
Bad Neighbor

karens neighbors neighborhood homeowner neighborhood-drama bad neighbors neighborhood-stories terrible neighbors Bad Neighbor karen neighbor - 22588165

'Oh this isn't my yard? All of this is your yard?': Neighbors insist guy's property is theirs, they end up with less land than they started with

Feuds over imaginary and (often) invisible lines are one of the cornerstones of human society. The problem is they become increasingly difficult to resolve when no one can agree on where that imaginary invisible line should actually be—or whether or not it actually exists in the first place.
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opinion ask reddit neighbors funny stories neighborhood askreddit bad neighbors noise Bad Neighbor loud funny neighbor opinions - 22604293

'[They] rev their sports car engine at 2AM': 20+ Loud and messy neighbors who are hard to live around

It's totally fine when you blast loud music to rock out, but the moment your neighbor does it, they're the worst neighbor ever. Crazy how that works. These people were asked to share the behaviors that their neighbors do that they dislike, and people had a wide variety of answers! There were a few common answers that came up over and over, however. One was the dog people. Dog people, we know you love your pampered pups, but some of them bark all day long . Nonstop. They really miss you when you…
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reddit reddit-thread petty-revenge petty revenge payback deserve boulder rock gardener gardening driver drive drivign boobytrap cutting-corners

'I'm still proud to this day': Suburban gardener gets back at a corner-cutting neighbor by boobytrapping their front lawn

Nobody likes a reckless driver in the neighborhood.
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suburbs neighbors petty-revenge-reddit revenge petty revenge petty pranks Bad Neighbor passive aggressive - 22566661

'[I] spent hours online signing [him] up for every free publication I could find': Community praises man who went through extreme lengths to get revenge on a passive aggressive neighbor

Ah, the joys of suburban shenanigans. So this story takes place back in the 2000s when a young couple built their first home in a fancy new neighborhood. They're the newcomers, but things are all friendly at first. They even make friends with their older neighbors, Gary and his wife, until things started to get a lil spicy. The young couple, who we'll call Joe and Sarah, start doing well financially thanks to Joe's job as a land developer. They have a new house, new cars, and even a fancy wakeb…
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hoa neighbors neighborhood homeowner neighborhood-drama bad neighbors neighborhood-stories terrible neighbors Bad Neighbor neighbor - 22550789

'Now everyone absolutely hates her': Neighborhood Karen finally gets her wish and becomes HOA president, doesn't last six months

You should be careful what you wish for… You might get your wish, but it might not go exactly as you had pictured. In order to avoid joining the HOA of the development that was being built around them, this couple decided to establish their own, joining with their three original neighbors to form their own organization that would see them protected, with the husband of the couple as head of the HOA of their single street in the development. Things were peaceable for a short time until a meddlin…
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'When they passed this rule, I was livid': HOA passes vague rule about holiday decorations, neighbor tests rule and finds loophole

'When they passed this rule, I was livid': HOA passes vague policy about holiday decorations, neighbor tests rules and finds loophole

Sometimes, it feels like the whole purpose of an HOA board is for them to find the little things that bring people in the neighborhood joy and then take them away just for the demented fun of it all. When it comes to holiday decorations, what is the point of enforcing bogus policies? Unless neighbors are displaying dangerous material as a part of their decorations, no one is getting hurt. And if no one is affected, then folks who are members of the HOA can learn to mind their own business! This…
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'I emptied that box into their garbage can and waited': Neighbors refuse to stop letting their dog go to the bathroom on dude's lawn, dude gets payback

'I emptied that box into their garbage can and waited': Neighbors refuse to stop letting their dog go to the bathroom on dude's lawn, dude gets payback

Unfriendly neighbors should not be surprised when karma comes knocking at their door. Here, we have a family in a small neighborhood who managed to make enemies with just about everyone. Matters were made worse when this Redditor discovered that they were letting their dog go to the bathroom on his lawn. Now, if that kind of thing happens once or twice, it's excusable, but if it continues to happen… Houston, we've got a problem. This neighborhood happens to have strict rules with regard to garb…
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karens hoa karen hoa neighbors neighborhood homeowner neighborhood-drama bad neighbors neighborhood-stories terrible neighbors Bad Neighbor karen neighbor - 22380805

'We screwed them out of potentially millions': Jealous HOA Karen's shrubbery objections unearth interesting details about the HOA's policies

Things can get serious when it comes to shrubberies, especially when you're going head-to-head against the local HOA's mode meddling member… or on a quest for the Holy Grail. Whether it's a Knight of Ni or an HOA Karen, you'd best have your wits about you when they come around making demands about shrubberies and their appearances. When you decide to go meddling with things that you ought not to be meddling with you, you need to be careful. And that's because you might send someone on the warpa…
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pro revenge neighbors neighborhood revenge homeowner neighborhood-drama bad neighbors neighborhood-stories petty revenge terrible neighbors Bad Neighbor neighbor - 22329349

'It was probably somewhere close to 300 lbs [of meat]': Neighbor dents dude's car, dude tricks him into giving him a freezer full of meat

Community is essential, serving to lift up and better the existence of the individual through the support of the group through mutual aid and assistance. Of course, there's an implication of trust involved when it comes to building community. The individuals involved need to exhibit a certain amount of altruism for mutualism to exist. Take, for example, two neighbors who have established trust and understanding. Rather than asking someone else to come and take care of their house while they're…
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neighbors neighborhood revenge homeowner neighborhood-drama bad neighbors neighborhood-stories petty revenge terrible neighbors Bad Neighbor neighbor - 22291205

'He made the mistake of loudly announcing his wifi password to his guests': Dude hijacks terrible neighbor's wifi to get even

Anyone who has ever been a guest in someone's home has danced the dance of trying to connect to their Wi-Fi. If you're staying at your friend's place, they're probably able to instantly automatically authenticate you onto their network or relay to you the easily memorable, catchy, quirky phrase they use as a password. However, if you're staying with an older relative like your parents or grandparents, it's highly likely they're not even sure what their password is since they haven't connected a…
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'The neighbor avoided them like a coward': Guy's property is repeatedly trespassed and damaged by neighbor's Airbnb guests

'The neighbor avoided them like a coward': Guy's property is repeatedly trespassed and damaged by neighbor's Airbnb guests

Where is an HOA when you actually need one? Of course, I'm being facetious when I write this because as we have seen so many times here at Fail Blog, HOAs can be treacherous. That being said, someone has to get this dude's neighbor kicked out of the community. Not only was he listing his place as an Airbnb, which is not against the rules of course but I wouldn't want to live next to one, but also he and his guests are consistently trespassing and damaging other people's property. It turns out,…
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karens neighbors neighborhood neighborhood-drama neighborhood-stories Bad Neighbor karen neighbor - 22079749

'[They] decided to [...] remove the fence': Karen goes on the offensive over damaged fence, guy removes it entirely

This Karen went on the offensive over a damaged fence, forcing her neighbor to take more drastic measures. A strong windstorm caused damage to a fence between two neighbors , this guy and his Karen neighbor. The insurance company wanted to wait until spring to repair it, but Karen didn't want to wait, so, she reported the damaged fence to the authorities to speed up the process. However, Karen had a hidden motive. She thought she could force the repairs to happen quickly, but she didn't know th…
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neighbors neighborhood neighborhood-drama bad neighbors neighborhood-stories terrible neighbors Bad Neighbor neighbor - 22064901

'They got hit with more fines': Dude takes on his terrible next-door neighbor's in all-out neighborhood battle

There's an old saying, that advises one to “keep their friends close, and their enemies closer." Without a doubt whoever came up with this clearly had no idea what they were on about… because having your enemies too close isn't much fun for anyone. Certainly, having your enemies residing directly next door to you permanently within arm's reach, is much too close, and if you find yourself in this situation, you'll find yourself also wishing that they were a little bit further away. Heck, even li…
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neighbors neighborhood neighborhood-drama bad neighbors neighborhood-stories terrible neighbors Bad Neighbor - 21774341

'They shut up very quickly': Dude gets revenge on partying neighbors by recording and playing their gossiping conversations back to them

I live in an apartment downtown of a capital. It’s still fairly quiet as the bedroom side of it faces the little port we share with our neighbours instead of the street. Well.. it WAS quiet until our shitty neighbours moved in. They own a dog that barks desperately all the time, and two annoying little girls that literally scream bloody murder outside in the port in the mornings, just screaming as loud as they can, seemingly for fun, and nobody stops them until we shout out the window for them…
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'Neighbors want us to alter our property': Karen builds gaudy 3+ story house, complains that she can see into neighbor's cottage

'Neighbors want us to alter our property': Karen builds gaudy 3+ story house, complains that she can see into neighbor's cottage

What kind of neighbor complains about a problem that they fully started? Unfortunately, this seems to be an all-too-common occurrence. This Redditor and her husband had been living in a family-owned cottage for over ten years that included a private outside shower that they would occasionally use after a swim or an especially hard day of work. This was never a problem with anyone else in the neighborhood, as they probably didn't even know about it. However, when a Karen moved in next door, she…
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neighbors neighborhood revenge neighborhood-drama bad neighbors neighborhood-stories petty revenge terrible neighbors Bad Neighbor neighbor - 21931781

'I returned the favor': Worst neighbor ever steals dude's stuff, dude tricks the police give him the theif's stuff too

Having terrible neighbors is never fun—as we've covered many times… Noisy, inconsiderate, selfish neighbors make the barest existence unmanageable as it is, but when you have neighbors who are properly messing with your property, even going as far as to steal from you… that is crossing some serious lines. You'd hope that it would never come to this, as when things get this bad this close to home, there's no way no one is walking away without any proverbial bruises. And unless the offenses are d…
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