bad bosses

europe salary boss shift workplace-stories jobs manager job bosses work coworkers hours workplace overtime bad bosses - 22511365

'I have to stop you right here... My day is over': Salaried bank worker starts working stricter hours after bosses criticize them for leaving ten minutes early

'His old workplace suddenly had a lot of vacancies': Construction CEO replaces company leader for his work performance, leader poaches CEO's employees for his own new business

'His old workplace suddenly had a lot of vacancies': Construction CEO replaces company leader for his work performance, leader poaches CEO's employees for his own new business

'She told me I could NEVER tell a customer the store was closing': Retail employee works all night long after manager tells them to never tell customers to leave

'She told me I could NEVER tell a customer the store was closing': Retail employee works all night long after manager tells them to never tell customers to leave

'Sorry Amanda, I'm just following orders': Video store employee leaves boss stuck in elevator after she won't let him leave the floor "under any circumstances"

'Sorry Amanda, I'm just following orders': Video store employee leaves boss stuck in elevator after she forbids him from leaving the floor "under any circumstances"

'Printed the proof... and walked straight out': 20+ People who quit their jobs on the spot

'Printed the proof... and walked straight out': 20+ People who quit their jobs on the spot

'Boss threw out 7+ years of employee files': 25+ Employees with completely nonsensical bosses

'Boss threw out 7+ years of employee files... because she hated paper': 25+ Employees with completely nonsensical bosses

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'Sometimes justice works': Under-the-table employee gets payback when his boss shorts him 60% of his paycheck for ‘bad behavior', accidentally uncovering a whole slew of illegal business practices that send the boss to prison

'My boss has... to deal with a pile of clothes on his desk': Dress code obsessed boss gives employees t-shirts, then changes dress code again

'My boss has... to deal with a pile of clothes on his desk': Dress code obsessed boss gives employees t-shirts, then changes dress code again

'I quit at the register on Black Friday': 20+ People who got back at their bosses before quitting

'I quit at the register on Black Friday': 20+ People who got back at their bosses before joyfully quitting

'News of Shannon's self-firing raced through the building': Assistant director investigates 'untouchable' employee's performance

'News of Shannon's self-firing raced through the building': Assistant director investigates 'untouchable' employee's performance

'I can still access the account': Social media manager keeps 'working' after being replaced by unpaid teenager

'They may have fired me, but I can still access the account': Social media manager keeps 'working' after being replaced by unpaid teenager

'Our boss had banned... birthday celebrations': 30+ "Cool" companies that didn't live up to the hype

'Our boss had banned... birthday celebrations': 30+ "Cool" companies that turned out to be cringy and toxic

'I deleted all my documents': Non-profit employee quits after starting two-part plan

'I deleted all my documents': Non-profit employee quits after starting two-part plan, then the non-profit blames them for plan's failure

'[The restaurant] lost 4 cooks on Super Bowl Sunday': 20 Workplaces whose employees banded together and quit en masse

'[The restaurant] lost 4 cooks on Super Bowl Sunday': 20 Workplaces whose employees banded together and quit en masse

'[I] automated my boss out of her job': Boss sneaks out of work to have an affair, employee automates every task she does

'[I] automated my useless boss out of her job': Boss sneaks out of work to have an affair, employee automates every task she does

'He 100% agreed': Employee gets even with boss who contacted him during paternity leave

'He 100% agreed': Employee snaps on boss who contacts him during family leave