologies, and disagreements about significant others. However, how people deal with money can bring about cringeworthy interactions, upsetting revelations, and disturbing differences in opinion. For instance, here we have an adult male and his wife who were invited to their friend'…
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'[Karen] demanded I give the cookie voucher to her': Entitled Mom and son try and fail to crash kid's birthday party and get free stuff

'[Karen] demanded I give the cookie voucher to her': Entitled Mom and son try and fail to crash kid's birthday party, demanding free stuff

It takes a whole lot of audacity and nerve to crash a kid's birthday party just so you can get some free vouchers. However, I suppose if you are truly committed to leaning into all the facets of your personality that might make you a Karen, you don't have room for second-guessing. After all, all the space in your brain is taken up by your Karen attributes. Personally speaking, I have never possessed the confidence to be able to crash a birthday party. Instead of this Karen's audacity, I cannot…
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'My sister got a Blu-Ray player and I got an HDMI cable': 25+ cringe gifts that totally missed the mark

'My sister got a Blu-Ray player and I got an HDMI cable': 25+ cringe gifts that totally missed the mark

Everyone has opened a present at some point in their lifetime that made them wonder what the heck this person was thinking. When I was in Middle School, my Mom got me a dictionary for my birthday. The following year, I received a pencil holder. Clearly, there was a not-so-subtle message here, and that was to study more. I know I'm not the only one who has had a close family member completely mess up when it comes to gift-giving. A friend of mine is known for being obsessed with tea. Her kitchen…
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'She made a big scene': Woman mocks coworkers' vegan lifestyle, then gets upset that coworker won't eat her "vegan" food

'She made a big scene': Woman mocks coworkers' vegan lifestyle, then gets upset that coworker won't eat her "vegan" food

A birthday cake is dividing this workplace. That's because of two coworkers who can't see eye to eye about food. People eat all sorts of diets for all sorts of reasons. For example, if you go to the doctor and your cholesterol is high, they might tell you to stop eating eggs. Or if you want to have more vegetables and less red meat, you might start eating fish in place of burgers. Everyone eats in their own unique ways, and has their own specific likes and dislikes. But for some reason, people…
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reddit thread story work work-drama employee boss management out-of-touch ceo manager supervisor hr coworkers worker birthday pay quit

'It's voluntary, but has a "mandatory" vibe': Temp employee gets harangued for refusing to contribute a $25 donation for his boss's birthday lunch; goes straight to HR

When employees are struggling to get a raise, fighting for overtime pay, nitpicking for a day more of PTO, it really grinds their gears when the out of touch boss asks THEM for money. However, as we all know, the audacity of C-level management and supervisors knows no bounds.
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'She is making your birthday about her': Bride critiques SIL's birthday dress worn two weeks before bride's wedding

'She is making your birthday about her': Bride criticizes SIL's 'inappropriate' birthday dress worn two weeks before bride's wedding

This woman's 40th birthday has been overtaken by her soon-to-be sister in law.
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'[I] got a $3 gift card to Sonic': 20+ Partiers who attended the worst soirées ever

'[I] got a $3 gift card to Sonic': 20+ Partiers who attended the worst soirées ever

Great parties are a dime a dozen, but a party that goes completely off the rails will be talked about forever. U/Swansatron had an intriguing query for the r/AskReddit community: “Reddit, what was the worst party you ever attended?” Every answer was a little different — some people shared the funniest things that ever happened, while others revealed they threw parties that hardly anyone attended.
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'While I appreciate the sentiment... I'm not doing that': Employee pushes back against coworkers' plan to buy boss a birthday gift

'While I appreciate the sentiment... I'm not doing that': Employee pushes back against coworkers' plan to buy boss a birthday gift

Congrats to this employee for standing up for what they think is the right thing, even when it makes them unpopular. Not everyone has the backbone to do such a thing. As the OP may soon realize, sometimes it helps to go with the flow instead of making a big deal out of something small. Perhaps the resolution will lead to change in their company, though. U/winterlilybell works on a small team with just three other coworkers and their manager . OP writes that their boss tends to give the employee…
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'I left one review for every person that did not get a seat': Restaurant doesn't honor months-old reservation, diner writes honest reviews about their experience

'I left one review for every person that did not get a seat': Restaurant refuses to honor months-old reservation, irate diner writes honest reviews about their experience

Even the best laid plans can be stymied, as this person found out when they tried to throw a nice birthday party . This person did everything right when it comes to planning ahead for a party. As u/Diylion writes, they were throwing their in-laws a double birthday with ten people total. It's a common occurrence for large parties to book out restaurants, and this OP made sure they'd have space for the party several months in advance. Unfortunately for OP, this restaurant is seemingly having issu…
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'A very obviously used candle': Top 20 Birthday Gift Flops

'A very obviously used candle': Top 20 Birthday Gift Flops

For some folks, gift-giving is very much not their love language.
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