
Bad Neighbor

hoa neighbors malicious compliance neighborhood neighborhood-drama petty revenge fines landscape entitled Bad Neighbor Reddit oddly satisfying - 24606213

'Neighbor said it wasn't any of the city's business what he did to his yard': Entitled homeowner faces heavy fines for outrageous landscaping despite neighbors warnings

This entitled neighbor had some extreme plans for his landscaping, which included removing massive trees, constructing a 10-foot fence, and leveling the ground extensively. However, his actions did not sit well with his neighbors, the HOA, or even city officials. Despite receiving multiple warnings from his well-meaning next-door neighbors, he refused to consider their advice, believing that his entitlement gave him the right to do as he pleased. Little did he know that his next-door neighbor...
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‘You don’t own this street': Demanding neighbors claim ownership of neighborhood parking, man parks a broken-down car in front of their house for 6 months straight as payback

‘You don’t own this street': Demanding neighbors claim ownership of neighborhood parking, man parks a broken-down car in front of their house for 6 months straight as payback

Living in an area with little to no parking spaces can get extremely frustrating very fast. Having to wander around the street for 15 minutes after work just to find a parking space, which is usually at least another five-minute walk back to your home, is a routine none of us want to go through. That obviously leads to people sometimes parking in front of other people's houses, simply because that is the only free space they managed to find. Now, I get that this could be annoying for the people…
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hoa neighbors parking space parking lot parking ticket neighborhood revenge parking drama homeowner neighborhood-drama bad neighbors neighborhood-stories parking stories petty revenge terrible neighbors Bad Neighbor neighbor - 24497157

Homeowner writes scathing note to HOA Karen who tried to tow their car from in front of their own home: 'She called the cops on me'

Constant proximity to other people—without any recourse or avenues for escape—is maddening. I guarantee, if you were locked in a room, even with your favorite person in the world, it wouldn't take long (and even less time than you'd think) before you'd grow sick of the sight of them and tired of the sound of their voice, wishing their mouth would stay shut every time they breathed. Say now, that you don't even like this person. Worse yet, you have your entire life savings and livelihood investe…
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hoa neighbors neighborhood homeowner neighborhood-drama bad neighbors neighborhood-stories terrible neighbors Bad Neighbor neighbor - 23990789

Neighbor's relationship freezes (along with their driveway) over plowing dispute: 'Some people be super lazy'

In rural areas, it's not uncommon to have long individual or shared driveways that aren't serviced by public services, instead being completely up to the owner/s to maintain. This can present some tricky situations for the unprepared in areas that regularly or irregularly receive heavy snowfall, where they might wake up one morning and find themselves unable to leave their home.
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'You reap what you sow': Resident trashes neighbor's garden, neighbor returns the favor with an upgrade, planting bamboo to overrun their property

'You reap what you sow': Resident trashes neighbor's garden, neighbor returns the favor with an upgrade, planting bamboo to overrun their property

We look forward to the time when we can afford to live alone. At last, we have space, privacy, and a plethora of other wonderful amenities that we wouldn't have believed possible in our twenties. But as we usually emphasize here, maintaining a cordial relationship with your neighbors is crucial. Lousy neighbors have the power to either make or break an apartment complex experience. However, what would happen if your neighbor considered your garden to be their own private dump? Is it possible to…
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‘Free laundry it is…’: Tenant settles the score with entitled landlord after landlord refuses to fix flat and continues to charge a monthly maintenance fee

‘Free laundry it is…’: Tenant settles the score with entitled landlord after landlord refuses to fix flat and continues to charge a monthly maintenance fee

It's critical that you and your landlord get along. Maintaining a positive relationship with your landlord could make or break the rest of your stay at that specific apartment complex. But what if, in spite of all your hard efforts, your landlord still considers you offensive? In the story below, a furious tenant recounts how he's devised the perfect scheme to exact revenge on his entitled landlord. For context, let me say that OP and his partner recently moved into a new apartment building, bu…
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'I'll never live in an HOA again': 20+ homeowners who were completely manipulated by their HOAs

'I'll never live in an HOA again': 20+ homeowners who were completely manipulated by their HOAs

There are some institutions in this world whose sole purpose in life is to be a nuisance to you. A few types of organizations come to mind when rounding out this list. The Department of Motor Vehicles is one. Whoever processes or doesn't properly process your insurance claims also qualifies as a worthy contender. But nine times out of ten, the most common organization people take issue with is their local homeowners association. According to these folks who shared their memorable HOA horror sto…
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‘I’m very busy and very important’: 20+ adult temper tantrums from entitled Karens, neighbors, and coworkers

‘I’m very busy and very important’: 20+ adult temper tantrums from entitled Karens, neighbors, and coworkers

Just like Peter Pan, some folks will never grow up. Sure, the idea of what it means to be a grown-up is mainly shaped by societal expectations. For instance, what do you mean I can’t have Pop-Tarts for breakfast or Pop-Tarts for dinner or Pop-Tarts at all times? Since I am technically an adult somehow, shouldn’t I be allowed to do whatever I want at this point? Clearly, many of us suffer from some form of arrested development. However, when these folks did not get what they wanted, they really…
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storm entitlement freezing malicious compliance neighborhood-drama petty revenge karens in the wild winter Bad Neighbor karen entitled people - 24042757

'Your wife was intending to destroy my water lines during a winter storm': Several neighbors discover the neighborhood Karen is freezing pipes overnight, leaving them without running water

In a quiet neighborhood, there's a strange story about a neighbor who's a bit of a Karen, but not the loud type. Instead of causing a scene in public, she sneaks around at night, quietly planning her revenge. That is, until her neighbor caught her on video, promoting the OP to file a police report against her. Once the word got out in the neighborhood, it was soon revealed that the OP wasn't the only one dealing with Karen's mysterious actions. It turns out she's been sneaking around to...
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'You've messed with the wrong guy...': New guy on block gets back at entitled neighbor for confiscating his chickens by calling HOA

'You've messed with the wrong guy...': New guy on block gets back at entitled neighbor for confiscating his chickens by calling HOA

It's important to keep a friendly relationship with your neighbors. Depending on how you play your cards, they could either be your greatest ally or your worst enemy. However, what would happen if your neighbor turned out to be the devil dressed like an angel? This is the story of the new guy on the block. OP moved to a new, developing neighborhood with his lady love. They were ecstatic about starting a new chapter in their lives and moving to their new home. However, things changed when the un…
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hoa neighbors parking space parking lot malicious compliance parking ticket neighborhood revenge parking drama homeowner neighborhood-drama bad neighbors neighborhood-stories parking stories petty revenge terrible neighbors Bad Neighbor neighbor - 23900677

'She couldn't get it out': Lazy neighbor pays the ice when her car gets snowed over after stealing her neighbors' already cleared spots

In stories, when a character has done something wrong or displays a glaring personality flaw, there's generally a direct price that is played at some point in the story, usually soon thereafter. In life, there are relatively few times when the lesson or moral to the story of your wrongful actions is quite so clear. No, usually, we get away with being generally lazy, cruel, entitled, or plain old wrong for far too long before that karmic pendulum swings back in our direction… sometimes, we may e…
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'I'm never touching your truck again': Neighborly ritual goes wrong, leading to resident's refusal to assist his neighbor after a snowstorm

'I'm never touching your truck again': Neighborly ritual goes wrong, leading to resident's refusal to assist his neighbor after a snowstorm

Keeping a cordial relationship with your neighbors is vital. It's the kind of connection where I scratch your back and you scratch mine. You don't have to be best buddies who hang out 24/7, but at the very least, you should be considerate of them. The story below is an account of a frustrated and petty neighbor. This man is one of the nicest people I've ever heard of, so don't let his current status fool you. I would stop at nothing to have him as a neighbor. It was a wintry, stormy night when…
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hoa neighbors neighborhood homeowner neighborhood-drama bad neighbors neighborhood-stories terrible neighbors Bad Neighbor neighbor - 23710469

'It's the little things...': Woman gets back at terrible neighbor by setting early morning alarm while she's away

It's incredible how easily a loud noise for a short duration at an inappropriate time can drive even the most level-headed person to madness… Now, I'm not claiming any sort of enlightenment or monkhood, but I'd like to think I'm a reasonable sort of guy. However, waking up in the early hours of the morning to my neighbor's car radio blasting at an unnecessarily loud volume while he's warming up his car is enough to make my blood boil. Dude, you're not even in the car. Do you really need to be a…
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'Did you forget that 2 weeks literally told us we were going to love the party?': Entitled neighbors don't invite couple to Christmas party after talking about it for 6 months, instead asked them to babysit their kids

'Did you forget that 2 weeks literally told us we were going to love the party?': Entitled neighbors don't invite couple to Christmas party after talking about it for 6 months, instead ask them to babysit

What does 'being neighborly' mean to you? Does it mean you actually become friends with your neighbors, or is it just a pretend friendship to keep things cordial, as you're forced to live next to each other for the unforeseeable future? I guess it depends on the kind of neighbors you get stuck with. Well, this couple thought they were actually becoming close friends with their new neighbors until they received this unexpected blow right before their annual Christmas party.
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spiders hoa neighbors neighborhood homeowner neighborhood-drama bad neighbors neighborhood-stories terrible neighbors Bad Neighbor neighbor - 2287111

'I collect tarantulas': Neighbor steals woman's package and gets a huge eight-legged surprise

No spiders were harmed in the telling of this story… A lot of people don't like spiders, and it makes sense; what's not horrifying about something with many legs and too many eyes, complete with a set of monstrous fangs—lurking in the dark corners of our homes with watchful eyes as they guard their clutches that will soon spawn thousands more of them. Further, we've given spiders a place of sheer horror in popular culture, depicting a cartoonish lust for our demise and solidifying their place a…
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'He orders food all the time': Lazy dude orders food to neighbor's address at all hours of the day, neighbor claps back

'He orders food all the time': Lazy dude orders food to neighbor's address at all hours of the day, neighbor claps back

What would you do if your neighbor kept using your address for food deliveries? For me, the answer is simple. Once is a total accident. Twice is allowed. If it happens more than three times, you have the right to eat that food yourself, especially if they are fully aware of their mistake at this point. In this scenario, we have a neighbor who lives in the basement of a nearby building and who decided that it was more convenient for him to set his delivery address as that of this Redditor, who s…
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