
AskReddit is a popular subreddit on Reddit that allows any user to post interesting questions for anyone to answer, often generating funny discussion threads. These are their stories. 

askreddit mild inconveniences

32 People Share The Mild Inconveniences That Drive Them Crazy

askreddit thread about ways companies eff their customers, nestle ceo saying water should be privatized

35 Times Companies Flipped Their Customers The Middle Finger With Jerk Moves

predicting only 12 people will show up to storm area 51

19 People Share Their Predictions For What Will Happen With "Storm Area 51" Event

story about coworkers acting like monkeys

24 People Share The Craziest Stuff They've Seen Happen At Work

askreddit, pawn shop, shopping, helpful, advice

20 Pawn Shop Employees Describe Things People Think Are Valuable But Are Worthless

askreddit thread about parents of bullies

25 Parents Of Bullies Share When They Realized Their Kids Were Bullies

askreddit about drive thru - customer service, fast food, animals, monkeys, weird, wtf, funny, awkward

20 Drive Thru Workers Share The Weirdest Things They've Seen In Someone's Car

wholesome askreddit about long lost love

AskReddit Users Respond With Their Wholesome Stories Of Lost Love

introvert working as cashier

Introverts Share The Most Inconvenient Times Their Social Batteries Ran Out

prorevenge reddit story

Two Fitness Bullies In Spin Class Throw Shade And Lose Jobs In Tactical Revenge

uber driver giving ride to a magician

18 Taxi/Uber/Lyft Drivers Share Their Most Interesting Situations On The Job

Dumb things people did for love

20+ Of The Dumbest Things People Have Done In The Pursuit Of Love

askreddit list of things guys like that are girly

19 Typically Girly Things That Dudes Enjoy

askreddit about purgatory

34 People Share How They'd Make Purgatory Uncomfortable And Enjoyable

tales from prison

10+ Ex Cons Share The Most Messed Up Things About Prison That Nobody Knows About


10+ Things Americans Genuinely Do Better Than The Rest Of The World