
bad jokes

Bad jokes are the worst jokes that came full circle and became good jokes.

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'He doesn't make as much as us real engineers': Entitled friends mock guy's career, so he picks up their hefty dinner tab

At the end of the day, you can't accurately gauge someone's income solely based on their job title. Salaries can fluctuate significantly across different industries. So, never think you're better than anyone because you assume you make more money than them. This lesson hit home when a group of entitled friends decided to mock their acquaintance for being an agricultural engineer, dismissing it as not a "real" engineering profession. Throughout their group dinner with their families, they belitt…
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"It included how much he could bench': 25 employers share what applicants put on their resume that immediately disqualified them

Tailoring your resume when applying for a job can be intimidating. What is the hiring manager looking for? Are all of your bullet points from your job three years ago still relevant? Should you include that skill that you're really good at but doesn't really pertain to the role? All of these questions can make you second-guess yourself over and over, especially if you really want the gig . Well, there should be a clear line on things that aren't acceptable to include, like your Tinder profile,…
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'I said her roasted chicken tasted like cardboard': Woman shocks husband by refusing to cook for him after he tries to look cool in front of his friends

'I said her roasted chicken tasted like cardboard': Woman shocks husband by refusing to cook for him after he tries to look cool in front of his friends

This couple's relationship is on the rocks after the husband insulted his wife to seem cool. They say that the things you treasure most in your loved one, like the way they joke around or the way they put their family members first, might one day become the traits that annoy you the most. Maybe your significant other is close with their parents, and someday that may put you in the middle of all their disputes. This husband clearly has a jokey sense of humor that his wife probably loved when the…
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'I was working for free': Contractor paints a curse word on his friend's wall in paint primer, outraged spouse demands an apology

'I was working for free': Contractor paints a curse word on his friend's wall in paint primer, outraged spouse demands an apology

When you're with your friends, someone is bound to play a practical joke or poke fun at one of the group members. It's just how it works. But what if the friend's spouse isn't on board and takes a joke to heart? And then your friend takes their spouse's side? That's exactly what happened to this OP when his petty joke went a little too far.
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Dad jokes, terrible and clever puns

Terrible and Wonderful Puns Worthy Of Any Dad

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21 Dad Jokes In Honor Of Father's Day

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41 Dad Jokes so Funny They'll Make Your Dad Say "Hi Laughing, I'm Dad"

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bad jokes that are technically correct

27 Unapologetically Bad (Good) Puns to Bring out the Dad in You

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23 Dadtastic Jokes and Moments That Go Father Than Ever Before

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25 Funny Signs That Give Dad Jokes a Run for Their Money

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11 Skyrim Dad Jokes So Terrible They're Actually Pretty Funny

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Ridiculous Bad Jokes That Will Make You Facepalm Hard

27 Ridiculous Dad Jokes That Will Make You Facepalm Hard

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bad jokes ridiculous dad jokes guaranteed to make you shake your head and instant facepalm.

25 Dad Jokes That'll Make You Shake Your Head and Instant Facepalm

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Funny Sign Literally Has Jokes For Days

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bad jokes that are so bad they are good | Person -  does joke become dad joke becomes apparent.

29 Bad Jokes That Are Actually The Best Jokes

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20 Dad Jokes So Potent They Will Make You Become A Father

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