

tip tips stealing stealing-tips thief deserved deserves karma instant-karma brewery bartender brewtender beertender beer thief wage-theft work working work-stories coworker payback revenge petty

‘I hope you enjoyed all my tip money': Brewtender uses a thrifty gift card worth $0.75 to get payback on a tip-stealing coworker

Do you ever wish you could take karma into your own hands? Unfortunately, life doesn't always give us opportunities to play with our tormentors, but for the brewery bartender in our next story, the karmic cookie crumbled in his favor after he caught a coworker red-handed stealing his tips.
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instant karma beer satisfying malicious compliance petty revenge host bartender reddit thread Reddit payback funny karma keg bossy - 22719237

'It was glorious and the first 30 people in line thought so too': Bossy host scolds bartenders and gets instant karma

Instant karma, just how we like it. So there's this dude behind the bar, serving up drinks for a massive party of around 400 people. And if that ain't stressful enough, in walks the grumpy host who's been acting like a total snob from the moment he strutted in. He's all about having things his way, and he's got zero faith in our poor bartender's ability to do his literal job. Our bartender is seething on the inside, but the guy's paying the bills, so he keeps it cool. To make matters worse, the…
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'You better open this dang door': Employee locks door and catches wannabe thief trying to steel from convenience store

'You better open this dang door': Employee locks door and catches wannabe thief trying to steal from convenience store

I guess you could say this guy was locked red-handed!
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'I hate my job, but I especially hate it on Saint Patrick's!' : Server creates relatable Reddit thread for bitter bartenders

'I hate my job, but I especially hate it on Saint Patrick's!' : Server creates relatable Reddit thread for bitter bartenders

Saint Patrick's is the one day you don't want to work as a bartender. Not that New Year's is that much better, but still, Saint Patrick's holds first place for rowdy customers who use the celebration of Irish culture as an excuse to get completely hammered. As customers, they can be rude, loud, and most of all, sick to their stomachs, which creates a big mess. Who gets the lovely privilege of cleaning up after 'em? You, if you're a server. But the money is pretty sweet, as people tend to be pre…
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'Beers are cheap too, always under a buck': Innovative Montana Man Makes a Kegerator Out of a Taxidermied Deer, Creating the Ultimate Tailgate Beer Dispenser

'Beers are cheap too, always under a buck': Innovative Montana Man Makes a Kegerator Out of a Taxidermied Deer, Creating the Ultimate Tailgate Beer Dispenser

When you think of the ultimate tailgate party, you probably imagine a bit of fanfare, winning team glory, strangely plated snack displays, and of course, copious amount of alcohol. Drinking beer is an important staple for any football franchise and has become ingrained in the culture of the game, inspiring sports fans to binge from start to finish. If your team wins, time to celebrate and have a beer! If your team loses, time to drown your sorrows with a pint. One football fan, a die-hard Monta…
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You better open this dang door

'You want me to open the door? I'll open it': Thief tries to steal beer from convenience store, cue malicious compliance

Nothing like doing exactly what someone tells you to do and having it backfire!
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beer roomba programming lazy engineering awesome robots lol funny stupid - 107087105

Robot Vacuum Has Beer Grab Function

The path from the fridge to the couch is gonna be spotless.
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guy balances beer on head while riding bike

Guy On Bike Incredibly Balances Beer On Head

What a triumph of balance.
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Boss tries to short brewer's wages, so brewer takes a masterful revenge | r/ProRevenge Join u/PissedBrewer 13h 1 destroyed brewery Nearly 20 years ago brewer at brewpub owner complete lunatic and an utter -hole. Before hired, he had already purchased brewery equipment, used closed microbrewery. Problem is literally 4 times larger than needed be size place, and top off he selling Big 3 beers too. And Pugsley system (brewers will know But made work, even got stupid Ringwald yeast behave. But only

Owner Shorts Brewer's Hard-Earned Wages, Brewer Takes Revenge

Wage theft is the lowest of blows.
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Soccer player drinks cup thrown from stands after making a goal

Soccer Player Scores Goal, Catches Thrown Cup, Drinks It

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Woman does Disney Channel Intro and blasts beer into face

"Disney Channel Intro" Goes Wrong

Hey... this isn't the Disney Channel.
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Video and interview of guy who sat at bar during robbery.

The Guy Who Stayed At the Bar While It was Being Robbed

Even he said to not do this.
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Jerk customer demands a beer every time the waiter comes by, so he ends up buying 25 beers | r/TalesFromYourServer Posted by purplebikeshorts Jerk gets exactly he asked Last night worked 14 top. They were all terrible people, douchiest people have ever come contact with royal family Douchland. One guy sits down and orders beer. He says Every time come table want have beer thought he probably just joking, so leave and come back and he says Where is my beer? Did really forget

Jerkbag Gives Server Ultimatum, Ends Up Paying for 25 Beers

His pride got the best of him.
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teacher funny greet as he enters the classroom

Professor Greets Class Everyday With "Whazaaaa" From Budweiser Commercials

That's one way to start class.
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Woman has beer for first time after being in jail for 60 days and starts to cry.

Reality Show Participant's First Mouthful of Beer after 60 Days in Jail

This feels more heart-wrenching than it should be.
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stone cold steve austin chugs bear

Stone Cold Steve Austin Explains The Proper Way To Chug A Beer

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